Author Topic: Banding in FBN characters  (Read 1941 times)

Offline Ammian

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Banding in FBN characters
« on: October 25, 2010, 12:48:53 PM »
Not to be annoying or anything...
I have 4 new questions (I will be doing one per topic this time).
Again, thanks for your patience.  I'm still figuring out this game.

Quick general question:
If Jephthah and Chloe are banded in at the same time using the Second Seal, which one's ability activates first?  This obviously matters, as it determines the card I draw or discard.

Thanks.  I put that in here because it relates to the three sub-questions.
This first question will be divided into three sub-questions (as indicated by →).

→Say I send out Jacob and use his ability to band to Strong Angel (FBN).  Does that work, or does Strong Angel prevent the banding?
♦Likewise, if I use Siege and Foul Spirit bands in (or some other FBN character like Strong Angel), is Siege interrupted and prevented?
♦If so, when does that happen?  I know from the rules that once a character is brought in through banding, the card that banded them in does not have to stick around for them to stay in the battle.  Do the characters who were banded in before the FBN character was brought in stay in?  If so, what's the order in which characters are banded in (since it would matter now)?

→Also, when do the special abilities of characters who have banded in activate?
♦If I use SS (Second Seal) to band in Jephthah, when does his ability activate?  If it activates immediately, that means I could get rid of two evil characters in my opponent's territory who would otherwise be able to band in.  Or does it activate after all characters have banded in?
♦If it does activate after all characters have banded in, would that likewise be the case with an FBN, or are FBN characters different because they interrupt?
♦Also, if it activates immediately, would Jephthah's ability activating give the opponent initiative?  For instance:
☼Let's say the opponent has enough numbers on their evil characters to be trouncing you, should SS be pulled off.  Thus, they do not have initiative.
☼But wait!  Jephthah comes in, his ability activates, and two of those demons hit the road.  Would the opponent now have initiative to play an interrupt card and prevent SS?  If so, how would that work?  Would it be partly interrupted?
♦What if King Sennacherib bearing 2kH comes in?  Does he get to play an interrupt?
☼And what if he then plays Torn Mantle?
☼Or what if I Am Patience was used earlier to convert him (with the 2kH already on him), and he belongs to the player using SS (and thus bands in)?  If he plays Creation of the World, does that resolve before SS does, since SS is being interrupted?  I would assume so.  So then, if that is the case, can FBN characters affect Creation of the World played through 2kH, assuming it happened before their abilities activated?
☼(Yes, this happens.  Green + Red + Silver = Search + Wheel Within a Wheel + Michael.  It's a great brigade combo.  I convert Sennacherib bearing 2kH to a hero all the time, which is also allowed.)

→Say I send out Jacob and band to Strong Angel.  If Strong Angel does prevent the banding, would he not also prevent special abilities on other character cards?  That is, if Jacob is facing Red Dragon, and tries to band in Strong Angel, would SA also prevent Red Dragon's ability?  If so, would it stay prevented, or "reactivate" somehow?  (I doubt it would reactivate, but I'm wondering if it would be negated in the first place).

Thanks for your time and energy,
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Re: Banding in FBN characters
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2010, 12:52:42 PM »
Whichever enters battle first. If done by a card like Second Seal or Siege, you choose who you want to enter.

TSA negates the band, and Jacob is left in battle, but the battle is still FBTN.

Offline Ammian

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Re: Banding in FBN characters
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2010, 01:35:32 PM »
Really?  Odd.  You mean future enhancements are interrupted too?

Also, I was still wondering about the order of characters when a FBN character will eventually be banded in and when the abilities of characters can activate.  Can Jephthah's ability activate and get rid of Foul Spirit before Foul Spirit enters battle?  If Jephthah chooses two other characters, and Foul Spirit enters battle, is Jephthah's ability negated?  And what about the Sennacherib scenario (or partial negation of SS)?

Thank you,
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Re: Banding in FBN characters
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2010, 01:47:41 PM »
Too many questions, too quickly...

Jephthah discards before the block, so Foul Spirit can be discarded before he can try to negate.

Foul Spirit would negate Jephthah's ability if Jephthah did not discard Foul Spirit. Jephthah's ability would not be conisdered "used" and could still be activated again next turn (if he survives).

I don't know Sennacherib's SA. You need to post abilities in order for people to help you properly.
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Re: Banding in FBN characters
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2010, 03:21:15 PM »
Really?  Odd.  You mean future enhancements are interrupted too?

Also, I was still wondering about the order of characters when a FBN character will eventually be banded in and when the abilities of characters can activate.  Can Jephthah's ability activate and get rid of Foul Spirit before Foul Spirit enters battle?  If Jephthah chooses two other characters, and Foul Spirit enters battle, is Jephthah's ability negated?  And what about the Sennacherib scenario (or partial negation of SS)?

Thank you,
Not interrupted, prevented. But abilities don't work.

YMT is correct about Jephthah (heh, people actually are spelling him correctly).

Anybody can play the next enhancement with 2K Horses, it doesn't have to be the bearer of 2KH.

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Re: Banding in FBN characters
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2010, 11:42:43 PM »
Okay then...

I could play Second Seal, band in, say, six of my heroes, and the last of the six heroes I band in is TSA, then the banding party is over and none of my opponent's baddies get to band in?

I'm still very confused on this...

Thanks for answering some of the questions already (I'm clear on Jephthah),
"Peace is not the absence of fear, but the presence of God." -Chris Vroon


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Re: Banding in FBN characters
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2010, 11:43:49 PM »
TSA would negate the ability to band, so it'd be FBTN and just the first hero in battle.

Offline Ammian

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Re: Banding in FBN characters
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2010, 11:53:32 PM »
Ah ...well that stinks ...guess I'm keeping Foul Spirit in my KotW next time I play Siege.

Thanks for the info!

God bless you for satisfying my query,
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Re: Banding in FBN characters
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2010, 05:21:05 PM »
FYI, you can band to Foul Spirit with a Cannot be Negated Band (i.e. TexP Gomer, who also happens to be brown brigade).
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Re: Banding in FBN characters
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2010, 11:22:55 PM »
I prefer crimson Gomer.  She's much more pulchritudinous lame as a card.  Yep.  Thanks for the info, though.
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Re: Banding in FBN characters
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2010, 10:40:02 AM »
And Unknown Nation, or the Lost Soul that if placed in a site allows a face down evil character there to enter battle, would both allow you to add a FBTN evil character to the battle, correct?

Offline Ammian

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Re: Banding in FBN characters
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2010, 01:14:39 PM »
That's a great question.  What would happen in the case of that lost soul or Fortify Site?

Also, if I used Three Angels to band in Captain of the Host, could the opponent use Treachery of Jezebel to prevent it, or would Captain of the Host prevent their Treachery of Jezebel?

"Peace is not the absence of fear, but the presence of God." -Chris Vroon


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Re: Banding in FBN characters
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2010, 01:25:37 PM »
That's a great question.  What would happen in the case of that lost soul or Fortify Site?

Also, if I used Three Angels to band in Captain of the Host, could the opponent use Treachery of Jezebel to prevent it, or would Captain of the Host prevent their Treachery of Jezebel?

Captain would prevent it.


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Re: Banding in FBN characters
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2010, 01:26:41 PM »
Ah ...well that stinks ...guess I'm keeping Foul Spirit in my KotW next time I play Siege.

Thanks for the info!

God bless you for satisfying my query,

If you play siege on korah, the banding CBN and you can bring in foul spirit and it will be FBTN. An old but nasty brown banding combo.  :)

Korah (Pa)
Type: Evil Char. • Brigade: Brown • Ability: 4 / 5 • Class: None • Special Ability: Evil banding enhancements cannot be prevented or negated this battle. • Play As: Evil banding enhancements cannot be negated this battle. • Identifiers: OT Male Human • Verse: Numbers 16: 4-5 • Availability: Patriarchs booster packs (Rare)


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