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The Field of Play is where the cards are located on the playing surface. Areas of the Field ofPlay include the Field of Battle, territory, Artifact piles, and Land of Bondage. The Field ofPlay does not include the draw piles, discard piles, banish piles, Reserves, set-aside areas,Land of Redemption and the players’ hands.
Abilities default to play but do conditions?
An ability is a set of sentences with connected effects within a special ability. The effects may beconnected by a common target or set of targets, by being paired with a previous effect or by aneffect needing information about the target(s) of a previous effect. An ability targets the cards itseffects target.
A modifier is part of a special ability that modifies abilities or effects. Modifiers are notthemselves abilities, but alter the behavior of abilities or effects. Whether a modifier targets anability or effect depends on the type of modifier. ...[ ] ...A modifier may have one or more conditions included as part of the modifier.
Conditional Phrases and Ability ClassesEach phrase that is checking the game state or for events is associated with one or more types ofabilities:• “If [event]” or “when [event]” is an ongoing check for that event to happen, and indicatesa triggered effect.• Any phrase that indicates a specific time (“after battle”, “on return”, “each upkeep”) anongoing check for that event, and indicates a triggered effect.• “If [game state]” is an immediate check of the game state, and indicates an immediateeffect or a modifier.• “While [game state]” or “during [game state]” is an ongoing check of the game state, andindicates 1) an activated effect if there is an optional instant effect, 2) an instant effectwith a duration if there is a mandatory instant effect, or 3) an ongoing effect or modifierthat updates its targeting or status as the status of the condition changes.• “At any time” and “when holder chooses” are ongoing checks of the game state andindicate an ability with an activated effect.• An optional instant effect with a usage limit other than a per game usage limit is anactivated effect that can be activated as long as the usage limit has not been met in thespecified timeframe.• X defined in an identifier is an ongoing check of the game state, and is updating the valueof X as it changes, if applicable. X defining a number of targets is static when the targetsare declared, X defining a value that targets have is dynamic and updates as X changes.• “... unless [game state]” is a check of the game state that matches the type of effect ormodifier it follows - ongoing for ongoing, instant for instant.Ongoing checks of the game state are fluid and can update the effects of the abilities they are partof even while other effects are resolving, but any activated effects cannot be activated until noeffects are resolving. Ongoing checks for events cannot activate the triggered effect until noeffects are activating or completing.If any ongoing check of the game state ceases to be true for any reason, then the activated effectcan no longer be activated, the duration of an instant effect ends, or the ongoing effect ormodifier ceases to be active.
An effect is part of an ability that acts upon a target. Targets are usually cards, abilities, orplayers.
The default locations of targets for effects are as follows:Activate an Artifact: Hand or Artifact pileAdd to Battle, Band, Choose Opponent, Present: In a territory or handChange Hand Size, Restrict: A playerDraw: Top of deckEnd the Battle: Current battleEquip: Enhancements in hand and characters in playInterrupt, Negate, Prevent: Abilities on cards in play......