Author Topic: Are these Side battle cards  (Read 958 times)

Offline crustpope

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Are these Side battle cards
« on: August 03, 2009, 08:52:22 PM »
I know they are fight each other cards, but I dont think they are side battle cards.  Basically what i really want to know is, in this battle, can I choose to control the rescuing hero while I give them a different hero to control.  It doenst say that they get to retain control of their own hero (unless there is some wierd game rule I am not privy to)  Basically my question is this.  Can I play Christians suing one another and give them one of my heros to control while I control their hero  in battle while this enhancement completes?

Also, what happens to my EC?  does it retreat to territory?  and if their hero wins (which I am pretty sure wont happen if I get things my way  ;) ) does that mean that they win the rescue since the EC had to withdraw from battle? (assuming these arent side battle cards of course)

Idle Gossip
Type: Evil Enh. • Brigade: Grey • Ability: None • Class: None • Special Ability: Holder chooses a Hero in play to fight the rescuing Hero. The loser is discarded. • Identifiers: None • Verse: I Timothy 5:13

Christians Suing One another
Type: Evil Enh. • Brigade: Crimson • Ability: None • Class: None • Special Ability: Holder interrupts the battle and chooses a Hero in play to fight the rescuing Hero. The loser is discarded. • Identifiers: None • Verse: I Corinthians 6:6
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Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: Are these Side battle cards
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2009, 08:58:53 PM »
They're side battle cards, with the restriction that one character in the side battle has to be one of the rescuing heroes.

Offline Ehud Cubed

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Re: Are these Side battle cards
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2009, 09:01:11 PM »
The REG says that the character already in battle is controlled by the player who placed it battle. (i.e. the rescuing player retains control of the rescuing hero)

Also, the EC does not withdraw, the RA is suspended for the side battle. If the rescuing hero wins, then the RA continues as normal with the same EC. If the rescuing hero loses the side battle, then the block is successful since there is no longer a hero in battle. (assuming this is a single hero RA)
« Last Edit: August 03, 2009, 09:05:02 PM by Ehud Cubed »
Me: So a key card in my T2 deck is a common?
SirNobody: Worse, an Angel Wars common.

Offline crustpope

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Re: Are these Side battle cards
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2009, 09:04:48 PM »
The REG says that the character already in battle is controlled by the player who placed it battle. (i.e. the rescuing player retains control of the rescuing hero)

Really?  is that just for these cards or is that a rule in general for all side battles?  because I have often chosen to take their EC/hero and make them fight with one of mine.  have I been doing it wrong?
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Offline Ehud Cubed

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Re: Are these Side battle cards
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2009, 09:08:50 PM »
I guess re-reading the REG entry pointed out that you can choose one of the rescuing heroes only if both were in the field of battle when the side battle was initiated. (i.e. banding)
Me: So a key card in my T2 deck is a common?
SirNobody: Worse, an Angel Wars common.


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