thx, that is helpful. I would definitely like to know what the resolution is on Ambush the City since playing it with BBTN is a very likely scenario. As for Reheboam...
Assume that the opponent never gets initiative to play in the side battle. When it returns to the original battle they could play something to negate Reheboam (and thus indirectly negate In the Clouds) like Blessings, right? But if Reheboam is no longer in play then they can't negate him with that, right? So what options does that leave the opponent to negate In the Clouds? The only thing I can think of that the opponent would legally be able to play is an interrupt the battle card but that won't negate or stop ItCs. It would help them if they used it to band in another hero but I can't think of anything else.
I just want to make sure I'm correctly understanding the situation here.