Cactus Web Site special offer: Orders over $75 will receive a free Angel of God 2023 National Promo card while supplies last.
With an REG update on the way, there are a few issues I wanted to bring up.A) What happens when Gomer (Crimson) bands to Ananias and Sapphira? I first posted this question over 7 years ago and I still don't have a clear answer. Is it just Gomer in battle? Do cannot-be-negated cards still stick some how? Do negates still have to cascade in defiants of logic and simplicity, rather than just cancel abilities individually?B) Haman's Plot and multiple decks. At least three T1-2P national winners I can remember used 3 or more copies of the same deck for Haman's Plot. I think it is clearly a loop whole that one needs to check in 3 same/similar decks to effectively use said powerful card. Such a loop whole could be closed by limiting Haman's Plot use to 1 use per tournament (5 in the case of Type 2), or simply allowing players to replace Haman's Plot after each game (which was briefly the case at one time).C) Scouring garbage for UPCs/TexP boxes. When I hear something rumbling through my trash can any more, I'm not sure if it's a raccoon or Tim Maly.
B) Haman's Plot and multiple decks. At least three T1-2P national winners I can remember used 3 or more copies of the same deck for Haman's Plot. I think it is clearly a loop whole that one needs to check in 3 same/similar decks to effectively use said powerful card. Such a loop whole could be closed by limiting Haman's Plot to 1 use per tournament (5 in the case of Type 2), or simply allowing players to replace Haman's Plot after each game (which was briefly the case at one time).
A) What happens when Gomer (Crimson) bands to Ananias and Sapphira? I first posted this question over 7 years ago and I still don't have a clear answer.
B) Haman's Plot and multiple decks... I think it is clearly a loop whole that one needs to check in 3 same/similar decks to effectively use said powerful card. Such a loop whole could be closed by limiting Haman's Plot to 1 use per tournament (5 in the case of Type 2), or simply allowing players to replace Haman's Plot after each game (which was briefly the case at one time).
I asked Rob at Nationals if the TexP UPCs should be saved for anything and he said that they were not redeemable for anything, so there's no need to save your TexP wrappers for anything other than building tall towers or making neck jewelry.Mike
However, just use the new and improved Gomer, JDS and it won't cause you such a headache there's no need to save your TexP wrappers for anything other than building tall towers or making neck jewelry.
With an REG update on the way, there are a few issues I wanted to bring up.C) Scouring garbage for UPCs/TexP boxes. When I hear something rumbling through my trash can any more, I'm not sure if it's a raccoon or Tim Maly.
The three-deck limit IS the closing of the loophole. At the national tournament prior to this ruling, someone made TEN identical decks and used them in each round of tournament play.