Author Topic: An odd Mayhem situation  (Read 845 times)

Offline DDiceRC

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An odd Mayhem situation
« on: October 12, 2011, 06:32:53 PM »
Setup: Player A vs. Player B. Both have 3 Redeemed Souls. PLayer A plays Mayhem. Both players shuffle and draw 6. Both players draw the SoG/NJ combo and play it. As I understand current rulings, "human actions" are not an issue, so it doesn't come down to who hit the table a split-second sooner. I see three possible rulings on the outcome:

1) Both players are responding to the previously played card, so both count. Score is tied 5-5.

2) Since Player A played Mayhem, he acts first in response to his own action. Player A wins 5-3.

3) (Most complicated, but oddly satisfying.) Counting from the top of their deck, players see who drew the combo first. That player wins 5-3. (This would be almost impossible to enforce, given that there's no mechanism to force players to count their draws, but it really does seem just. Of course, if they both made it on the same card that just pushes it back a step.)

This didn't quite come up in a game (one got the combo, the other NJ), but it got me thinking. This could also apply to SoG vs. SoG or the combo vs. SoG, which could affect winners and/or LS differentials.

I lean toward solution 1, since, with human actions expunged, both are responding with the same type of play to the same game "trigger" play. Has this ever been officially ruled?
Redemption Curmudgeon
"If we are out of our mind, it is for the sake of God..." (2 Cor. 5:13a)


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Re: An odd Mayhem situation
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2011, 06:35:43 PM »
the player who played mayhem is responding to his own action of playing mayhem, just like the person who is tapping the two liner gets to respond to their own action and bury it before the other player can play SOG/NJ

Situation 3 is impossible since you have to wait for Mayhem's ability to complete before playing SOG/NJ and part of that ability is to draw all 6 cards.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2011, 06:37:49 PM by lp670sv »

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: An odd Mayhem situation
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2011, 10:24:18 AM »
the player who played mayhem is responding to his own action of playing mayhem, just like the person who is tapping the two liner gets to respond to their own action and bury it before the other player can play SOG/NJ

Situation 3 is impossible since you have to wait for Mayhem's ability to complete before playing SOG/NJ and part of that ability is to draw all 6 cards.


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