Now that immunity (and to a greater extent, protection) from brigades is back in vogue with the AoG, (in addition to ignoring brigades, which has been in vogue for as long as most Redemption players can remember) I think it would be valuable to add some of the following situations to the FAQ section, so that people using or facing AoG decks know how to use/stop them. However, before that happens, I also want to make sure that everyone understands them the way I do.
If Character X is ignoring/immune to/protected from Brigade Y, what cards cannot affect X (assuming the immunity is never interrupted/negated)?
1. Characters with Y (regardless of any other brigades those characters have) cannot target or otherwise X.
2. Enhancements with Y (regardless of any other brigades those Enhancements have) cannot target or otherwise affect X, regardless of the brigades of the characters that played them.
3. Enhancements played by characters with Y (regardless of any other brigades those characters or Enhancements may have) cannot target or otherwise affect X.
4. Covenants/Curses with Y (regardless of any other brigades they have) cannot target or otherwise affect X.
1. My small Hero has Helmet of Salvation placed on him in territory (...Protected from black...). If I block with Philistine Diviners (Black/Pale Green, ...discard a Hero in his territory...) I cannot target the Hero with Helmet for the discard.
2. I attack with Lydia (White, ...may use purple Enhancements). My opponent blocks with Frog Demons (...immune to purple brigade). If I use Authority of Christ (Discard all Evil Characters) it cannot target Frog Demons.
3. I attack with Miriam (G), (Hero ignores gold brigade Evil Characters). My opponent blocks with Egyptian Magicians from hand and plays Invoking Terror (Underdeck a Hero...). The Enhancement cannot target Miriam.
4. I attack with Abiezer (Immune to crimson). Opponent blocks with a WC EC with Go Into Captivity active, I cannot use GiC to capture Abiezer.
Anyone have any questions, comments, disagreements? Will this be beneficial to have as an FAQ entry?