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Ignore does not only target the EC. It also targets the hero, similar to how immune and protect target the hero. Hero ignores females means a few things, kinda like this (this is very rough): "Hero can't be blocked by females. Hero is immune to females. Females are immune to the hero, but will lose the battle." Notice the first sentence is a "cannot be" ability, which is a protect ability. In rough terms, it is like "Hero is protected from being blocked by females." This ability targets the Hero, not the EC. Therefore, the EC need not be in play. Only the hero need be in play for the ignore ability to work.about NNFS: NNFS says "ignore an evil brigade in battle." That means you select a brigade in battle, and then ignore it.No Need for Spices can't work as a pre-block ignore, since there are no evil brigades in battle to choose from.Get it?
I just think its wierd how no other cards can impact cards in a players hand without specifying "opponents hand", yet ignore can.
How can you be protected from ignore, if ignore doesnt target you?
How does Household Idols work then? It's not being blocked... it's not even in battle. I would think HHI targets heroes.
HHI kinda protects the battle field from those heroes.
"Cannot be ignored" is kind of like "Cannot be negated," which is kind of like "Regardless of immunity." They all allow the card to work AS IF that ability were not there.
An ignore ability has four parts: (1) an Ignore special ability grants the ignoring card immunity to all cards being ignored and (2) the ignored cards immunity to the ignoring card. Additionally (3) Characters that are ignored and are not in battle cannot enter battle (you can not choose to bring them into battle and they cannot be targeted by an ability that would bring them into battle), and (4) characters that are ignored and are already in battle are treated as though they were not in battle for purposes of determining battle outcome.All ignore abilities are ongoing. Part one of an ignore ability targets the cards that gain the ignore status. Parts two and four target the cards that are ignored. Part three of an ignore ability has no target.
You cannot target something that is protected (e.g., a Hero in Goshen, etc).
Protect allows cards to be unaffected by specified special abilities and is related to cards that specify “cannot be” or “may not be” (see Cannot be in the glossary of the rulebook[p. 40]). Protected cards cannot be targeted for harm. Cards that protect give an ability like immune to the cards they protect (see Immune on page .
Cannot beThis is a protect ability.
The reason this is confusing is because, while "cannot be blocked by" is obviously worded as a protect ability, the grammar on ignore abilities makes it sound like it is targeting another card.
HHI, when originally printed, did NOT function as an ignore. ..."Have no effect" is kinda wonky when it appears on a card that is outside of battle, but it kinda "protects the field of battle" from having those characters step on it.
Cannot be negated is NOT protection. If it was protection, then it could be prevented.Cannot be negated is in a category separate from all other "cannot be" abilities."Cannot be" and "may not be" in every other instance is a protect, including "cannot be blocked by."
Cannot beThis is a protect ability. Cannot be taken prisoner, discarded, removed from the game, captured, or converted limits or protects the potential targets of the ability, just as ignore or immune or protect limits or protects the potential targets of the ability. For example, Elizabeth Elisabeths special ability, “cannot be taken prisoner,” could be understood as “immune to capture.” “Cannot be” does not “prevent” or “negate” anything. It only limits the potential targets of a special ability. An Evil Character blocking Elizabeth Elisabeth could still use Net to capture a Hero other than Elizabeth Elisabeth. Note: If the special ability of a card includes the words “cannot” or “may not” WITHOUT the word “be”, then this is a type of prevent. For instance, if a card states that Heroes may not band, this is not a protect, but a prevent because of the lack of the word” be”. Heroes would be PREVENTED from banding.
Say what?? I see nothing in the REG that says this.
How can "Cannot be Ignored" limit the targets of Ignore, if the ignore doesnt even target it?
Therefore, "cannot be ignored" must function as "The character can block regardless of ignore."