Author Topic: A new idea about Ignore  (Read 8309 times)


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Re: A new idea about Ignor
« Reply #25 on: January 29, 2010, 10:43:47 AM »
Ignore does not only target the EC.  It also targets the hero, similar to how immune and protect target the hero.  Hero ignores females means a few things, kinda like this (this is very rough): "Hero can't be blocked by females.  Hero is immune to females.  Females are immune to the hero, but will lose the battle."  Notice the first sentence is a "cannot be" ability, which is a protect ability.  In rough terms, it is like "Hero is protected from being blocked by females."  This ability targets the Hero, not the EC.  Therefore, the EC need not be in play.  Only the hero need be in play for the ignore ability to work.

about NNFS:  NNFS says "ignore an evil brigade in battle."  That means you select a brigade in battle, and then ignore it.

No Need for Spices can't work as a pre-block ignore, since there are no evil brigades in battle to choose from.

Get it?

No Need for Spices makes sense when you put it that way, but I still really dislike ignores stopping people in my hand from blocking. When you say it's sorta like "______ may not enter battle", doesn't it need to first target all _______ that it can to say "hey, you can't enter battle." Idk, I just think its wierd how no other cards can impact cards in a players hand without specifying "opponents hand", yet ignore can.

This isn't a random new thing for me... I've always disliked this since I first heard about it.  :P

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Re: A new idea about Ignor
« Reply #26 on: January 29, 2010, 10:50:08 AM »
I learned that the "can't enter battle" part of ignore doesn't really target characters when I learned that you couldn't be protected from it (for instance, via the Color Guard LS). The "virtual mutual immunity" part of ignore can be protected against, I believe though.
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Re: A new idea about Ignor
« Reply #27 on: January 29, 2010, 11:06:45 AM »
In answer to BubbleBoy... yes, Scarlet Line does still work.
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Re: A new idea about Ignor
« Reply #28 on: January 29, 2010, 01:14:26 PM »
I still think that "ignore" could be re-interpreted to include 2 things.

1 - Targeting the hero to say that it is protected from all blocking evil characters.
2 - Targeting ECs so that they can't enter battle.

The first part would mean that they still couldn't be hurt by players entering battle from hand (unless there was an interrupt).  But the second part would only target ECs that were in play, meaning that you could still block from hand.

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Re: A new idea about Ignor
« Reply #29 on: January 29, 2010, 01:59:55 PM »
Eve and Widow both say "Can't be blocked by..."

Those both target the hero, not the evil character.  "Can't be blocked by" is, by definition, the same as ignore.

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Re: A new idea about Ignor
« Reply #30 on: January 29, 2010, 02:46:39 PM »

I just think its wierd how no other cards can impact cards in a players hand without specifying "opponents hand", yet ignore can.

Lampstand of the Sanctuary and Darius' Decree both impact cards in a players hand without specifying "opponents hand" and neither of them are ignore abilities.


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Re: A new idea about Ignor
« Reply #31 on: January 29, 2010, 02:54:42 PM »
That doesnt count... because it DOES target the hand. It says anything that is not in battle, which includes your hand. Therefore it indirectly states it. Also, I thought DD targeted the opponent, stating they are not allowed to play X without Y.

Just saying ignore X without stating what targets are viable means it  should default to in play...  :-\

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Re: A new idea about Ignor
« Reply #32 on: January 29, 2010, 03:13:20 PM »
Hero ignores.  The target is the hero.

Protect from capture does not target capture abilites.  It targets the hero.
Immune to demons does not target demons.  It targets the hero.
Can't be blocked by */8 or higher does not target */8 or higher.  It targets the hero.


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Re: A new idea about Ignor
« Reply #33 on: January 29, 2010, 03:21:37 PM »
How does Household Idols work then? It's not being blocked... it's not even in battle. I would think HHI targets heroes.

You may say its a mere exception, but its a rather large exception if you ask me.

*EDIT* More things that make no sense to me:

The REG states that if you ignore a character that is immune to you, the battle results in a stalemate. Immune means that they cannot be targeted by abilities. Doesnt the stalemate mean that the ignore was not allowed to target the immune character?

Finally, We've started using the term "Cannot be ignored." Cannot be ____ means you are protected from that ability. How can you be protected from ignore, if ignore doesnt target you?
« Last Edit: January 29, 2010, 03:30:17 PM by Lamborghini_diablo »

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Re: A new idea about Ignor
« Reply #34 on: January 29, 2010, 03:30:38 PM »
Its not an exception, its how ignore is defined.

How can you be protected from ignore, if ignore doesnt target you?
I think there may be a valid point here.
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Re: A new idea about Ignor
« Reply #35 on: January 29, 2010, 04:22:07 PM »
How does Household Idols work then? It's not being blocked... it's not even in battle. I would think HHI targets heroes.
HHI kinda protects the battle field from those heroes.

"Cannot be ignored" is kind of like "Cannot be negated," which is kind of like "Regardless of immunity."  They all allow the card to work AS IF that ability were not there.



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Re: A new idea about Ignor
« Reply #36 on: January 29, 2010, 04:33:21 PM »
HHI kinda protects the battle field from those heroes.

What? lol. That doensn't make much sense...

"Cannot be ignored" is kind of like "Cannot be negated," which is kind of like "Regardless of immunity."  They all allow the card to work AS IF that ability were not there.

But, that doesnt change the fact that you state the "Cannot enter battle" part doesnt target ECs (defaulting to good ignores for simplicity of arguments). The "non-official" snippet of the new REG also states:

An ignore ability has four parts: (1) an Ignore special ability grants the ignoring card immunity to all cards being ignored and (2) the ignored cards immunity to the ignoring card. Additionally (3) Characters that are ignored and are not in battle cannot enter battle (you can not choose to bring them into battle and they cannot be targeted by an ability that would bring them into battle), and (4) characters that are ignored and are already in battle are treated as though they were not in battle for purposes of determining battle outcome.
All ignore abilities are ongoing. Part one of an ignore ability targets the cards that gain the ignore status. Parts two and four target the cards that are ignored. Part three of an ignore ability has no target.
So, how does Large Tree or Masquerading work if the EC isn't even being targeted? From the current REG:
You cannot target something that is protected (e.g., a Hero in Goshen, etc).

If you aren't being targeted by anything, protection is useless. Cannot Be Negated stops cards from being targeted by a negate. Cannot be Captured protects the character from being targeted by capture. Etc... Cannot be Ignored means cannot be targeted by ignores, yet this ability appears to be worthless unless they are already in battle.

Also, you mentioned regardless of immunity.... thats not a protect ability at all. o.O

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Re: A new idea about Ignor
« Reply #37 on: January 29, 2010, 04:57:47 PM »
Immunity isn't a protect ability?

"Cannot be Negated" makes a card work AS IF the negate isn't there.
"Regardless of Immunity" makes a card work AS IF the immunity isn't there.
"Can't be ignored" makes a card work AS IF the ignore isn't there.

In all three cases, the ongoing ability is not interrupted, not negated, not stopped at all:
The FBN state of the battle is not changed.  The CBN enhancement just works in spite of it.
The immunity on Red Dragon is not interrupted or removed.  The "Regardless of immunity" ability just works in spite of it.
The Ignore ability on the hero is not interrupted or suspended.  The evil character can just enter battle in spite of it.

The reason this is confusing is because, while "cannot be blocked by" is obviously worded as a protect ability, the grammar on ignore abilities makes it sound like it is targeting another card.

Hero cannot be blocked by female ECs. - easily understood as a protect ability ("cannot be" makes it obvious).
Hero ignores female ECs. - Sounds like you are targeting the ECs. But you are not. Treat that phrase as "cannot be blocked by..." and it makes sense.

HHI, when originally printed, did NOT function as an ignore.  It only negated band abilities.  I took a Elders of Jerusalem deck to nats that year and laughed at HHI.  :)  Later it was decided, for the good of the game, and due to the "protect-type" wording on the card, that "good banding cards have no effect" should be treated like an ignore.  It was old wording that needed to be fit into the rock-paper-scissors idea, and ... it took a shoehorn.  And pliers.  And imagination.

"Have no effect" is kinda wonky when it appears on a card that is outside of battle, but it kinda "protects the field of battle" from having those characters step on it.  :)


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Re: A new idea about Ignor
« Reply #38 on: January 29, 2010, 05:06:08 PM »
"Cannot Be Negated" is protection.
"Immunity" is a form of protection.
"Regardless of protection" is not protection. In fact, Isn't that out there as one of the oddball abilities of the game? It totally breaks everything about protection. Lol.

I have ALWAYS been told that protection and immunity work by stopping other cards from targeting them. This is why Protect stops even Cannot be negated abilities.... it simply doesn't allow the protected card to be targeted.

Protect allows cards to be unaffected by specified special abilities and is related to cards that specify “cannot be” or “may not be” (see Cannot be in the glossary of the rulebook[p. 40]).  Protected cards cannot be targeted for harm.  Cards that protect give an ability like immune to the cards they protect (see Immune on page 8).

Cannot be
This is a protect ability.

So, Cannot be Ignored is a Protection ability. What does it protect against? Being targeted by an Ignore. Issue is that you have stated that the "may not be blocked by" part of ignores do not target the Evil characters.

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Re: A new idea about Ignore
« Reply #39 on: January 29, 2010, 05:09:05 PM »
Cannot be negated is NOT protection.  If it was protection, then it could be prevented.  "Cannot be negated" is scissors.

Cannot be negated is in a category SEPARATE from all other "cannot be" abilities.

According to the rules, "cannot be" and "may not be" in every OTHER instance is a protect, including "cannot be blocked by."  "Cannot be blocked by" is a protect (it is a rock).  "Cannot be negated" is not a protect (it is a scissors).

Trust me on this:

"Cannot be negated" abilities work when all special abilities are prevented.  How do they even get to activate their "cannot be negated" status, if their special abilities are prevented?  The only way they can is because they are given a special category in the rules.  They work in spite of prevents.

"Regardless of immunity" is exactly the same.  The special ability on Plague of Frogs only works because there is a special category for "regardless of immunity."  They work in spite of immunity.  The immunity on Red Dragon does not target Plague of Frogs.  The immunity on Red Dragon targets itself.  Plague of Frogs works in spite of that immunity.

I agree with you that there is no point in protecting yourself from a protect.  And, you are correct that "cannot be ignored" is worded as a protect.  According to the rules, if "cannot be ignored" were a protect, it would do absolutely nothing.  It would be the same thing as having a hero special ability like "Immune to immune abilities on evil characters."  Since immune abilities on evil characters do not target heroes, that ability does nothing. 

Therefore, "cannot be ignored" must function as "The character can block regardless of ignore."
« Last Edit: January 29, 2010, 05:35:11 PM by Bryon »

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Re: A new idea about Ignor
« Reply #40 on: January 29, 2010, 05:14:23 PM »
The reason this is confusing is because, while "cannot be blocked by" is obviously worded as a protect ability, the grammar on ignore abilities makes it sound like it is targeting another card.
This is a great argument for why these two abilities should be defined differently. Don't you think that would solve some problems?

HHI, when originally printed, did NOT function as an ignore. ...

"Have no effect" is kinda wonky when it appears on a card that is outside of battle, but it kinda "protects the field of battle" from having those characters step on it.
I think "Have no effect" should function like the characters can enter battle, but they will be ignored once opposed.

The argument that "we shouldn't change game mechanics, because this is the way we've been playing it for years" seems rather illogical to me. Maybe it'll take a little while for the long-time players to get used to, but I think that whenever possible it's a good idea to make it easier to have new players just be able to look at a card and tell at least with some confidence what it does. And in the future, I think we would definitely look back at these changes and think of them as some of the best we've ever made.
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Re: A new idea about Ignore
« Reply #41 on: January 29, 2010, 05:15:09 PM »
Cannot be negated is NOT protection.  If it was protection, then it could be prevented.

Cannot be negated is in a category separate from all other "cannot be" abilities.

"Cannot be" and "may not be" in every other instance is a protect, including "cannot be blocked by."

Say what?? I see nothing in the REG that says this. *edit* the preventing it point makes sense... although, how could you prevent it when its already protecting itself from negates?

Cannot be Captured is though, so my point remains:

Cannot be
This is a protect ability. Cannot be taken prisoner, discarded, removed from the game, captured, or converted limits or protects the potential targets of the ability, just as ignore or immune or protect limits or protects the poten­tial targets of the ability.  For example, Elizabeth Elisabeths special abil­ity, “cannot be taken prisoner,” could be understood as “immune to capture.” “Cannot be” does not “prevent” or “negate” any­thing. It only limits the potential targets of a special ability.  An Evil Character blocking Elizabeth Elisabeth could still use Net to capture a Hero other than Elizabeth Elisabeth. Note: If the special ability of a card includes the words “cannot” or “may not” WITHOUT the word “be”, then this is a type of prevent. For instance, if a card states that Heroes may not band, this is not a protect, but a prevent because of the lack of the word” be”. Heroes would be PREVENTED from banding.

How can "Cannot be Ignored" limit the targets of Ignore, if the ignore doesnt even target it?
« Last Edit: January 29, 2010, 05:20:27 PM by Lamborghini_diablo »

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Re: A new idea about Ignore
« Reply #42 on: January 29, 2010, 06:39:23 PM »
Say what?? I see nothing in the REG that says this.

How about the fact that cannot be negated is categorized separately from protect?  Or that it has its own point on the rock-paper-scissors matrix?


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Re: A new idea about Ignore
« Reply #43 on: January 29, 2010, 06:40:10 PM »
Ok, I get that CBN isnt a protect. My other point still stands... so lets talk about that now.

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Re: A new idea about Ignore
« Reply #44 on: January 29, 2010, 06:56:13 PM »
How can "Cannot be Ignored" limit the targets of Ignore, if the ignore doesnt even target it?
I answered this in my post above (edited while you were writing your reply, so you might have missed it).  Ignore does not target the ECs, so "Cannot be ignored" does not limit targets.  "Cannot be ignored" on those cards is best understood "can bock regardless of ignore abilities."
« Last Edit: January 29, 2010, 06:59:39 PM by Bryon »


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Re: A new idea about Ignore
« Reply #45 on: January 29, 2010, 07:04:04 PM »
Therefore, "cannot be ignored" must function as "The character can block regardless of ignore."

I really dislike when cards are worded as one thing (a protect), but actually play as something completely different. Making exceptions for every type of ability just leads to a confusing mess... because I can't find anything in the current REG that says CBignored should be played like that.  :-\

I see no problem with ignores targeting X ec's and saying "you cant enter battle." It'd make a lot more sense in terms of Cannot be Ignored, and it'd also allow blocking from hand as a method to combat preblock ignore. It'd be a whole lot cleaner, easier to understand, and IMO, balanced.

No offense to anyone, but this seems like sort of a "just because it does" kinda ruling to me.  :-\

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Re: A new idea about Ignore
« Reply #46 on: January 29, 2010, 07:07:57 PM »
So, you think "cannot be blocked by" should not do what it says?


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Re: A new idea about Ignore
« Reply #47 on: January 29, 2010, 07:12:44 PM »
I think it should do what it says by targeting the characters.

Also, if "Cannot be ignored," which until something is clarified in the rules, seems to be a protect ability... why does the old ruling of being immune to a brigade with the Site Guard soul not do the same thing? Unless of course we have two "cannot be" abilities that arent actually protect abilities....

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Re: A new idea about Ignore
« Reply #48 on: January 29, 2010, 07:51:53 PM »
"Character may not be blocked by a female evil character."  does target a character: the one it is on.

"Immune to ignore abilities" makes no sense.  You can't be protected from a protect.  That's why color guard (nor any other card) can protect from an ignore.

"Cannot be ignored" is not a protect.  I am sorry that those cards are worded that way.  I understand that it contradicts the rule that "cannot be" abilities are always protect abilities.

If it helps, we can give "cannot be ignored" a seperate entry like "cannot be negated" so that players won't think they are protect abilities.

In the future, is it clearer to write them "so and so can block regardless of ignore abilities."?  We want the cards written clearly.  We thought "cannot be ignored" would be clear, but you are correct that it violates the rule that "cannot be" abilities are protect abilities.

So, what is better:

a) add a rule to explain that "cannot be ignored" is a separate ability, like "cannot be negated," or
b) word future cards "can block regardless of ignore" and give the two cards that read "cannot be ignored" a play as to that effect.

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Re: A new idea about Ignore
« Reply #49 on: January 29, 2010, 08:13:16 PM »
If it were worded "Regardless of ignore" like you said it should be played as, I think it'd be a lot less confusing. Adding extra entries for "cannot be ignored" would just confuse people, since there would be three types of "cannot be" abilities.

Also, I would word HHI to say "blah blah heroes cannot enter battle." instead of "blah blah heroes are ignored." Since based on the rules of ignore, HHI makes no sense as it is.

Clarify those things and I'll be much happier... since right now things just aren't lining up IMO.


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