Author Topic: A few angelic questions  (Read 694 times)

Offline Praeceps

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A few angelic questions
« on: May 27, 2013, 09:36:55 PM »
1. Can I bury a captured Angel? Demon? Human?

2. If I discard an Angel with HQ at Riblah and my opponent has Chamber of Angels, where does the Angel go: Chamber or his discard pile?

I know this one has been answered but I can't find it atm:
3. If I discard the top card of my opponent's deck and it's an Angel does it go to discard pile or Chamber?
Just one more thing...

Offline ChristianSoldier

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Re: A few angelic questions
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2013, 09:59:20 PM »
1. Can I bury a captured Angel? Demon? Human?

I'm fairly sure neither angels or demons are Lost Souls when captured, so you can't use Burial on those. You can bury captured humans because they are lost souls.

2. If I discard an Angel with HQ at Riblah and my opponent has Chamber of Angels, where does the Angel go: Chamber or his discard pile?

They are still angels, so they would go to Chamber of Angels.

3. If I discard the top card of my opponent's deck and it's an Angel does it go to discard pile or Chamber?

It would go to Chamber, since it is an angel being discarded.
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