Author Topic: A couple of questions  (Read 798 times)

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A couple of questions
« on: March 12, 2014, 01:04:14 PM »
  1. Is it possible to use an enhancements SA more than once?

      Example: player has Hidden Treasures active plays an enhancement before a blocker is presented , but then the artifact is discarded and negated by DON.   
                         1.1 Does the enhancement go back to owner's hand and if so , can they play it again later in battle when facing an EC? 

 2. If player A's deck is protected from Player B's cards , can Player B shuffle a card that is in play (that is Player A's) into Player A's deck? 

  2.1  If a player's hand is protected from opponent's cards and the rescuer is blocked by the Goliath promo card , can they present a hero from their hand?

3. When a curse is active as an artifact , can they targeted as evil and neutral cards? 


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Re: A couple of questions
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2014, 01:51:34 PM »
1. Play abilities, such as Hidden Treasures, are treated as "cannot be interrupted" so even if you play DoN on HT the card remains played. The general answer is yes, though. If a card is returned to your hand you can play it again and re-activate its ability. Cards like Stillness that return your enhancements to hand are designed to allow this sort of thing.

2. Yes. You can move cards into a protected location.

2.1 No you would not be able to since your hand is protected from Goliath.

3. "Neutral" is shorthand for "not good or evil" so since Curses are evil they cannot also be neutral. You cannot target a Curse as a neutral card.


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