Author Topic: 6 questions about cards  (Read 837 times)

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6 questions about cards
« on: August 19, 2017, 11:51:35 PM »

Zeresh Advises Haman
Set aside your Persian for three turns. On return discard X Heroes and a random face-down Artifact from each opponent's territory.
X = number of Each opponent's good brigades in play

Music leader
If an opponent would use a draw or search abiltiy (except on a Musician) you may search deck or discard pile for upto 2 cards that involve music.

Testing solomon's wisdom
Regardless of immunity, place a human beneath deck. Owner may reveal two cards of that human’s brigade from hand instead. Cannot be negated.

boasting of wisdom:
Place on a Hero. Negate that Hero’s special ability while this card remains. Blocker may discard this card to discard all Enhancements used by that Hero.

Lost soul Dull: During battle , if opponent uses a good SA to look , reveal or search you may search your deck for an evil character or evil enhancement.

1.   If Music leader searches 2 music cards from deck off of an opponent's draw ability used during battle  and then that draw abilitiy got negated during battle , does the 2 cards that music leader searched for get put back into deck??

2. If someone used testing Solomon's wisdom and the opponent does not have two cards matching that character's brigade does the opponent have to reveal their hand to prove they do not have those 2 cards??

3. If an EC in battle places the Boasting of wisdom on a hero , can they discard the enhancement to discard all enhancements used by that hero anytime during the battle or only the moment the boasting of wisdom card is placed??

4.   Example

 Player 1 plays Zeresh advises haman and returns persian after 3 turns.

Player 2 has Two good brigades and Player 3 has Three good brigades.

Does Zeresh advises Haman discard 5 heroes from each opponent's territory or 2 heroes from Player 2 and 3 heroes from Player 3??

5.   example  it is a 3 player game

If player A has Dull Lost Soul , and then Player B rescues againest (Player B uses a good look ability during battle) Player C , can the Dull Lost Soul trigger??

6. Seize him! part of SA: set aside a card for 3 turns.
If a player sets aside a card from deck for 3 turns , after 3 turns does the card return to deck??

Offline Zerutul

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Re: 6 questions about cards
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2017, 12:00:09 AM »
For #2. They have the option to reveal or not reveal. They don't have to prove there reason for not revealing the cards.

Offline Kevinthedude

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Re: 6 questions about cards
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2017, 12:09:41 AM »
1. If consistent with the idea of cascade (the ability "never happened") music leader's search would be cascaded and the cards put back

2. The reveal is an optional instead. If the opponent doesn't have two good cards, they simply can't choose to instead.

3. By the strict wording of the card, it would have to be discarded when placed or not at all because the only "while this remains" clause is tied to the negate alone. If that card was made today it would would have a colon after "place on a Hero" in which make everything after it "while this card remains" and thus you could choose to discard later. It likely is either understood to work as if it was written with a colon or will receive a play-as to function as if it did in the future.

4. 2 from player 2 and 3 from player 3. The ability and the definition of X both specify it is determined for each player individually.

5. I believe yes because player A is not in battle with anyone both player B and C count as his opponent, but given that player B is in battle with player C, player C is player B's sole opponent so I am not 100% sure.

6. By the current rules, cards returning from set-aside go to territory. If it was a normal enhancement set aside, it will fizzle and be discarded. If it was a character, fort, site, etc, it will simply stay in territory. If it is a dominant its ability will immediately activate. I recall that this is planned to be changed in the next REG update so that the card will return to deck.

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Re: 6 questions about cards
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2017, 12:17:06 AM »
5 is no. If Player B rescues against Player C, then Player B is not the opponent of Player A during that battle.
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?


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