New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
1. when you use "He is risin" does the enhancement follow the evil characters to the set-aside area?
2. cherubim bands to ET, can i play peace treaty and chose cherubim to be the OT hero that ignors an evil brigade?
3. king amaziah has been set-aside with gathering of angels and has the ability to band to another hero. king amaziah enters battle and uses his ability to force a king of isreal to block and then uses gathering to band to the strong angel. it was recently ruled that pre-block chose the blocker cannot be interrupted, but can i negate the "may be used once per game" part of his ability by banding in strong angel so that i can use his ability every turn?
4. philistine priests blocks with holy of holies up. does holy of holies stop his entire ability or can he still deactivate an artifact?
If Amaziah were printed in a recent set, his ability would probably read more like "Once per game, you may interrupt Wall of Protection and choose an evil king if Israel to block." which makes it clearer that the once per game is a restriction on the choose the blocker and not a separate ability.Many older cards ate confusing like that because wording of special abilities hadn't been standardized nearly as much as it has recently.
for number 3 doesn't the band from gathering happen before choose the blocker?if so then wouldn't The Strong Angel prevent you from using CTB?
CARDS WITH MULTIPLE SPECIAL ABILITIESWhen a single card has more than one special ability (including gained abilities), and an order is not specified, perform the abilities in this order:1. First, complete all printed special abilities in the order written on the card EXCEPT those that add a character to the battle.2. Then complete all gained abilities (gained in set-aside or on previous turn, etc.), EXCEPT those that add a character to the battle.3. Then, complete all weapon abilities.4. Then, complete banding abilities.5. Last, complete choose blocker abilities.