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its an identifier.
There needs to be an elder awake around here... Pity they all have these fancy "jobs". I don't think you can do it, though.
Secondly, you can only have three of a card with no SA in a standard T1 deck.
I understand what you're saying and it doesn't really make sense but Three/two liner follows the same rules as any other special ability lost soul, the ability was made an identifier to keep it from being negateable.It doesn't really make sense but that's just how it is
I would suggest either:A. Modifying the rule to "All Lost Souls with SA's and/or identifiers have a limit of 1 per 50."B. Changing the Errata to "This Lost Soul....Cannot be negated."No other generic Lost Souls have identifiers. So I would probably go with A. But either would work.
Isn't OT/NT an identifier? We now have cards that target souls of a specific testament...