New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
Thank you. Is there a limit on how many panic demons or obsidian minions you can band? Can you band different brigades? Is the only thing that required under Deck 1 building that they can't be the same brigade & have the same special ability? (can I band 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 of differing brigades?)
Thank you, that was a rather odd thought. (Never saw the angel wars cartoon.)
Thank you. The answers really do help.1. So in a capture or discard situation, the Angel Wars Winds 'Holder may exchange an angel in battle with an angel in holder’s hand, territory, or Chamber of Angels.' still requires an interrupt card like AW Swift Beings 'Interrupt the battle and play the next enhancement.'? Does that mean that the battle continues with that? I mean, is one angel captured and the other one exchanged is fighting? Or does it simply exchange who is being captured? 2. Can the PA Three Angels 'Up to two silver brigade Heroes may join the battle. Ability cannot be interrupted or prevented by an Artifact.' be played as the next enhancement after Angel Wars Swift Beings 'Interrupt the battle and play the next enhancement.' and cause the battle to continue? Would one angel gets captured but the other two angels are now fighting for the Lost Soul? 3. What type of the card is Angel Wars Fear of Danger 'Place this card on a Hero in a territory. Hero cannot enter battle until this card is removed.'?4. What is a turn in a multiplayer game? If AW Guarding is played "Protect all Lost Souls and human Heroes from discard abilities this turn.", does that mean during this round of turns? And does this prevent dominants killing my human Heroes during this round of turns?
Thank you again.1. Are Angels in the fortress Chamber of Angels in play? That is, if exchanging an angel from battle with an angel in the fortress Chamber of Angels with Winds, does the Angel that went to Chamber of Angels still get captured?
2. Do you mean if you exchange an angel with the Winds card with one in your hand, the card was removed out of play, and therefore can't be captured?
3. Just want to re-affirm what JSB just said... at least, I think he said.., I can interrupt, prevent, negate, and discard an interrupt?