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Quote from: Redoubter on April 15, 2013, 12:09:59 PMI would disagree...No surprise there. You usually do.
I would disagree...
So, the current rule is that set aside enhancements (or cards of any type) do not follow the card(s) they set aside to the set aside area. If any elders wish to change that I support reviving the private discussion found here.
Even though people are just now becoming aware of it, this is not a new change. It was made way back when the web based REG 2.0 was released. That was at least 2, maybe 3 years ago.
Hopefully I'll clear up the confusion as opposed to muddying the waters.Jordan's understanding was also mine - set aside enhancements go to the set aside area until the set aside character(s) are returned, then the enhancement is discarded. That used to be the rule and it's still the way I play still it.I was also a little confused how that was missing from the REG entry for Set Aside. I looked back and some discussions and found that the rule was removed/changed with the release of the online REG 2.0 a couple years ago. It was removed based on the fact that so many other card types now set other cards aside and we don't want Haman, the Shame Lost Soul, etc going to the set aside area with the cards they target.So, the current rule is that set aside enhancements (or cards of any type) do not follow the card(s) they set aside to the set aside area. If any elders wish to change that I support reviving the private discussion found here.