New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
RegardlessLast Updated: 8/23/2016 (v4.0.0)Released: 8/10/2015 (v3.0.0)General DescriptionThe regardless modifier allows an ability to target a card it would normally be unable to target.How to PlayThe regardless modifier modifies another ability, making it so that the modified ability can include among its possible targets any cards that normally could not be targeted due to the condition that is mentioned. All instances of the regardless modifier are written as “regardless of X,” where “X” is a condition or ability that would normally stop targeting. For example, the phrase “regardless of protection” allows the modified ability to target any card that is immune or protected, even though it normally cannot.Default Conditions● An ability cannot gain regardless retroactively; it is regardless when played or not at all.● The modification from regardless lasts until the end of the current phase.Special Conditions● The modifying of an ability through regardless is not directly targeted by a prevent or negate, as it is not an ability. However, if the entire card on which the modifier resides is interrupted or negated, then regardless cannot modify any further targeting. Any targeting which already took place cannot be undone.● Only the mentioned condition or ability “X” in the “regardless of X” is affected. For example, if a card is immune, or both protected and immune, then “regardless of protection” would still not allow that card to be a target, as the immunity is not avoided.Clarifications● The phrase “regardless of brigade” is a use other enhancements ability, not a regardless modifier.● The phrase “regardless of battle outcome” defines an alternate condition for a card, and is normally an instead modifier, not a regardless modifier.