Author Topic: REG 8.0.0 and ORDIR 4.0.0 Change Log  (Read 11377 times)

Offline RedemptionAggie

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REG 8.0.0 and ORDIR 4.0.0 Change Log
« on: February 28, 2022, 05:27:35 PM »
The latest versions of REG and ORDIR are now live!

*Edit* - Links updated to

General Changes
"Activated Effects" are now referred to as "Manually Triggered Effects" to reduce confusion with other uses of "activate.

Rule Changes
Targeting (pg. 14)
- Added a rule that all cards removed from deck (except by draw or play abilities) are revealed and Lost Souls are put in play instead of moving to the new location, so the "reserve a card/the top card/a random card from deck" abilities don't put Lost Souls in a Reserve. This REPLACES a couple of old rules - players have to reveal after every search, not just those that have specific requirements, and there is no longer a need for a specific rule about discarding Lost Souls from deck.

Negate (pg. 57)
- Added a rule that negating an ability that moves cards only returns cards that haven't been further moved. Eliminates "negate-recursion" to get multiple uses out of cards by searching them out, playing them, then negating the search. Since Lost Souls are always moved (except by play abilities), they do not return if the draw/discard/reserve/whatever is negated.

Rescuer's Choice (pg. 123)
- Now happens in battle resolution, changing the selection of the Lost Soul from blocker to rescuer

Choose Opponent (pg. 33) and Defend (pg. 99)
- Pre-block Choose Opponent abilities are no longer "cannot be interrupted". If a pre-block Choose Opponent ability is negated and no Evil Characters are in battle, the opponent can present an Evil Character of their choice to block.

Create a Token (pg. 37)
- Added several default conditions to token creation

REG Change Highlights
Targeting (pg. 14)
- Effects target sequentially, not simultaneously. The negate portion of a "negate and discard" ability can make a card an invalid target for the discard.
- Abilities can be "stuck" on targets. Players can just stick Three Woes on a card without restating each turn.

Limit (pg. 22)
- Limits on Lost Souls apply to Lost Souls with that identifier or verse, not the card name "Lost Soul"

Add to Battle (pg. 26) and Band (pg. 27)
- Clarified that when an ability brings in multiple characters, they activate as a group, not individually

Copy (pg. 36)
- Clarified that you can't copy a copy ability. Copying a card overwrites the special ability, copying an ability does not.
- Clarified that copied Lost Souls always activate as if drawn
- Clarified that copying a special ability does not copy any identifers.

Interrupt (pg. 55) and Prevent (pg. 63)
- Updated targets to include ability and card, similar to the negate change a couple of years ago. No real gameplay impact, just preparing for potential future use.

Play an Enhancement (pg. 60) and Use Other Ehancements (pg. 86)
- Both of these effects are no longer "cannot be interrupted".

Reveal (pg. 73)
- Clarified that the paired abilities of a reveal (after the colon) can work even if the full reveal isn't met. Primarily for cards like Created by Christ.

Set-Aside (pg. 75)
- Removed the rule that abilities gained via set-aside cannot be negated.
- Clarified what happens if cards set-aside try to return to hand and exceed the hand limit.

Action Priority (pg. 88)
- Added that Action Priority applies when multiple abilities are attempting to activate (or reactivate) at the same time. Notable for Harvest Time and removing a territory class negate like Moses.

Active Player (pg. 89)
- New definition for the player whose turn it is

Attack (pg. 90), Attacking (pg. 91), Defend and Defending (pg. 99)
- Updated or new definitions so they parallel Block and Blocking

Duplicate Cards (pg. 102)
- Defined how a "common" name interacts with different characters. "John" can refer to John the Baptist or John the disciple, while names that are exclusive to either one only refer to versions of that character.
- Good Samaritan and High Priest's Maid shifted from generic to unique due to reprints with unique names

Name a Card (pg. 116)
- Updated to account for the rules addition to duplicate cards.

Pre-Game Phase (pg. 120)
- Updated to account for change in determining which player goes first

Special Initiative (pg. 125)
- Clarified that special initiative happens before any insteads.

ORDIR Updates
Identifier Errata:
Plague removed from Fire, Smoke and Sulfur
Pharisee removed from Nicodemus (Di) and Paul (P)

New entries:
Empty Tomb Hero
Gospel Card - the "O.T." identifier does not override Gospel
Nativity Card

New Alignment Specific Identifiers
Good - Disciple, Musician
Evil - Pharisee, Sadducee, Thief

Updated Martyr and Missionary to include most disciples

Plus all the standard additions of new cards.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2022, 01:49:29 PM by RedemptionAggie »

Offline Kevinthedude

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Re: REG 8.0.0 and ORDIR 4.0.0 Change Log
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2022, 07:28:06 PM »
Targeting (pg. 14)
- Effects target sequentially, not simultaneously. The negate portion of a "negate and discard" ability can make a card an invalid target for the discard.

Does this mean I can SoG an opponent's Hopper in the same phase it hops?

Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: REG 8.0.0 and ORDIR 4.0.0 Change Log
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2022, 09:32:25 PM »
Targeting (pg. 14)
- Effects target sequentially, not simultaneously. The negate portion of a "negate and discard" ability can make a card an invalid target for the discard.

Does this mean I can SoG an opponent's Hopper in the same phase it hops?

Yes. As long as the Lost Soul is not in your Land of Bondage after the negate, SoG can rescue it.

Offline sepjazzwarrior

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Re: REG 8.0.0 and ORDIR 4.0.0 Change Log
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2022, 10:29:35 PM »
So opponent uses a chose the blocker and i negate it, does the ec they chose return to territory and i get to chose a diff blocker?

So play abilities are not cbi? So if the play ability is negated, the enhancement would return to its origional location?

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Re: REG 8.0.0 and ORDIR 4.0.0 Change Log
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2022, 04:36:00 AM »
So opponent uses a chose the blocker and i negate it, does the ec they chose return to territory and i get to chose a diff blocker?

So play abilities are not cbi? So if the play ability is negated, the enhancement would return to its origional location?
Yes, on the first question. Your second question is answered by the change of rules on negate. See below,

Negate (pg. 57)
- Added a rule that negating an ability that moves cards only returns cards that haven't been further moved. Eliminates "negate-recursion" to get multiple uses out of cards by searching them out, playing them, then negating the search. Since Lost Souls are always moved (except by play abilities), they do not return if the draw/discard/reserve/whatever is negated.
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Offline sepjazzwarrior

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Re: REG 8.0.0 and ORDIR 4.0.0 Change Log
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2022, 06:34:34 AM »
An ability that plays a card directly from a location like deck or reserve doesnt have the location change more than once right? So the enhancement "hasnt been movend further" and would return to deck/reserve

Another question: i play words of encouragement and play an enhancement off it (so no searhing for the enhancement) then play 3W to negate words of encouragement.  Then enhancement would return to my hand to be played again right?
« Last Edit: March 01, 2022, 09:10:23 AM by sepjazzwarrior »

Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: REG 8.0.0 and ORDIR 4.0.0 Change Log
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2022, 02:09:49 PM »
So opponent uses a chose the blocker and i negate it, does the ec they chose return to territory and i get to chose a diff blocker?

The chosen EC only returns to territory if it is still in battle. You get to select a different blocker if there are no ECs in battle after the negate.

So play abilities are not cbi? So if the play ability is negated, the enhancement would return to its origional location?

An ability that plays a card directly from a location like deck or reserve doesnt have the location change more than once right? So the enhancement "hasnt been movend further" and would return to deck/reserve

Correct. Assuming "original location" refers to the location the Enhancement was played from (usually hand, occasionally Reserve or discard pile), yes, the Enhancement returns to the original location.

Another question: i play words of encouragement and play an enhancement off it (so no searhing for the enhancement) then play 3W to negate words of encouragement.  Then enhancement would return to my hand to be played again right?

That's legal, assuming the Enhancement hasn't otherwise changed location (like anything that self-banishes).

Offline sepjazzwarrior

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Re: REG 8.0.0 and ORDIR 4.0.0 Change Log
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2022, 02:38:30 PM »
So now instead of negating a search to play a enhancement multiple times that qouldnt normally be allowed, we have to negate a play ability...seems like one step forward, one step back to me...

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Re: REG 8.0.0 and ORDIR 4.0.0 Change Log
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2022, 03:57:43 PM »
So now instead of negating a search to play a enhancement multiple times that qouldnt normally be allowed, we have to negate a play ability...seems like one step forward, one step back to me...

I can see that. But since there is little that we do that doesn't garner criticism or complaints from you we will take that for what it is.

On a lighter note both the REG and ORDIR have been updated on the Cactus Games Design download page.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2022, 07:38:40 PM by Gabe »
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?

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Re: REG 8.0.0 and ORDIR 4.0.0 Change Log
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2022, 09:03:30 PM »
So now instead of negating a search to play a enhancement multiple times that qouldnt normally be allowed, we have to negate a play ability...seems like one step forward, one step back to me...
I agree that it seems like a step back on the surface, but after giving it some thought I do think it standardizes things a little and makes other abilities that play cards, like Abimelech, King of Gerar "playing" a Genesis Philistine, on the same level as far as what happens when they're negated. It makes a little more sense when you think about Shared Meal being negated because it would undo the searching of the card from the Reserve, so I think just the fact that it comes from hand is the strange part. The fact that I can play Gamaliel's Speech, attack with a meek disciple, play Generous Giving, play AoC off the play ability, and then discard Speech to negate Generous Giving and get AoC back feels pretty weird to the veteraned player who has never played that way, but to a newbie that would probably make more sense. What wouldn't make as much sense is the fact that AoC's ability still works, but then I guess they get to learn about the horrors of cascade negate.

Offline Kor

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Re: REG 8.0.0 and ORDIR 4.0.0 Change Log
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2022, 05:27:02 AM »
From what I can tell, I like most of these changes!

My favorite has to be the three woes 'sticking', we were already using that one in casual games!

Question about this one though:

Rescuer's Choice (pg. 123)
- Now happens in battle resolution, changing the selection of the Lost Soul from blocker to rescuer

This means that there is no point in time where you can use burial to stop rescue attempts in T2 if there are other souls available, right?

Life is what you make of it.

Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: REG 8.0.0 and ORDIR 4.0.0 Change Log
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2022, 01:41:32 PM »
Rescuer's Choice (pg. 123)
- Now happens in battle resolution, changing the selection of the Lost Soul from blocker to rescuer

This means that there is no point in time where you can use burial to stop rescue attempts in T2 if there are other souls available, right?

Correct, unless you can get rid of all the LS, like might be possible with the new Burial.


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