Author Topic: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log  (Read 32101 times)

Offline RedemptionAggie

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REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« on: January 28, 2020, 09:38:08 PM »
REG 7.0 is live! In addition to releasing an update for LoC one of our goals this with this update is to help simplify some of the more complex areas of the game. Following are some of the larger changes in this revision.

T2 Reserve Increase (pg. 7) - now lines up with the Host Guide

Do As Much As You Can (pg. 8, 14)

Action Priority (pg. 9, 10, 15, 87, 98-99) - clarifying Dominant Init and other player actions

Triggers Stack, Begins, Blocks (pg. 10, 91, 92) - makes the begins and blocks check much simpler, but requires excluding them from stacking like other triggers

Colon Definition (pg. 11-12)

Instead (pg. 19-20) - added a line to clarify that the replacing effect can be negated

Activate an Ability (pg. 23)

Bounce (pg. 28, 71) - replacing Return to Hand

Convert (pg. 33) - you may select any brigade when one is not specified

Ignore (pg. 49) - removed part 4, so it no longer wins the battle if played post-block

Negate (pg. 56) - negates do not cascade and they do target cards in addition to special abilities (changes Babylonian Siege Army ruling, and Babylonian Siege Army can target meek cards)

Play an Enhancement (pg. 59)

Resurrect (pg. 70) - no longer defaults to holder's cards

Search (pg. 73) - you can't choose to partially fail a search of multiple locations. You can partially fail if there are no targets in one of the locations. (Abe's Descendant, Mist)

Set-Aside (pg. 74)

Artifact (pg. 88-89) - can't be reactivated during the turn they're deactivated

Battle (pg. 89-90)

Contents (pg. 96)

Preparation Phase (pg. 117)

Unique (pg. 124) - unique characters can only enter battle once per turn and do not reactive on re-entry after a negated band

New Definitions - Bearer, Meek and Pre-Game Phase

ORDIR 3.0 is live! Following are some key updates.

II Chronicles Card (pg. 49-50)

King or Queen of Judah (pg. 64) - rulers of unified Israel are considered to have ruled both Israel and Judah

Testament Identifiers Override Reference (pg. 76) - the Matthew 1 postexilic characters are O.T., not N.T. (and not both)

Postexilic (pg. 81)
« Last Edit: June 17, 2021, 12:08:16 PM by RedemptionAggie »

Offline sepjazzwarrior

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Re: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2020, 06:31:36 AM »
So if you ignore post block, that doesnt win the battle? Does that mean its basically like protect at that point? What if they block from hand?

Offline Watchman

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Re: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2020, 08:05:54 AM »
I’m also not understanding the new Ignore rule. Could you please explain further, with an example or two, how this change works?
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Offline Crashfach2002

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Re: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2020, 12:11:54 PM »
How to Play
● An ignore effect keeps cards from targeting or being targeted by a specified set of cards.
● An ignore effect has three parts:
1 The ignoring card cannot be targeted by an ability that is on a card it is ignoring, or on a card played
on that card, and when comparing the strength of the ignored character to the toughness of the
ignoring character, the strength of the ignored character is treated as zero.
2 The ignored card cannot be targeted by an ability that is on a card that is ignoring it, or on a card
played on that card, and when comparing the strength of the ignoring character to the toughness of the
ignored character, the strength of the ignoring character is treated as zero.
3 Characters not in battle and targeted as ignored cannot enter battle.
● Part (1) targets the cards that gain the ignoring status. Parts (2) and (3) target the cards that are ignored.
● Unless otherwise specified, ignore effects last until the end of the phase in which they are activated.
● The ignoring cards must be a different alignment than the ignored cards.
● Only characters in the Field of Battle can ignore other characters.
● Unless otherwise specified, targets must be in play.
● All ignore effects are ongoing.

So posting the entry.  If I'm reading correctly the only thing that has changed is the "battle winning" part being removed.  The pre-block ignore is still a thing as people can't enter battle from territory so it CAN still win a battle, but that is assuming you don't have any characters in hand or something else.  So if it is played in battle, it is basically a way for your character to no longer be targeted by the opponent, I guess making it a pseudo protect.  The difference is that neither character can target each other, so it is like a stale-mate at that point.  Removing the battle winning portion would also remove the "infinite initiative" part of the ignored card. 

Maybe that helps?

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Re: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2020, 12:29:27 PM »
Why did ignore get a useless change? It isn't broken or confusing.
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Re: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2020, 12:35:24 PM »
I don't even remember what part 4 of ignore was.. 

Is it really true that ignore can no longer win you any rescue attempts and it more like a stalemate protect type of ability now?

Would really like an elder to confirm this for us.

Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2020, 12:37:27 PM »
Ignore used to do 4 things:
1) "Protect" the ignoring card from the ignored card.
2) "Protect" the ignored card from the ignoring card.
3) Stop the ignored card from entering battle.
4) If the ignored card is in battle, disregard it for determining the battle outcome.

We removed the 4th part, to eliminate the "you're winning but haven't won and it doesn't cause SI"/"infinitive initiative for the ignored character" scenarios.

The 3rd part still does what it's always done, keeping the ignored characters out of battle.

The first 2 parts create a stalemate, and without the 4th part to remove the ignored card from the determination of the battle outcome, that's not a battle winning condition for the Hero. The stalemate would win the battle for the Evil Character, but part 4 didn't usually (if ever) matter for evil ignores.

Jacob (FF) enters battle and plays Reuben's Torn Clothes (Genesis Heroes ignore an evil brigade) off his ability. The opponent blocks with an ignored character from hand.
Old Rules: The ignored character is treated as not in battle for determining battle outcome, so it's in a perpetual state of losing the battle and has infinite initiative until the ignore is negated. Jacob and the ignored character are "protected" from each other so neither can win the battle in another way.
New Rules: Jacob and the ignored character are "protected" from each other. This is a stalemate situation, so initiative passes back and forth as usual in a stalemate.

Music Leader is blocked by the 3 Canaanite giant band, ending with Talmai to withdraw Music Leader. Word of Christ is played on Music Leader to negate the withdraw and ignore black.
Old Rules: The Canaanite giants are treated as not in battle for determining battle outcome, so they're in a perpetual state of losing the battle and have infinite initiative until the ignore is negated. Music Leader is "protected" from the giants (and the giants from Music Leader) so neither can win the battle in another way.
New Rules: Music Leader is "protected" from the giants (and the giants from Music Leader). This is a stalemate so initiative passes back and forth as usual in a stalemate.

*Parts 1 and 2 of ignore are not protects for ruling purposes, but are functionally identical, I think. "Protect" is shorthand for spelling that out all over the post.

Why did ignore get a useless change? It isn't broken or confusing.
Winning the battle but not causing SI/infinite initiative scenarios do cause confusion among some players.

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Re: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2020, 12:41:02 PM »
So the only difference between ignore and protect is ignore stops charcters from entering from territory?

Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2020, 12:43:29 PM »
Ignore is like a mutual protect. A protected character (like Philistine Garrison) can still defeat/harm their opponent if they are not also protected.

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Re: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2020, 01:21:39 PM »
So... what's the point of good ignores, then? It seems like now they're only useful to play pre-block and hope that your opponent doesn't have anyone in hand, since if they play someone (or you play it in battle) then they get a free block from the stalemate. I suppose you can play territory destruction, or other non-battlewinning enhancements, but at that point why not play them on the initiative that you played the ignore?
ANB is good. Change my mind.

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Re: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2020, 01:34:06 PM »
So... what's the point of good ignores, then?

Pre-block ignore is still a very strong play if they don't have something to block with from hand, deck, Reserve, etc.

Overall this is a big nerf to ignore. The 4th component to ignore was one of the more complicated abilities in the game. It's the part that caused almost all of the questions surrounding ignore and made it difficult to understand. As we look to help simplify Redemption to make the game more accessible we felt this was a necessary change.

There are obviously casualties involved with a change like this but we felt the benefits are worth it.
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Re: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2020, 01:43:48 PM »
okay so in the end..

Good ignore abilities can now no longer win you a rescue attempt?  Would this be correct?

Offline Crashfach2002

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Re: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2020, 01:47:37 PM »
okay so in the end..

Good ignore abilities can now no longer win you a rescue attempt?  Would this be correct?

Unless you can pop off a pre-block ignore.

Offline Sean

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Re: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2020, 02:17:38 PM »
I appreciate the way rules are being simplified even though there are strategies that end up going by the wayside as a result.  I am wondering if it would not be beneficial to officially do away with/combine ignore into protect.  Without the battle winning aspect of ignore it becomes even more like protect.  So why not just bite the bullet and give ignore the full axe and just roll the old cards into the current rules as protect?

Just food for thought.  Not saying this is a great idea, its just where my thoughts took me.
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Re: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2020, 02:41:41 PM »
So what about cards like Red Dragon and Queen Vashti who block with an ignore attached? What happens when they block?  Or what about cards like Faith of Moses’ Parents that interrupt then ignore? What happens to that card/ability now?
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Offline sepjazzwarrior

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Re: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« Reply #15 on: January 29, 2020, 02:44:54 PM »
I see this rule change as more confusing than how it was...just make ignore protect, with this rule change they are mostly the same anyway

Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« Reply #16 on: January 29, 2020, 03:03:00 PM »
So what about cards like Red Dragon and Queen Vashti who block with an ignore attached? What happens when they block?  Or what about cards like Faith of Moses’ Parents that interrupt then ignore? What happens to that card/ability now?

The evil ignores are largely unchanged by this change, as the stalemate is sufficient to get the block. There's probably some scenario involving banding where adding the ignored character into battle results in the numbers being enough to discard a non-ignoring character. (Red Dragon banding to Abaddon while opposing angels with enough strength to discard Abaddon.)

FoMP becomes a way to save your character from an ability or losing by the numbers, but it won't win you the battle.

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Re: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« Reply #17 on: January 29, 2020, 03:27:45 PM »
So... what's the point of good ignores, then?

Pre-block ignore is still a very strong play if they don't have something to block with from hand, deck, Reserve, etc.

Overall this is a big nerf to ignore. The 4th component to ignore was one of the more complicated abilities in the game. It's the part that caused almost all of the questions surrounding ignore and made it difficult to understand. As we look to help simplify Redemption to make the game more accessible we felt this was a necessary change.

There are obviously casualties involved with a change like this but we felt the benefits are worth it.
I see no benefit, only a reduction in the number of good battle winners that significantly hurts several themes. I know of no one who was complaining about ignore as of this junction. If enough players dissent, could this potentially be repealed?
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Offline Crashfach2002

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Re: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« Reply #18 on: January 29, 2020, 03:35:53 PM »
So... what's the point of good ignores, then?

Pre-block ignore is still a very strong play if they don't have something to block with from hand, deck, Reserve, etc.

Overall this is a big nerf to ignore. The 4th component to ignore was one of the more complicated abilities in the game. It's the part that caused almost all of the questions surrounding ignore and made it difficult to understand. As we look to help simplify Redemption to make the game more accessible we felt this was a necessary change.

There are obviously casualties involved with a change like this but we felt the benefits are worth it.
I see no benefit, only a reduction in the number of good battle winners that significantly hurts several themes. I know of no one who was complaining about ignore as of this junction. If enough players dissent, could this potentially be repealed?

No one complains about Ignore, because there are only two things that happen with ignore.  You either understand how it works and that is that, or you don't and you don't play those cards.  There are constantly questions about ignore and how it works.  You have been at several tournaments with me that I've had to explain ignore at, and got no where.  It ends with basically.  This person wins.  You can play this, this and this, but if you can't negate/interrupt it you are giving a LS.

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Re: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« Reply #19 on: January 29, 2020, 03:37:29 PM »
So... what's the point of good ignores, then?

Pre-block ignore is still a very strong play if they don't have something to block with from hand, deck, Reserve, etc.

Overall this is a big nerf to ignore. The 4th component to ignore was one of the more complicated abilities in the game. It's the part that caused almost all of the questions surrounding ignore and made it difficult to understand. As we look to help simplify Redemption to make the game more accessible we felt this was a necessary change.

There are obviously casualties involved with a change like this but we felt the benefits are worth it.
I see no benefit, only a reduction in the number of good battle winners that significantly hurts several themes. I know of no one who was complaining about ignore as of this junction. If enough players dissent, could this potentially be repealed?

No one complains about Ignore, because there are only two things that happen with ignore.  You either understand how it works and that is that, or you don't and you don't play those cards.  There are constantly questions about ignore and how it works.  You have been at several tournaments with me that I've had to explain ignore at, and got no where.  It ends with basically.  This person wins.  You can play this, this and this, but if you can't negate/interrupt it you are giving a LS.
Chris, I can't remember a single instance in recent memory, but I'll take your word for it, even though I still passionately detest this change.
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Re: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« Reply #20 on: January 29, 2020, 04:37:03 PM »
So what about cards like Red Dragon and Queen Vashti who block with an ignore attached? What happens when they block?  Or what about cards like Faith of Moses’ Parents that interrupt then ignore? What happens to that card/ability now?

The evil ignores are largely unchanged by this change, as the stalemate is sufficient to get the block. There's probably some scenario involving banding where adding the ignored character into battle results in the numbers being enough to discard a non-ignoring character. (Red Dragon banding to Abaddon while opposing angels with enough strength to discard Abaddon.)

FoMP becomes a way to save your character from an ability or losing by the numbers, but it won't win you the battle.

So with FoMP, if my hero is being discarded by a SA, and I use FoMP to ITB and ignore black brigade (the discarding brigade), I’m not being discarded now, but what now? With this rule change is it now that I can’t be harmed at this point by black (unless my ignore is negated), but I’m also not winning the battle by ignoring black. So my strength still counts but his strength doesn’t, but his toughness still counts.  If this is the case it’s no different than a Protect ability. So what’s the point of having an ignore ability anymore then?
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Re: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« Reply #21 on: January 29, 2020, 04:53:54 PM »
So what about cards like Red Dragon and Queen Vashti who block with an ignore attached? What happens when they block?  Or what about cards like Faith of Moses’ Parents that interrupt then ignore? What happens to that card/ability now?

The evil ignores are largely unchanged by this change, as the stalemate is sufficient to get the block. There's probably some scenario involving banding where adding the ignored character into battle results in the numbers being enough to discard a non-ignoring character. (Red Dragon banding to Abaddon while opposing angels with enough strength to discard Abaddon.)

FoMP becomes a way to save your character from an ability or losing by the numbers, but it won't win you the battle.

So with FoMP, if my hero is being discarded by a SA, and I use FoMP to ITB and ignore black brigade (the discarding brigade), I’m not being discarded now, but what now? With this rule change is it now that I can’t be harmed at this point by black (unless my ignore is negated), but I’m also not winning the battle by ignoring black. So my strength still counts but his strength doesn’t, but his toughness still counts.  If this is the case it’s no different than a Protect ability. So what’s the point of having an ignore ability anymore then?
I don't agree with this change. However if it sticks,
 I'm a fan to make ignore=protect.  BUT, to answer your question ignore isn't protect exactly because if a hero is ignoring an evil character before they enter battle, they can't enter battle.  Protect would allow them too.  ALSO, if in your situation let's say you play an evil banding card to bring in another EC after FoMP is played, you wouldn't be able to bring in a black EC, but you would be able to bring in another color EC.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2020, 06:16:37 PM by SiLeNcEd_MaTrIx »
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Re: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« Reply #22 on: January 29, 2020, 05:25:32 PM »
I'm not a fan of the change to ignore either. In my opinion all this change does is complicated it more with mutual protection. As someone who has played gen-egyptians for 15ish years the hardest part of explaining ignore is that they can't target my character. With this mutual protect that is still going to be the case. I have also found that the majority of players ive played against have understood ignore just fine, especially after I explain it and literally set their guy As aside well explaining. (Pretty much your guy can't see me and i walk around, you can play but cant target my guy without negating or interrupting). Followed by giving examples of what they could play. It's very rare for me to have someone that still doesn't understand. I think with how the rule is currently its going to cause far more confusion.

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Re: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« Reply #23 on: January 29, 2020, 06:30:34 PM »
@Silencedmatrix That’s not entirely correct. Since ignore is an ongoing ability you can ITB (temporarily interrupting their ignore) and add a black brigade EC to battle from anywhere. Once that character is in battle, however, the interrupt is over (once the EC’s ability completes) and black is being ignored once again. 
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Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: REG 7.0 and ORDIR 3.0 Change Log
« Reply #24 on: January 29, 2020, 07:16:25 PM »
So what about cards like Red Dragon and Queen Vashti who block with an ignore attached? What happens when they block?  Or what about cards like Faith of Moses’ Parents that interrupt then ignore? What happens to that card/ability now?

The evil ignores are largely unchanged by this change, as the stalemate is sufficient to get the block. There's probably some scenario involving banding where adding the ignored character into battle results in the numbers being enough to discard a non-ignoring character. (Red Dragon banding to Abaddon while opposing angels with enough strength to discard Abaddon.)

FoMP becomes a way to save your character from an ability or losing by the numbers, but it won't win you the battle.

So with FoMP, if my hero is being discarded by a SA, and I use FoMP to ITB and ignore black brigade (the discarding brigade), I’m not being discarded now, but what now? With this rule change is it now that I can’t be harmed at this point by black (unless my ignore is negated), but I’m also not winning the battle by ignoring black. So my strength still counts but his strength doesn’t, but his toughness still counts.  If this is the case it’s no different than a Protect ability. So what’s the point of having an ignore ability anymore then?

In that scenario, you're in a stalemate. You can't be harmed by black (part 1 of ignore). Black can't be harmed by you (part 2 of ignore). Neither your strength nor his strength counts.


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