Author Topic: REG 6.0 and ORDIR 2.0 Change Log  (Read 5437 times)

Offline The Guardian

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REG 6.0 and ORDIR 2.0 Change Log
« on: May 07, 2019, 01:36:40 AM »
Hey guys, REG 6.0 and ORDIR 2.0 have been uploaded to Land of Redemption and will be on the Cactus site soon (perhaps "soon-ish" as Rob is busy mailing orders).

*Update* Now up on the Cactus site.

Here are some of the noteworthy changes. There's a few different threads from the Elder side so I might not get everything on the first try, but we'll update as needed here.

Deck Building Rules (pg. 6)
- T1->Other rules: Changed "brigade" to "same card icon"
- T1->Other rules: Added a bullet for "duplicate card names"

Conditions (pg. 11)
- Added a condition defining "if you do" and "if you do not"

Targeting (pg. 13)
- Clarifying that "next" and "last" don't look past the current phase

Activate an Artifact (pg. 23)
- By default, players can activate Artifacts in any legal location for that Artifact, as long as they control that location
- Clarified that an Artifact activated in a location with a holds effect must be able to be held there

Capture (pg. 28)
- Removed the 3rd and 4th bullets, to be covered by a new Glossary entry on Captured Characters

Choose Opponent (pg. 30)
- Default targets are limited to the opponent's territory (announced back in December)

Copy (pg. 33)
- Expanded duration explanation

Exchange (pg. 41)
- Removed the 4th bullet

Reserve (pg. 66)
- New entry

Toss (pg. 80)
- Clarifying when toss is instant vs. ongoing

Advantage (pg. 85)
- Added

Captured Character (pg. 91)
- New entry, to clarify that captured characters are still characters and have a better location for the 3rd and 4th bullets removed from Capture

Carry Out an Effect (pg. 91)
- Added

Character (pg. 92)
- Added and linked to Captured Character

Duplicate Card (pg. 97-98)
- Added PoC cards
- Removed the line with Medium of Endor, since it's generic

Generic Card (pg. 101)
- Added PoC Cards and new promos

Name (a Card/Card Type) (pg. 109)
- New entry, excludes Lost Souls by definition

Rescue Attempt (pg. 114)
- Updated a successful rescue to exclude rescues for the rest of battle, not just during battle resolution

Select (a Card) (pg. 115)
- New entry, excludes Lost Souls by definition

Star Icon (pg. 117)
- New entry

Unity (pg. 120)
- Clarified interaction with * abilities
« Last Edit: January 28, 2020, 09:33:43 PM by RedemptionAggie »
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

Offline The Guardian

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Re: REG 6.0 Change Log
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2019, 01:41:30 AM »
Share (an Attribute)

When comparing attributes of cards, two or more cards share an attribute if that attribute is at least partially the same across the cards, based on the active identity of cards on the playing surface and the face value of cards at face value. If any of the cards has more than one of the compared attribute (such as a multi-brigade card), only one of that attribute has to be shared between the cards for it to be considered a shared attribute.

Update on Dual-Alignment

Dual-Alignment (Old)

Dual-alignment cards have two different alignments. Most dual-alignment cards are dual icon cards.

Dual-alignment cards count as their face value alignment for deck building. If face value is both alignments, if neutral is not one of them, the card is counted as neutral, otherwise the card is counted as the other alignment.

Dual-Alignment (New)

Dual-alignment cards have two different alignments at face value. Dual-alignment cards are also dual icon cards.

If one of the alignments of a dual-alignment card is neutral, the card counts as the other alignment for deck building. If a dual-alignment card is both good and evil, it counts as neutral for deck building.]

Related update on T2 deck building rules:

Other Rules (1st Bullet) (Old)

•   The number of your good cards and the number of your evil cards MUST be equal.

Dual-alignment cards count as evil/neutral/good based on their face-value alignment (I.E. Saul/Paul (Ap) is an evil card at face value and counts as evil for deck building purposes). If a dual-alignment card is different alignments at face-value it counts as all of those alignments for deck building purposes. If neutral is one of the alignments the card counts as good and/or evil based on the other alignment(s).

Other Rules (1st Bullet) (New)

•   The number of your good cards and the number of your evil cards MUST be equal.

Dual-alignment cards have two alignments at face value. If one of the alignments is neutral, the card is the other alignment for deck building. If the alignments are good and evil, the card counts as neutral for deck building.
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

Offline The Guardian

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Re: REG 6.0 and ORDIR 2.0 Change Log
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2019, 01:45:02 AM »

Update to ORDIR to account for POC Phase 1 and 2, the seasonal promos (Majestic Heavens, Bethlehem, Storehouse, Prophets of Gibeath), Haman, Nero, and the new NJ.

Name Errata:
Added Isaiah/Isaiah, Prince of Prophets per guidelines on Print on Demand.

Identifier Errata:
New section to fix misprinted identifiers

New Lists:
Esther Card (for Haman)
Fool (for Doomed Canaanites/Foolish Edomites)
Genesis 37-50 Card (for Joseph, the Dreamer)
Haggai Card (for Haggai)
Hebrews Card (for Letter to the Hebrews from COW)
Jonah Card (for Jonah and Nineveh)
Lion (for Negev Lions and Lions' Den)
Micah Card (for Micah)
Persian Site (no referencing cards, but we identified Lions' Den as one)
Star Card
« Last Edit: May 07, 2019, 02:22:59 AM by The Guardian »
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

Offline Reth

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Re: REG 6.0 and ORDIR 2.0 Change Log
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2019, 01:53:39 AM »
Short question:

Will clarifications like these also be in the new versions? So far I could not find anything about the following within REG 5.1.0 nor within ORDIR 1.1.0:

Cannot be Negated
Last Updated: 8/10/2015 (v3.0.0)
Released: 7/26/2011
General Description
The cannot be negated modifier is the union of cannot be prevented and cannot be interrupted, which makes
certain abilities unpreventable and uninterruptable.
How to Play
The cannot be negated modifier modifies another ability, making it so that the modified ability cannot be targeted
by any prevent, interrupt, or negate ability.
Default Conditions
● The granting of cannot be negated to any ability cannot be negated.
● An ability cannot gain cannot be negated retroactively; it has cannot be negated when played or not at all.
● When a sentence in a special ability includes the cannot be negated modifier and does not specify what abilities
the cannot be negated modifier modifies, it modifies all abilities on the card that appear before the sentence
containing “cannot be negated”.

Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: REG 6.0 and ORDIR 2.0 Change Log
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2019, 02:16:44 AM »
If you're talking about the CBN modifier being CBN, that was moved to the description of modifiers on page 10, since it applies to all modifiers, not just the CBX ones. If it's something else, I'm not sure what you're asking.

Quote from: REG 6.0.0>Special Ability Structure>Modifier
A modifier is part of a special ability that modifies abilities or effects. Modifiers are not themselves abilities, but alter the behavior of abilities or effects. Whether a modifier targets an ability or effect depends on the type of modifier. If a modifier is granted to abilities or effects on other cards, the modifier persists through the end of the current phase by default. Since modifiers are not abilities, they cannot be targeted by interrupt, prevent or negate effects.

[Edited by R.O.S.E.S.] has been spoiled. RDT posted it in a thread on the Deck Concepts forum.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2019, 02:23:08 AM by RedemptionAggie »

Offline The Guardian

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Re: REG 6.0 and ORDIR 2.0 Change Log
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2019, 02:23:33 AM »
I thought they had been, but they were listed in the Spoiler thread so I couldn't remember for sure... ::)
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

Offline Reth

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Re: REG 6.0 and ORDIR 2.0 Change Log
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2019, 02:03:39 PM »
If you're talking about the CBN modifier being CBN, that was moved to the description of modifiers on page 10, since it applies to all modifiers, not just the CBX ones. If it's something else, I'm not sure what you're asking.

Quote from: REG 6.0.0>Special Ability Structure>Modifier
A modifier is part of a special ability that modifies abilities or effects. Modifiers are not themselves abilities, but alter the behavior of abilities or effects. Whether a modifier targets an ability or effect depends on the type of modifier. If a modifier is granted to abilities or effects on other cards, the modifier persists through the end of the current phase by default. Since modifiers are not abilities, they cannot be targeted by interrupt, prevent or negate effects.
Ok, then it was this description. I already found it in REG but for me it does not describe this topic in the same clear manner as the quote I referred to! And according to what I've read in the thread where I took that citation from (and at least one other threads where it has been referred to too) I thought it was already picked up in REG or ORDIR (at least this was my understanding from this thread especially according to the discussion around this post).

Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: REG 6.0 and ORDIR 2.0 Change Log
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2019, 02:23:46 PM »
The 1st post has been updated with more of the changes.


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