Author Topic: Glossary Entries Updated - REG 4.0.0  (Read 4339 times)

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Glossary Entries Updated - REG 4.0.0
« on: August 26, 2016, 05:59:20 PM »
Several Glossary Entries were updated with the REG 4.0.0 release

Edomites  - Herod the Great (all versions) added

Fruit of the Spirit - Temperance (all versions) added

Gender - Bear (CoW) and Fire Foxes (CoW) were added to the list of genderless characters

Identifier - The following explanation was added - "Unless a character is a patriarch of a Nation their descendants are not inherently the same culture or civilization."

Involves Music - A Soldier's Prayer and Musician's Chambers were missing from this entry.

I Samuel - 4 Missing characters were added.

Priest - updated to clarify how a character qualifies as a priest.

Syrian - Leah (TP) was missing.
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