Author Topic: 2 Errata List Updates - Love at First Sight (New), Grapes of Wrath (Changed)  (Read 5226 times)

Offline RedemptionAggie

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There have been a couple of changes to the errata list. One probably expected, one with a wording change (but no gameplay change) to fit better on the new card face.

Love at First Sight - Original:
If used by a meek Hero, a player must shuffle their hand to draw 8. Cannot be negated by an evil card.

Love at First Sight - Errata:
If used by a meek Hero, a player must shuffle their hand to draw 8. Cannot be negated.

Grapes of Wrath - Old Errata:
Discard an evil card in battle to shuffle all characters in battle. If played during a rescue attempt, no Heroes are in battle and the attacking player does not have more Redeemed Souls than all other players, that player may begin a new battle.

Grapes of Wrath - New Errata:
Discard an evil card in battle to shuffle all characters in battle. If the active player was rescuing this battle (and does not have a Hero in battle and Redeemed Soul advantage over every player), that player may end the battle to begin a new battle.

Offline TheJaylor

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Does the errata on Grapes really change anything about how it's played or is it just to update it with with newer terms like "active player" and "Redeemed Soul advantage"?

Also, since advantage is not specific to opponents (as far as I'm aware at least), does this mean and did it mean before that if my team is at 4 and the other team is at 3 I can still play Grapes to make another rescue since I don't have more Redeemed Souls than my teammate?

Offline The Guardian

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That's a good point, it might be better to replace "other players" with "opponents."

*EDIT -- the new Grapes promo was just printed as Marcus posted so probably don't want to add further errata. Perhaps TEAMS just needs a special condition that the term "other players" always refers to opponents.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2021, 09:39:39 AM by The Guardian »
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

Offline Reth

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That's a good point, it might be better to replace "other players" with "opponents."

So in teams format team mates would not be affected then?

Offline Watchman

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I believe that since redeemed souls are shared, the “other players” would only apply to opponents, since the teammates are essentially considered one player for redeemed lost soul purposes. But you guys know teams better than I do.
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Offline RedemptionAggie

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I agree with Watchman, although I don't think I've seen that come up, which is weird. I'd have ruled the same way on the old errata, although I'm not sure why it didn't use "opponents"

The new errata doesn't change how Grapes plays - it was mostly to fit it on the new card face, with some wording updates (which may or may not have actually saved space).


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