There have been a couple of changes to the
errata list. One probably expected, one with a wording change (but no gameplay change) to fit better on the new card face.
Love at First Sight - Original:
If used by a meek Hero, a player must shuffle their hand to draw 8. Cannot be negated by an evil card.
Love at First Sight - Errata:
If used by a meek Hero, a player must shuffle their hand to draw 8. Cannot be negated.
Grapes of Wrath - Old Errata:
Discard an evil card in battle to shuffle all characters in battle. If played during a rescue attempt, no Heroes are in battle and the attacking player does not have more Redeemed Souls than all other players, that player may begin a new battle.
Grapes of Wrath - New Errata:
Discard an evil card in battle to shuffle all characters in battle. If the active player was rescuing this battle (and does not have a Hero in battle and Redeemed Soul advantage over every player), that player may end the battle to begin a new battle.