First, this is not Jacob's Ladder!
Second because I'm poor and normally there are no prizes.
Finally, this is for RTS only (Hamachi is preferred but not required).
You will get points for wins, losses, and disconnections.
The Challenge:
You can challenge someone but both of you have to report to me, by PM or on this thread. I will sanction the match on this thread, and then you have one week to complete the challenge.
You can accept up to 2 On The Spot challenges in the meantime. I check this site everyday up until 5 pm. (West Coasters will probably be sanctioned the next day.) If a challenge is not completed then it is voided and both parties reports to me what happened, I will score the points accordingly (see point system below.) You are only aloud to play 3 games/challenges in a week's time. You can't challenge the same person two games in a week's time. There will be a lot of honor system in the scoring, so please don't make my life miserable by lying.
On-The-Spot Challenges:
You may have an On-The-Spot challenge if it doesn't affect any previous challenge. It is easiest to accept an OTS when you set a time up with your previous challenge. The limit of challenges (for points) is still at 3.
The Scoring System
Win 3 points
W against higher Rank 3 pts + 1 pt for up to every 2 spots ahead
Loss 1 point
incomplete challenge
Initiator of trying to play the challenge. 2 points
Ghost 0 points
illegitimate refused challenge -2 points
Disconnects handled case by case...
Who to Challenge:
1. You may only challenge someone, who is no more than 3 spots beneath you or 4 if you are in a positional tie with someone (
but no upper limit). Exeption: everyone is maxed out on games except those way below you.
2. If you beat someone above you, then you get 3 points + bonus points (1 pt for every 2 spots)
3. If you beat someone below you, then you only get 3 points. (this would give lower players an advantage and keep rankings tighter)
4. Please, challenge only on Monday to avoid confusion.
Reasons to legitimately refuse a challenge:
1. You are already in a challenge (It is up to your discretion to accept an On-The-Spot challenge.)
2. Your season is on hold (you have to let us know ahead of time if something in life needs your attention)
3. You have already played 3 games in a weeks time.
4. If you are challenged on Sunday prior to the next week.
Anyway, those are the thoughts I had...let me know what if you want to participate.
* Do not complain about the rules I set up, this is a substitute until Jacob's ladder is up and is done on my time. I don't want to hear it. *
Thanks for all the suggestions and constructive criticism that made the 3 seasons a success! Hopefully, this one will be even better!