Hey All,
I asked Travis Brown (uthminister), if he would be willing to host the Redemption plugin for
LackeyCCG on
Gem City Games, and he has graciously agreed to do so.
I want the LackeyCCG plugin to have a professional looking home and one that gives it a chance to reach players outside the existing player base. I believe that hosting the plugin on
Gem City Games achieves both of these goals. If you haven't checked out the store, go do it now and then come back.
OK, now that you are back... There is some good news and some bad news.
First, the bad news. Gem City Games does not currently have the plugin available for download. Since I figure we may only have one shot to impress new players, I want to make sure the plugin is cleaned up and simple to install, upgrade, and use before moving it to its new home. This work is still in progress.
Now, the good news. As a sample, we do have
Tutorials for Playing Booster and Sealed deck available. Please let me know if you have any issues with these.
Lastly, I want to thank Nobody (ha!) for providing information on card distributions needed to get booster and sealed working. In this any mistakes or deviations from the real world are my fault.