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I cant get it to download and I am getting just a bit hot under the collar.I am trying to download all the stuff up to FoOF and I cant open the link. Can someone help me?
OK I have downloaded all the ROA stuff and supposedly I have downloaded the G/h-FooF but I cant see anyo of it in my deck editor? does anyone know what I might have done wrong?
ALso, everytime I fire up RTS it says "Error - This error offured in "Form Activate": line number 40: (Err#481) Invalid picture ( originate with RTS)
My RTS does that too, but it's never stopped a game so I haven't bothered with trying to fix it.
Thanks for the help gabe. It says 2081. so it seems I have the right text file, I just cant see any pics and it doesnt list those cards in the deck editor. In fact it doesnt list any of the newer cards, even the G/H through FoOF that I downloaded before the RoA.
That's perplexing. That file is where the deck editor gets it's information so I'm not sure why the cards aren't showing for you. The only thing I can think of is that the file is in the wrong folder. It has to be in: C:\Program Files\RTS (does this make sense to you?)
thanks, it works now. Do people usually play with the card art or the words?
OK I have a BUNCH of questions after having tried for 15 minutes to connect to DeathScythe and nothing happened.1. How do you use hamachi? what is its purpose? I have a "room" in Hamachi called Crustpope1 with no password. He got in the same room I saw his IP but he ( I dont think he could) see my IP. He said I wasn't logged on but when I tried to join a network it said I was already on. I litterally have not clue what I am doing here and I cant find out how to use hamachi. The link in SK's post tells me Nothing meaningful because other than loading hamachi what do I do with it? Do I have to use the "External IP" button or something because that post that SK links me to doesn't help me. I did all that it says. I took a turn hosting with him listening and I took a turn listening with his IP address in the field. I literally do not know what to do. when I listen, I do timeout after a while and it has to to with that microsoft windsock error message. when I try to load that patch, it loads REALLY quick but then my computer says that it may nto have loaded properly so that may be the problem, but if it is, I have no way to fix it because the patch won't load. UGH! help me PLEASE!