Author Topic: I, for one,  (Read 7775 times)

Offline 777Godspeed

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I, for one,
« on: November 24, 2019, 12:04:10 PM »
was not too keen on another techno wunder site for Redemption. I was content as a pig in a mud hole with RTS. Lackey and TTS did not have much allure for this anti techno feller. They were just another thing to download and keep track of, both of which I don't much like to do. I rather be out roaming Gods' playground, hunting, fishing or building, making something or just sitting around the firepit with family, friends or just alone contemplating. My love for Redemption, Christs', this community and the game, caused me to set my unwillingness aside and I put both Lackey and TTS on my last leg laptop. (10+ years and still barely going). Settled more on Lackey because more players were there. I have finally settled into it fairly well after almost a year. Then Discord came along... another techno something or another to have to put on the ol' laptop..... groan!!! I resisted up until about a month ago then it all changed. I put Discord on ol' last leg and set-up Redemption NW. What changed my mind was the ability to play a game on Lackey and talk to who I was playing. That was much more appealing than typing. Long story short, Thanks to thejambi for presenting Discord and how it would compliment the forums. And also, Thanks to all those who are involved in the background work of keeping stuff updated and running properly for the community.

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