Author Topic: HP? RIPPED FOR ONLINE? (Continued)  (Read 20572 times)

Offline soul seeker

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Re: HP? RIPPED FOR ONLINE? (Continued)
« Reply #75 on: March 23, 2009, 10:22:29 PM »
Yeah, that was what I was thinking.  just every time you report a score, report a HP score with it lol.  I beat Soul Seeker 5-0 and played `1 hamans plot or something like that.
First, I would like to address the ludicrousness of this post.  I may be a n00b, but (to my knowledge which I'm 99.999% sure) I don't get skunked...ever.  I request an edit of "5-1 loss," it hurts the great reputation of noobiness that I have earned on this board.   :P

On a more serious note, I have made the final ruling on the ROOT rules page (#1) and on the current last page (#12).  I think it is the best one and I would like to thank Gabe for coming up with it.
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Re: HP? RIPPED FOR ONLINE? (Continued)
« Reply #76 on: March 23, 2009, 10:41:23 PM »
Yeah, that was what I was thinking.  just every time you report a score, report a HP score with it lol.  I beat Soul Seeker 5-0 and played `1 hamans plot or something like that.
First, I would like to address the ludicrousness of this post.  I may be a n00b, but (to my knowledge which I'm 99.999% sure) I don't get skunked...ever.  I request an edit of "5-1 loss," it hurts the great reputation of noobiness that I have earned on this board.   :P

On a more serious note, I have made the final ruling on the ROOT rules page (#1) and on the current last page (#12).  I think it is the best one and I would like to thank Gabe for coming up with it.

oOoOoOoOoOoOohhhh  I think I ruffled someones feathers.  let me see if I can one up myself.  IU>UNC   ;D ;D ;D

of course then I wake up and realize my beloved hoosiers, in the greatedt state of the union, are no where near the march dancing floor.  what sort of parralel universe have I awoken too?

BTW, I fully agree with the ruling.  props to Gabe for suggesting it.  it makes perfet sense given that we will play about 12 rounds per month, I say we treat it like any other tournament in as many respects as we can.
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Offline soul seeker

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Re: HP? RIPPED FOR ONLINE? (Continued)
« Reply #77 on: March 23, 2009, 10:49:48 PM »
Yeah, that was what I was thinking.  just every time you report a score, report a HP score with it lol.  I beat Soul Seeker 5-0 and played `1 hamans plot or something like that.
First, I would like to address the ludicrousness of this post.  I may be a n00b, but (to my knowledge which I'm 99.999% sure) I don't get skunked...ever.  I request an edit of "5-1 loss," it hurts the great reputation of noobiness that I have earned on this board.   :P

On a more serious note, I have made the final ruling on the ROOT rules page (#1) and on the current last page (#12).  I think it is the best one and I would like to thank Gabe for coming up with it.
let me see if I can one up myself.  IU>UNC   ;D ;D ;D
this post barely deserves the time or this sentence to even dignify the above statement, but at least you realized this:
of course then I wake up and realize my beloved hoosiers, in the greatedt state of the union, are no where near the march dancing floor.  what sort of parralel universe have I awoken too?
noob with a medal

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Re: HP? RIPPED FOR ONLINE? (Continued)
« Reply #78 on: March 27, 2009, 08:23:08 PM »
Quote from: soul seeker
If someone rips a Haman's Plot against you, then please report it when you report your score
I'm probably going to join ROOT soon.  Are people expected to actually rip or are we just counting the number of times HP is used by each person?

Nobody is required to rip Haman's Plot for ROOT.  We've decided to limit it's use to 3 times per tournament which is the same number of time you'd be able to use it in a live 12 game tournament.  When you report the score we ask that you also report if a Haman's Plot was used against you.  So far we've had 0 Haman's Plots used in March to my knowledge.
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