Author Topic: Hamachi Blocked by College Firewall  (Read 12686 times)


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Hamachi Blocked by College Firewall
« on: August 18, 2012, 10:49:57 AM »
After doing some googling, I was still unable to get it to work, so I thought I'd see if the resident computer nerd here know anything about it.

I assume it's blocked by the firewall. Pokemon-Online wouldn't work until I changed the port, and Hamachi doesn't go past "Resolving" when I turn it on.

So yeah, I moved off to college and Hamachi is blocked. I'm trying to change my ports for the TCP and UDP, but it won't do anything. I'm using the Mac Client Hamachi, so that's where things get messy. I've been fiddling with "Advanced Settings" in the Preferences window.

EDIT: For future reference, I was able to download Hotspot Shield, which allowed me to do everything.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2013, 02:33:49 AM by Westy »

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Re: Hamachi Blocked by College Firewall
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2012, 10:51:33 AM »
You do PO? We so should battle sometime.
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Re: Hamachi Blocked by College Firewall
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2012, 02:29:51 PM »
Check what version you have and see if its the latest version. If not then youll have to uninstall it and reinstall the latest version.

It gets fun from there because some of the files wont uninstall from your computer so youll have to do it manually. I tried to do all these things and couldnt get it to work, then after i reset my computer after installing new version it worked.

Even now when i first open Hamachi it gives me an error screen then i click it again and it resolves. I am not happy with Hamachi but its all we have for now.
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Re: Hamachi Blocked by College Firewall
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2012, 06:28:33 PM »
So after uninstalling and reinstalling, I am now able to change the port, but it keeps popping up red as if it's invalid. What am I doing wrong?  :'(

I've been going to the Advanced Settings--Peer Connections--Local UDP/TCP Address--[ip]:[random-port-number]

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Re: Hamachi Blocked by College Firewall
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2012, 11:33:22 PM »
Actually, I was prepared to write up a whole article on how to do this. 1 Word: Hamachi

Okay, well, if you want more information.

How Schools Block Websites:

This in effect is quite simple, when you access a schools wireless network using your own laptop, you are placed into a Virtual Local A rea Network within the school's IT System, this system runs through a DNS Server or, a Proxy Server, I've seen both setups, which filters the strings that your PC is searching for.

When it detects that your PC is searching for, let's say ( I have yet to find a school that hasn't banned 4Chan) the DNS Server will redirect the request for a webpage to either nothing (Browser returns a 404 message) or to a custom page saying "Access Denied - You have been blocked"

How to get around this:

Set up the Hamachi Client at home, on a computer that will be always on and connected to the internet, or at a friends place, it doesn't really matter. Set it up so that both TCP and UDP are using Port 80 (Settings->Preferences->Status->Detailed Configuration) Then set yourself up a server as per-normal. (I assume I don't have to mention you have to install Hamachi first...)

Now, go to your laptop that you take to school (Assuming your school lets you use your own lappie, if they give you one chances are you can't install anything on it so you've just wasted your time) and install Hamachi.

Change the ports on your Laptop to port 80.

Connect to your server

Go to Start->Run, Type in "cmd"

In teh command prompt type: "ipconfig / flushdns"

Thsi will flush your DNS resolver cache, now, make sure that your laptop can see the server and connect with it, ping should do that, so ping the address of the Server, not the Internet Address of your router or the internal network address, but the 5.x.x.x/8 address that your server will have in its console.

In action:

Now, the way that DNS works is that if your school has the filter in, what will happen is that your PC will ask the school "Do you know the IP of"

School will reply

"No, bugger off"

This is where most people have problems, but wait, your PC has another network, so instead, it will ask the Other Computers on the network:

"Do any of you know the IP of" and one of them, because it is outside the schools firewall, will say "Yes, it is x.x.x.x" and your Web browser will then navigate to the IP Address, which is not blocked, and load the website.

That is the thing, you can only block a website by name, not IP, as you can never be sure the same IP will be visited again and again, after all, Google has a few thousand IP Addresses, so if you wanted to block Google by IP, you would need to enter a few thousand addresses into a database,. Much easier to enter a string of ""

Why this should work:
Hamachi, in its normal flavor uses the following ports:

TCP 12975, 32976 outbound
failover to SSL (443 TCP)

UDP random (default), inbound/outbound
failover to relay, UDP 17771 outbound

Now, any good Network Admin thinking about security would have these blocked, but what we have done is told Hamachi to use Port 80 for inbound and outbound traffic, thus meaning that it sends all the data through a port normally only used for HTTP traffic which is the exact same traffic that the firewall would be letting through so the internet will work.

I hope this helps you all.

(Should work behind a corporate firewall, but how many companies let employees use their own laptops?)

This will also work for your friends who would like to connect to your server, if you let them that is. Remember, when setting up the server, pick a password!!

Hamachi can be downloaded from: https:/ /

Hope this helps.

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Re: Hamachi Blocked by College Firewall
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2012, 01:12:16 AM »
Sneaky. If everything you just said is true, wouldn't it be easier to access the websites by their IP? Assuming you know it or can get it...
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Re: Hamachi Blocked by College Firewall
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2012, 11:28:31 AM »
Set up the Hamachi Client at home, on a computer that will be always on and connected to the internet, or at a friends place, it doesn't really matter. Set it up so that both TCP and UDP are using Port 80 (Settings->Preferences->Status->Detailed Configuration) Then set yourself up a server as per-normal.
This is what I'm hung up on. I read the google article, which was kinda fail because it's about Windows. Either way, if I just type in "80" it pops up in red as if it's an error, and still doesn't work.

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Re: Hamachi Blocked by College Firewall
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2012, 08:18:47 PM »
Yea- Hamachi makes me mad too
This is the way Lackey gave it to me. All hail the power of Lackey!


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