Author Topic: Are you there?  (Read 3361 times)

Tracer Burnout

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Are you there?
« on: January 30, 2010, 02:40:24 PM »
I'm not sure who else is experiencing this phenomenon, but why do people log into Hamachi without truely being there?  It is quite discouraging and is a main reason that I have dropped out of ROOT and ROUT as of late.  I know we all have our own schedules, but is it that difficult to log out of Hamachi when you leave the computer?   :-\  So that I keep an open mind, is there another reason that I am missing as to why someone would be logged in without really being there?   ???

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Re: Are you there?
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2010, 03:01:14 PM »
When people are running Hamachi 2, closing the application DOES NOT log you out to everyone.  You must hit the power button before closing Hamachi or you will be online but offline.  It's a silly bug that should be fixed.

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Re: Are you there?
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2010, 04:02:47 PM »
whats the big deal? how is this any different than say, calling a persons cell phone and them not being there? if someone doesnt respond on hamachi, how is that exactly hurting you?
"If it weren't for people with bad decision making skills, I'd have to get a real job." - Reynad

Tracer Burnout

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Re: Are you there?
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2010, 05:20:22 PM »
whats the big deal? how is this any different than say, calling a persons cell phone and them not being there? if someone doesnt respond on hamachi, how is that exactly hurting you?

It's not that big a deal, and it's not "hurting" me.  I was just curious if anyone else experienced it, as well as wondering if it is for some other reason that I was unaware of. Please don't take offense as it's not directed at anyone in particular.
The main problem is that its discouraging from seeing people there but not really there...It makes finding a game difficult.


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Re: Are you there?
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2010, 07:11:55 PM »
This happens to me all the time. It is quite annoying, but eventually youg et used to it and aren't bothered by it anymore.

whats the big deal? how is this any different than say, calling a persons cell phone and them not being there? if someone doesnt respond on hamachi, how is that exactly hurting you?
Says the guy that does it the most ::)

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Re: Are you there?
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2010, 07:47:51 PM »

whats the big deal? how is this any different than say, calling a persons cell phone and them not being there? if someone doesnt respond on hamachi, how is that exactly hurting you?

Hamachi doesn't automatically go to voice mail after 4 rings.  If I message someone and thirty seconds later haven't gotten a response, I figure they have not seen the window.  This could be because they are not logged on or it could be because they ran to the bathroom and will be back in a minute, or are finishing up a phone conversation and want to finish the conversation before they respond, or maybe they just didn't see the window appear at the bottom of their screen and in a minute when they do notice it they will respond.  If they will be right back I'd like to give them a couple minutes to get back and respond, if they will not be right back (they're not actually on) I'd like to move on and do something else.

I've personally decided that I'll give people five minutes to respond before assuming they aren't really online.  I have had experiences where I log in and ask one person for a game.  After five minutes they don't respond so I ask someone else.  After five minutes they don't respond so I ask someone else.  I've spent as much as 20 minutes doing this on more than one occasion only to find that everyone that it "logged in" really isn't.  I'm not just sitting around and waiting for 20 minutes when this happens, I'm reading the message board or checking my e-mail or wandering about some other parts of the internet, so I'm not entirely wasting 20 minutes.  But if I knew those people weren't there I could immediately go do something else and come back to look for a game at a different point, so it does hurt me a little.  It doesn't hurt me much, but it does hurt me more than it would hurt those other users to spend 2 seconds clicking the power button before they go to bed.


Tim "Sir Nobody" Maly

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Re: Are you there?
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2010, 08:16:11 PM »
it makes no difference whatsoever if hamachi users leave it on or off. if they're showing offline, then they're obviously offline, if they're on but not responding, then they're also obviously not there. if you're really waiting even more than 2 minutes for a reply...then you probably shouldnt? pretty simple. at least if they leave it on, you can leave a message, whereas you cannot if they're offline.
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Re: Are you there?
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2010, 12:10:07 AM »
This does happen to me as well, and I find it annoying.  In fact, I have a Hamachi room called "really logged in" that is designed to help with this.  People who are in that group do actually log out when they are away from their computers.  I just recently opened up some room in it (by moving out people who I don't remember seeing online in forever.  So if you want to have at least one group where you can trust what you see, feel free to join.  But only join with one account (Tracer, you had 2 previously, so they're gone now).

Group: really logged in
Password: really

Tracer Burnout

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Re: Are you there?
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2010, 12:09:48 PM »
This does happen to me as well, and I find it annoying.  In fact, I have a Hamachi room called "really logged in" that is designed to help with this.  People who are in that group do actually log out when they are away from their computers.  I just recently opened up some room in it (by moving out people who I don't remember seeing online in forever.  So if you want to have at least one group where you can trust what you see, feel free to join.  But only join with one account (Tracer, you had 2 previously, so they're gone now).

Group: really logged in
Password: really

Yeah, I have two computers and my laptop has been down for the better part of 6-8 months so I created a new one. Sorry for the confusion and I appreciate you making a network designed specifically to "combat this threat" :D

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Re: Are you there?
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2010, 12:39:13 PM »
I think this is just an annoyance.  The people who leave their hamachi up while not being there aren't purposefully doing so in order to annoy others, some people just don't take the time to close it.  Whether or not this breaks some unwritten code of conduct between hamachi users is debatable. 
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Daniel 4:1b

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Re: Are you there?
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2010, 09:44:34 PM »
I've had the same experience as Sir Nobody.  It's not really that hard to just log out when you leave your computer.  If you do it, it makes things a lot easier for everyone else.


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