****RTS: The Interface****Welcome to RTS! When you open up the program, you will see the following screen:
Now, I will go over each of the various numbers:
1. New Game. This starts a new game.
2. Reconnect. Use this if you loose connection with your opponent.
3. Restart Game. Want a rematch?
4. Disconnect. This closes the connection.
5. Deck Editor. See two topics down for details.
6. Ping Opponent. This is one of those rarely used functions. You can ignore it.
7. Coin Flip. The computer does a randomized coin flip.
8. Roll Die. Roll a dice.
9. This dropdown menu picks how many sides the die in Red 8 have.
1. Draw 1 card from the top of your deck.
2. Draw 3 cards from the top of your deck.
3. Ends your turn.
4. This lets you add a note to a card, like if it was converted or something.
5. Adds a counter to a card. Useful for set asides.
6. Sends the selected card to your hand.
7. Sends the selected card to the discard.
8. Moves the selected card down in a stack of cards.
9. Moves the selected card up in a stack of cards.
1. Brings up the manual.
2. Info about RTS and who made it.
3. This button lets you view your Land of Redemption.
4. This button lets you manipulate your Draw pile in the following ways.
Draw 1
Draw 3
View: Top card, Top 3 cards, Entire deck.
Discard top card.
5. This button lets you view your discard pile.
6. This button sends a message you have typed. Pressing enter while typing in the bottom does the same thing.
Area 1: this is your hand.
Area 51: This is the Table.
Area 3: This is the chatbox.
Right clicking cards bring up many importiant options as well, and the options depend on where the card is.
**In Hand**
Put in Play: this lets you place the card onto the table either face up or face down.
Send to: Lets you stuff the card into your deck or discard it.
**In play**
Flip Over: Flips the card over.
Counters: Lets you manage counters on the card.
Make Note: Already disscussed above.
Send To: Similar to the Send To in your hand, but you now have the option to put it back in your hand, or into your own or your opponents Land of Redemption.
Remove Card. Takes the card out of the game. WARNING: This CAN NOT be undone.
Relenquish Control. Gives the card to your opponent.
**In Deck or Discard**
Send To: Already discussed.
In your opponents deck, you have the added option to discard the selected card.
View Card. Lets you see what the card does.
**In Land of Redemption**
Send Card To: This time its a little different. You can only put it back in play, but you can choose who the card belongs to when you do.
Well, thats the Interface of RTS!
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