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Disregard the double post:Elders, if you would like advanced permissions on this wiki to edit things yourself, send me a PM and I'll see what I can do.
Unfortunately, I do not have direct control over the ads. I can however report "bad ads" as seen here:
The wiki's actually used/useful now? BUAHAHAHAHA. A day I thought would never come.Lambo, if you need admin, etc (don't remember if you've got it), you can email me at rkoutnik [at] gmailFor thinking this far ahead, I get the prophet identifier on my personal card.
What are your thoughts about linking specifically named cards to their pages? For example, should the page for Resurrection link to Potter's Field? If so, in the ability text or the main body as something like, "This card refers to: Potter's Field (Wa); Potter's Field (Ki)". (Alternately, on Potter's Field, "The following cards refer to Potter's Field: Resurrection (Di), Raising of the Saints (Wa)...")
How about making artist pages?
Under the Split Brigade page, Faithful Servant is listed as Gold/Purple/White when he is actually Green/Purple/White.
Quote from: asrgimli on June 20, 2013, 05:26:09 PMUnder the Split Brigade page, Faithful Servant is listed as Gold/Purple/White when he is actually Green/Purple/White.I fixed this.