Author Topic: Type R.A.I.D. - Working Rule Set  (Read 10074 times)

Offline RedRanger

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Type R.A.I.D. - Working Rule Set
« on: November 17, 2020, 11:29:13 PM »
R.A.I.D. (Ranger Actions In Discipleship)

I'm working on a rule set for running redemption at a camp. Right now the working idea is a combination of:
A modified type half deck, built out of the I/J starter deck (Trying to get 2 versions of 3 solid decks of out one box, I expect to need to build 300+ of these and want some variety)
Play style is Ironman, with 5 to 8 tokens.

Type half modified rules: Deviations in red
4 Good Characters
4 Good Enhancements
4 Evil Characters
4 Evil Enhancements
5 Meek Lost Souls
4 Others (Includes Sites, Fortresses, Artifacts, Covenants, Curses, and the Hopper Lost Soul) Any non I/J card must be pure(single alignment or neutral) Can be additional HC,GE,EC,EE.
0 Dominants

If a card could fit more than one grouping, the player may determine where it is allocated.
Total deck size for all Type Half decks is precisely 25 cards, exactly half of the minimum deck size for Type 1.

Additional things that make Type half different than other Redemption formats.

Opening hand is 5 cards.
Draw 3 cards per turn.
Hand limit at end of turn is 6 cards.
No hand size limit during turn.
Rescue 3 Lost Souls to win.
Souls may not be placed into sites.

Scoring details:
Each token set is serialized. It marks the player and their age group and Camp Group(in this case DR,AR,ER and Royal Ranger outpost) the player is in.
Individual awards are in each age group based off of total tokens
Camp Group(RR Outpost) awards are combined total of player tokens from NOT in your Camp Group(RR Outpost)

I am curious how people think this will play.  Keep in mind that for 90 percent of the players this will be their first or maybe second exposure to redemption.  I intend to still have a type one and maybe a booster draft tourney at the camp, but this idea is for involving Redemption into the camp as a whole.  Giving the participants a chance to sit down and hydrate in the shade, or while waiting for their chance at another game.  It encourages interaction between the different camp groups in the camp fostering more competition and camaraderie.
My goals are:
It has to be teachable but true to the mechanics of the game.
Simple and fast game play.
Not give a severe advantage to experienced player, but not discourage them from pushing the game play.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2022, 09:48:17 AM by MrMiYoda »

Offline Reth

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Re: Type Camp - working rule set
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2020, 03:57:36 AM »
Sounds really good.  :D  :thumbup: - Looking forward to read more about it, above all how it will be accepted by the camp participants!

Some questions/points:
Maybe equality of good + evil cards should be included into the rules too, or won't this make sense?
Regarding additional cards: Maybe some more bans should be considered since there are now several cards around which reduces hand size (IMO even Covenants) - which is devastating for Type Half (or would Covs + Curses also be excluded since not being considered "pure"?).
Placing cards in sites I would not allow since site access would be hard to achieve depending on deck builds!
Just as some initial thoughts on that topic.

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Re: Type Camp - working rule set
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2020, 09:29:02 AM »
Sounds like a good working plan. Although, it may be difficult to get to 3 LS without the aid of Dominants. I think you should scrap the 4 misc cards and add in the 4 starter doms (SOG, AOL, CM, Burial). Maybe exclude Burial and add one artifact or something for a twist. That way you can decrease your timeout wins/losses and have clear results. Timeouts can be frustrating when first starting.

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Re: Type Camp - working rule set
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2020, 01:13:59 PM »
When we played type half back then it worked quite well w/o Doms - but I recommend not to use the "put LSs in sites" part!

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Re: Type Camp - working rule set
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2020, 09:04:03 PM »
Sounds like a good working plan. Although, it may be difficult to get to 3 LS without the aid of Dominants. I think you should scrap the 4 misc cards and add in the 4 starter doms (SOG, AOL, CM, Burial). Maybe exclude Burial and add one artifact or something for a twist. That way you can decrease your timeout wins/losses and have clear results. Timeouts can be frustrating when first starting.
You might be surprised at how easy it is to get to 3 without dominants. Sure, you don't have AotL to make a rescue much easier, but your opponent also doesn't have CM to stop one of your rescues. Like Reth said, back when Type Half was first introduced and was a side event at Nats 2017(?), it was, and I believe still is, better without dominants. I think the misc cards are more important to add a little more flavor to the games. This is my experience at least with non-"camp" level decks though, so I could be wrong about the consistency of game completion when dealing with new players and simple decks.

Going off of Reth's other points, I don't think the good/evil balance is necessarily needed. I think that part of what helps people get to 3 and also makes the category more fun is finding ways to assign dual-icon cards that fit the deck well.

I'd be interested to see if a hand reduction strategy would actually be that viable in Type Half. Sure, going from 4 to 2 is worse than going from 8 to 6, but that's also 2 cards that you're using that don't do much else and probably aren't flexible enough for the speed of play. For the purposes of the camp at least, I probably wouldn't worry about anyone running a hand reduction strategy.

I agree that LSs probably shouldn't be allowed to go in sites. I think site lock would be a bit too easy to achieve, especially when the base is the I/J decks with 0 site access cards and only mono-brigade Heroes.

Offline RedRanger

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Re: Type Camp - working rule set
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2020, 12:21:18 AM »
@TheJaylor - that's a valid point you make to @Reth suggestion about the LS in sites. I was thinking that because I added a LS to the deck count in exchange for 1 less extra card, that if someone were to choose a site then that would only be one lost soul handicapped. Your point makes sense. If someone throws down a green or blue site then no one even has a chance to get it out of a completely I&J deck.

I'm still solid on the NO dominants deal though.  A long game of type half is 30 minutes.  Typically 15.  It has very fast play, and doesn't need dominants. Mostly they are only longer when playing with a new player not familiar with their deck. Which is another reason why I went with I/J.  Everyone having the same pool of cards will speed play, and ease ruling half way through since everyone has had the same problems to handle a dozen times after the first couple hours. They will share strategies with their friends because of the Camp group(RR Outpost) awards encourages the building of a team element.

@Reth - Yes a Covenant + Curse card would not be a valid substitute card. It would have to be either one. The same as Enhancements that dual as a covenant or a curse. Or characters that double as an enhancement. I'm trying to keep the play simple and fluid but allow additional game elements from outside the I/J so that they players can be exposed to more (advanced?) elements of the game without being overwhelmed. Maybe limit to one site,fortress,city,artifact,Covenant,Curse? They can have up to one of each type to the limit of 4 but not 4 sites.  Thinking about that, 4 green sites if they could hold a soul would be effectively securing a win by soul drought. Definitely want to avoid that.

Thank you for your comments and suggestions. I appreciate the criticism. This is just an idea I'm trying to get ironed out and want to have some semblance to order to the herding of cats I expect this to be. Please continue to help me avoid the holes in the plan.  Once I get the deck lists in order I hope to test this out with a group of my boys. They will definitely find the chinks in this armour.

Offline The Schaefer

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Re: Type Camp - working rule set
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2020, 01:10:04 AM »
The 4 other cards section is a little confusing. Mostly cause I can't tell if you are including covs and curses or not.

So if you think dual icon cards will be a problem just don't allow them to keep things simple. Otherwise I dont see why there would have to be any restrictions on the 4 other cards.

The biggest question I have is how the starter decks apply to what you are looking for?

Are the boys require to have all decks stem from the starters and if so how many cards must come from them? Or are you looking to build some decks out of the starters that could fulfill the requirements to let the boys use but boys could theoretically build their own as long as they decks met the requirements?

I dont thing doms would be good nor would allowing sites to hold souls as those could warp gameplay and easily cause feel bads.

There are some problematic cards that could be added though (particularly with Evil Characters that could near lock an opponent out) so a ban list may be necessary (letting Aotl be legal might be another option but im not sure that's a good idea, but maybe considering biblically we do want heroes to win?)

Offline RedRanger

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Re: Type Camp - working rule set
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2020, 03:09:00 AM »
For some reason it had slipped my mind that Cov&Curses have an enhancement when I wrote the second post. I don't want to stop all dual icon cards because cities I think are a good inclusion in play. Just the character cards I think should not be dual icon, nor enhancements be dual alignment. Maybe it would be prudent to ban dual icons completely. It's a difficult call, trying to balance spicing a little diversity without having to create an extensive ban list.  I think it may be better to run in super restrictive on card selection, then loosen the reigns. The experienced, competitive players will be focusing on the sanctioned types tournament play anyway.

The decks will be pre-built from starters, a stack of meek LS's and maybe a couple of ten or fifteen cent cards to get the count up. Marked and made available for those who want to play. Right now my plan is to make it free to play, I pray that can be sustainable. The 4 other cards idea is to allow players more familiar with the game to make a few substitutes to adjust the deck to their play style without giving an overwhelming advantage and not going to a full constructed deck and deck lists and everything else that requires.  They can make a substitution when they get their deck. They have to really be committed because the cards get stamped and serialized. Then it just becomes handling a few(maybe a dozen or so) exceptions instead of managing a 300 deck, decklist database. While trying to run a game intertwined with two days of camp events.

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Re: Type Camp - working rule set
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2020, 02:04:09 PM »
Prayers up @RedRanger as you embark on your God-given destiny to fuel the wildfire spread for the game in South TX & beyond - to honor Cmdr Ken P's pioneering efforts. To all Redemption jedi: Cmdr Royce has expressed to me that he is most willing to help y'all get connected with your local Royal Rangers as it has been proven by our experience here in TX that members of this amazing organization easily fall in love with the game as evidenced by all the rave reactions from their PowWow camp participants this year and last, as well as warm welcomes for the game from their national & international leaders at LEAD2020.

a. Search for your local Royal Ranger outposts here:
b. Send those prospective RR contacts introductory 'cold' Emails (I had posted a possible template to use that has worked for me)
c. PM RedRanger for help and follow through, as needed.

Question @RedRanger: Does your forums name prefix Red mean 'the color red', or possibly 'Redemption'? :laugh:

Sorry for being a little off-topic. Now back to topic!
« Last Edit: November 19, 2020, 02:39:52 PM by ReyZen »
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Offline RedRanger

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Re: Type Camp - working rule set
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2020, 06:57:48 PM »
Yes the red is an abbreviation for redemption. The color and mighty morphin aspects didn't occur to me until after I registered.

Offline RedRanger

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Re: Type Camp - working rule set
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2020, 01:13:34 AM »
I have a pair of working decklists based off of a simple split of I deck and dividing relevant enhancements



Fishers of Men
Authority of Peter
You Are the Christ
Miraculous Catch
Raising Lazerus
Loaves and Fishes


Wickedness of Delilah
Lahmi's Spear
Ishbibenob'ss Sword
Ishbibenob's Spear
Ashtoroth Worship


Legion of Angels
Angel at Bethesda
Gathering Angel

Overwhelming Presence
Sword of the Lord
Glad Tidings
Water to Wine
Eaten by Worms
Angelic Guidance
Walking on Water
Angelic News

Selfish Kinsman

Sin in the Camp
To Each His Own
Achan's Sin
Bad Dealings

Each deck also had 5 meek lost souls, I didn't feel it necessary to list them.  I did have to pull a few extra lost souls from outside the deck but that was expected.
Played 2 rounds with these against each other.  I won the first one primarily from soul drought until turn 4 or so coupled with a couple of appropriately timed negates.  The second game I lost.  I didn't draw a Hero until turn 4.  Additionally Angel at Betehsda and Gathering Angel were at the bottom of the deck with Angelic Guidance(3 of the 4 last cards) while my opponent had Ishbibenob in play.  Both rounds took 20 minutes each or less.  Looking promising.

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Re: Type Camp - working rule set
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2021, 09:14:54 PM »
Blessings all.

Now that the South TX Royal Rangers PowWow (camp) is barely two months away, I wish to beg y'all to start helping Cmdr Royce realize his dream of not only making it a first in RR history to make Redemption an official activity but also for the game to be integrated into its award system for points garnered to win top places amongst outposts by pioneering Type Camp as a points contributor amongst other games, to determine the best outposts at PowWow.

Based on John E's and other players' suggested decklists, I believe that y'all could easily contribute as many deck ideas built around actual starter decks.

That being said, I beg y'all to contribute to Cmdr Royce, asap:
a. deck lists
b. your extra cards based off on deck list suggestions in this thread.
c. used but legal card sleeves

Commander Royce prays he will be ready with about 400 sleeved half decks by 3rd week of March. All decks Royce will build will not be for sale, and Royce plans to give them away to all kids participating in Type Camp..

Can y'all help make Royce's dream a reality?
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Re: Type Camp - working rule set
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2021, 01:20:20 AM »
Calling on all who have extra I/J cards. Help Commander Royce reach his goal of 400 half decks for the PowWow camp event in April 2021. We still need lots of:
A. Deck design ideas;
B. I/J cards (built up half decks or all your extra singles
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi

Offline Reth

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Re: Type Camp - working rule set
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2021, 02:26:06 AM »
DMed you at discord.

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Re: Type Camp - working rule set
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2021, 03:15:07 PM »
Time is running out brethren!

Please PM RedRanger, or Discord DM CmdrRoyce ASAP. We could all make this happen! All I/J singles needed - any condition. Please consider donating soon!


Peace and Blessings.
"Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace." --- Francis of Assisi

Offline RedRanger

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Re: Type Camp - working rule set
« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2021, 01:53:58 PM »
I want to thank @The_Schaefer and @ReyZen for the late nights into early mornings all last week helping to test and tweak the camp deck play. Being able to play dozens upon dozens of games in person and make suggestions and swap ideas really made that final push to get something that I think will work well. I was feeling rather averse to the deck structures I had intially put together but after their inputs and relentless testing and recombining I think we have something that will be an absolutely amazing game play for the boys at PowWow.

I've had to adjust the rules a little to account for the problems I had experienced watching boys who are new to the game play against each other. Most importantly we have functional decks! I have Lackey .dek lists if anyone is interested I will post them. I'd love to hear some feed back on how they play. Mostly that they are fast and simple enough for non-gamers without them getting completely over run by the more hardcore players at the camp.

If you want to help us in this endeavor donating I/J decks or even just the I/J Characters/Enhancements would help. The biggest need though is meek lost souls, of any type and sleeves(need 25 per deck). If you have leftover sleeves from your tournament deck send them and I will put them to use.  PowWow is April 16 so if you want to help with a donation of any of these items DM me for shipping arrangements. Also look for a post for cards in the marketplace I will be purchasing to put decks together.

Right now I don't have enough supplies for each boy to take home their own deck, but working on enough for them to come to a gaming area and play. I will at least use the decks for some kind of prize. Maybe for the boys who hang out and help the others as refs and coaches. They really are what make the game experience fun for everyone and can think of no better way of rewarding them for their time helping others when they could be out playing other games.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2021, 08:40:36 PM by RedRanger »

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Re: Type Camp - working rule set
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2021, 08:41:16 PM »
Deck lists.

Code: [Select]
<deck version="0.8">
<superzone name="Deck">
<card><name id="Naomi_(J)">Naomi (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Elders_of_the_City_(J)">Elders of the City (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Ruth_(J)">Ruth (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Enoch_(Pa)">Enoch</name><set>Patriarchs</set></card>
<card><name id="Boaz_(J)">Boaz (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Kindness_of_Boaz_(J)">Kindness of Boaz</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Devotion_of_Ruth_(J)">Devotion of Ruth (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Gleaning_the_Fields_(J)">Gleaning the Fields (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Warning_Against_Rebellion_(CoW)">Warning Against Rebellion</name><set>Cloud of Witnesses</set></card>
<card><name id="Family_Bond_(J)">Family Bond</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Loyalty_of_Ruth_(J)">Loyalty of Ruth (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Quinirius_(J)">Quirinius</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Pilate&apos;s_Soldiers_(J)">Pilate&apos;s Soldiers</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Emperor_Tiberius_(J)">Emperor Tiberius (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Mocking_Soldiers_(J)">Mocking Soldiers (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Coliseum_Lions_(J)">Coliseum Lions (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Sorrow_of_Mary_(J)">Sorrow of Mary (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Israel_Pays_Tribute_(Ki)">Israel Pays Tribute</name><set>Kings</set></card>
<card><name id="Roman_Whip_(J)">Roman Whip</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Lost_Soul_Luke_13_25_(J)">Lost Soul Luke 13:25 (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Lost_Soul_Luke_15_13_(J)">Lost Soul Luke 15:13 (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Lost_Soul_Luke_15_15-16_(J)">Lost Soul Luke 15:15-16 (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Lost_Soul_Luke_16_20-21_(J)">Lost Soul Luke 16:20-21 (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Lost_Soul_Mark_1_40_(J)">Lost Soul Mark 1:40 (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Crucify_Him!_(J)">Crucify Him! (J)</name><set>J</set></card>

Note that Warning Against Rebellion is a DAE card but is an exception to the deck rules since it is in what we are considering a "prebuilt" deck list.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2021, 08:52:55 PM by RedRanger »

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Re: Type Camp - working rule set
« Reply #17 on: March 16, 2021, 08:53:40 PM »

Code: [Select]
<deck version="0.8">
<superzone name="Deck">
<card><name id="Andrew_(I)">Andrew (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="James_(I)">James</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="John_(I)">John (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Peter_(I)">Peter (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Widow_(Pa)">Widow</name><set>Patriarchs</set></card>
<card><name id="Fishers_of_Men_(I)">Fishers of Men (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Wonderment_(I)">Wonderment (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="You_Are_the_Christ_(I)">You Are the Christ</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Authority_of_Peter_(I)">Authority of Peter (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Reach_of_Desperation_(H)">Reach of Desperation (H)</name><set>10th Anniversary</set></card>
<card><name id="Loaves_and_Fishes_(I)">Loaves and Fishes</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Shaphat_(I)">Shaphat (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Selfish_Kinsman_(I)">Selfish Kinsman</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Achan_(I)">Achan (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Nabal_(I)">Nabal (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Bad_Dealings_(I)">Bad Dealings (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="To_Each_His_Own_(I)">To Each His Own</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Achan&apos;s_Sin_(I)">Achan&apos;s Sin (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Ashtaroth_Worship_(I)">Ashtaroth Worship (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Sin_in_the_Camp_(I)">Sin in the Camp (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Lost_Soul_Luke_13_25_(J)">Lost Soul Luke 13:25 (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Lost_Soul_Luke_15_13_(J)">Lost Soul Luke 15:13 (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Lost_Soul_Luke_15_15-16_(J)">Lost Soul Luke 15:15-16 (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Lost_Soul_Mark_1_40_(J)">Lost Soul Mark 1:40 (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Lost_Soul_Luke_16_20-21_(J)">Lost Soul Luke 16:20-21 (J)</name><set>J</set></card>

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Re: Type Camp - working rule set
« Reply #18 on: March 16, 2021, 08:54:13 PM »

Code: [Select]
<deck version="0.8">
<superzone name="Deck">
<card><name id="Tola_(Ki)">Tola</name><set>Kings</set></card>
<card><name id="Gideon_(J)">Gideon (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Shamgar_(J)">Shamgar (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Samson_(J)">Samson (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Jephthah_(J)">Jephthah (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="The_Sword_of_Gideon_(J)">The Sword of Gideon</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Shamgar&apos;s_Oxgoad_(J)">Shamgar&apos;s Oxgoad</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Battle_Prayer_(Ki)">Battle Prayer (Ki)</name><set>Kings</set></card>
<card><name id="Samson&apos;s_Strength_(J)">Samson&apos;s Strength (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Gideon&apos;s_Call_(J)">Gideon&apos;s Call (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Trumpets_and_Torches_(J)">Trumpets and Torches</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Unclean_Spirit_(J)">Unclean Spirit (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Foul_Spirit_(J)">Foul Spirit (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Controlling_Demon_(J)">Controlling Demon (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Possessing_Demon_(J)">Possessing Demon (j)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Twice_Afflicted_(J)">Twice Afflicted (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Fiery_Darts_(J)">Fiery Darts (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Persistent_Pestering_(J)">Persistent Pestering (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Evil_Strength_(J)">Evil Strength (J)</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Hypocrite&apos;s_Proselyte_(J)">Hypocrite&apos;s Proselyte</name><set>J</set></card>
<card><name id="Lost_Soul_Psalm_68_6_(I)">Lost Soul Psalm 68:6 (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Lost_Soul_Psalm_119_176_(I)">Lost Soul Psalm 119:176 (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Lost_Soul_Proverbs_21_24_(I)">Lost Soul Proverbs 21:24 (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Lost_Soul_Proverbs_21_16_(I)">Lost Soul Proverbs 21:16 (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Lost_Soul_Proverbs_14_10_(I)">Lost Soul Proverbs 14:10 (I)</name><set>I</set></card>

Offline RedRanger

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Re: Type Camp - working rule set
« Reply #19 on: March 16, 2021, 08:54:31 PM »

Code: [Select]
<deck version="0.8">
<superzone name="Deck">
<card><name id="Legion_of_Angels_(I)">Legion of Angels</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Gathering_Angel_(I)">Gathering Angel</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Angel_at_Bethesda_(I)">Angel at Bethesda</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Gabriel_(I)">Gabriel (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Eaten_by_Worms_(I)">Eaten by Worms (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Angelic_News_(I)">Angelic News (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Overwhelming_Presence_(I)">Overwhelming Presence</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Walking_on_Water_(I)">Walking on Water (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Angelic_Guidance_(I)">Angelic Guidance (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Angel_of_the_Harvest_(RA)">Angel of the Harvest</name><set>Rock of Ages</set></card>
<card><name id="Glad_Tidings_(I)">Glad Tidings</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Protection_of_Angels_(Pi)">Protection of Angels (Pi)</name><set>Priests</set></card>
<card><name id="Ishbibenob_(I)">Ishbibenob (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Lahmi_(I)">Lahmi (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Saph_(I)">Saph (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Delilah_(I)">Delilah (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Ishbibenob&apos;s_Sword_(I)">Ishbibenob&apos;s Sword</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Ishbibenob&apos;s_Spear_(I)">Ishbibenob&apos;s Spear (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Wickedness_of_Delilah_(I)">Wickedness of Delilah (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Lahmi&apos;s_Spear_(I)">Lahmi&apos;s Spear (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Lost_Soul_Proverbs_10_1_(I)">Lost Soul Proverbs 10:1 (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Lost_Soul_Psalm_119_176_(I)">Lost Soul Psalm 119:176 (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Lost_Soul_Proverbs_21_24_(I)">Lost Soul Proverbs 21:24 (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Lost_Soul_Psalm_68_6_(I)">Lost Soul Psalm 68:6 (I)</name><set>I</set></card>
<card><name id="Lost_Soul_Proverbs_14_10_(I)">Lost Soul Proverbs 14:10 (I)</name><set>I</set></card>


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