If you're from Oregon and new to the game, or at least new to exploring where tournaments are held, then I'm here to help.
My name is Scott Stamp. I live in Keizer. I have been hosting Redemption tournaments in Oregon and the Pacific Northwest for many years. After a few years hiatus, I was called back into action by a new crop of players in the Salem area. I can easily travel to any location in the Willamette Valley to host tournaments for your playgroup(s), from Cottage Grove to Portland. I could also travel to Bend area and Central coast.
Maybe you're so new that you need help learning the game better before attempting tournaments. I can come to your playgroup meeting place to coach, teach, and suggest strategies. I have a large inventory of Redemption cards that I'd like to get into new players' collections.
If you're interested please feel free to contact me with a personal message here on the boards or my email, scottstamp@yahoo.com