Hey guys,
Hasn't been a whole lot of action on Lackey lately...wondering if it would be beneficial to try and organize a "Lackey game night" so people can plan on reserving some time when they know others will be available.
This week probably won't work for me, but looking ahead to next week, what might be a good night? Thinking I would start "hosting" around 7 pm CST and we'll just pair people up as they join. I'll play if there's an odd number otherwise I'll just spectate and judge.
Post below if you're interested and what nights could potentially work for you. Based on responses, I'll make a final decision on what night it will be. The big thing will be follow through--if you say you'd be available for a particular night and that night is chosen, then please show up. It would be pretty disappointing for someone who committed to playing only to have no others show up.