If the pairings are posted on a Friday, or even a Thursday in many cases, that does effectively rule out the Saturday as there is not enough time after the pairings are known to make a plan for when to meet up and/or it is so close to the day that it is likely already booked up.
I went about this all the wrong way and I'll work backwards. I should have apologized right-off when I realized I was wrong instead of trying to get away with a justification masquerading as a pseudo-apology. Pride doesn't quit easy. I shouldn't have let the irony of accusing someone else of assuming the worst "as always" justify my undue levity. The only people I know personally who use the sentence structure of a statement with a question mark or starting one with "implying" are the worst, most hateful, snide, puffy, self-loathing people I know and I need to give the benefit of the doubt to people I don't know personally who employ that syntax. I set the tone for lack of respect by not taking adequate time to explain what's in the first paragraph of this post right off, and by not accounting for my own emotional baggage in that I signed up to get to play people other than Karius and Red and ended up with a bye, a ghost (NO HARD FEELINGS TO JOSIAH), one game with someone else and Karius.
What I really mean to say is, what can I do to help get ROOT on a regular schedule?