New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
beat alpal in the game he challenged me to 5-3
And Prof the swiss game with me and New Raven never happened we never got on at the same time and a couple of days a go we set up a time and I got on then but he did not I even played a couple game and waited a while but he still never got on.
I was at mjwaree5's house and New Raven was on Hamachi so we set it up over Hamachi.So therefore I do not have a copy of what we said.
forsworn should have 2 bonus. just sayin'.
I have not heard anything about these games:Goldencomets' swiss with Slinkmelike1hit's swiss with LJF11I have heard about these games and am waiting for more input:SS's swiss with Maniac (waiting to hear from Maniac)Maniac's challenge of adotson (waiting to hear from Maniac)Alpal's swiss with Raven (waiting to hear from Raven)
RTSmaniac, it appears that you also ghosted on SS this past week, can you confirm that he sent you a PM before noon on Thur to set up a game with you.
I won my Swiss game over Kyzer 5-1. The score is misleading, though, since he held me off for almost two hours. Good game!
PS: I have a conspiracy theory forming. Every game that I've played for the past 2 months. Either I or my opponent starts the first hand with Mayhem. I think it's kind of weird that it happens that frequently in RTS.
Lost a fun bonus to YMT.
I lost in my swiss 5-4 to alpal455. gg