New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
I played an epic swiss game against SS. We both ran out of gas and ended at 4-4.
I was blessed with a 5-3 win against Alpal in our swiss matchup. Great Game!
I need to name my plague (most of you know the one: key cards buried until too late.)
I won challenge game 5-1 and bonus game against Forsworn Angel....also learned that setaside guys return during upkeep-not prep...oopsDo i get points for winning a challenge game i challenged?sorry I meant the other way around- during prep they return- oops
lost to the gabe machine 3-5 in challenge game
I also played my challenge against RTSManiac tonight. He got off to an early leading. I made a risky play that gave him a soul but ended up winning me the game, 5-3.
i lost my challenge gameforsworn angel challenged me and i lost 5-0
What are all the results from the challenge games that I haven't struck through? I was gone at Regionals and I can't seem to find the results after looking through 5 pages of topics.