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I had a question about who's in ROOT and who's not---when I'm online and I see people who are there in "ROOT bronze, silver, gold" but some who are in those groups are not listed on the front page of this topic. So are all the people in the ROOT groups considered in the tourney? Thanks!
no. i know crustpope9 isent full.
i beat isildur in an ots game. good game.
leo, need to know if you can fit in our game tonight.also, i beat jds in an ots last night. gg.
Quote from: Master KChief on February 07, 2010, 07:39:04 PMleo, need to know if you can fit in our game tonight.also, i beat jds in an ots last night. gg.I know this message isn't going to go down well, but per the new rule (that is in red on Post #2) both JDS & Isildur need to confirm. In fact, this is for everybody. We need both opponents to start confirming whether you won or loss and any other pertinent information that happened in the game. I'm going to grant MKC the points as we adjust to this new rule in it's first week (mainly because my opponent didn't report either, so we're all adjusting). The second week...I will start watching closer.
and why exactly would copying a chat not count?
just curious, why was this rule implemented?