Author Topic: Valley of Dry Bones dominant card-destination of revived heroes  (Read 2825 times)

Offline pinkfloyd

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Valley of Dry Bones dominant card-destination of revived heroes
« on: September 10, 2020, 06:19:25 PM »
This one releases "all captured heroes and resurrects a hero" for each player.  "If a character is in battle, you may banish this card to take THESE heroes to territory and add any  to the battle.   1.  If I choose to do this (since it's one of those cards that says "you may..."), ALL the released and resurrected heroes can join the battle on my side--even those of my opponents?   I'm still getting the hang of using cards in my opponent's territory for my own benefit, which I can see is a pretty useful mechanism!  I just don't want to overstep or misread a rule.   2.  If I choose NOT to put said heroes into the battle, where would they go back to?  The owner's territories?  Back to the owner's hand?   

Offline Bobbert

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Re: Valley of Dry Bones dominant card-destination of revived heroes
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2020, 06:35:50 PM »
The release and resurrect abilities default to owner's territory. However, because Valley specifically says "take them to territory" you get to take your opponent's heroes that you release/rez. So yes, you're correct, you get all of them.
Because the second part of Valley is "You may do X to do Y and Z", I believe both Y and Z are mandatory if you do X (not 100% certain on that). So, your options are to banish Valley and either take and add all heroes to battle, or to let Valley be discarded normally and let all the heroes go back to their owners' territories.
ANB is good. Change my mind.

Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: Valley of Dry Bones dominant card-destination of revived heroes
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2020, 07:29:30 PM »
Bobbert is correct, except for one correction specific to the wording of the card.

Valley of Dry Bones
Spoiler (hover to show)

The first sentence puts the resurrected characters in their owner's territories and the released characters to whichever territory they belong it (usually whoever had permanent control when they were captured). If you choose to banish, all of those characters are taken to your territory, unless they are protected (so the stop in a different territory can be important). And the add to battle is technically mandatory, but since it's "add any number of those Heroes to battle", you can choose to add 0 and functionally skip it.


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