Author Topic: Several Noob Questions  (Read 2132 times)

Offline SiLeNcEd_MaTrIx

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Several Noob Questions
« on: August 05, 2018, 10:19:58 AM »
1.)  If I play 3Woes, and I negate a lost soul site, does it negate the ability only or the site being a site as well?  I assume just the ability.

2.)  If a card is CBP, can I play a negate card on it? Since negate = interrupt and prevent?

3.)  If my opponent makes a RA with any character that gives my EC initiative and my opponent  also has Gam's speech in play.  If I defend, play danites attack, can I ask for dom initiative to play Christian Martyr on his hero before he can Gam's speech danities attack?
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Offline The Guardian

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Re: Several Noob Questions
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2018, 10:27:41 AM »
1.)  If I play 3Woes, and I negate a lost soul site, does it negate the ability only or the site being a site as well?  I assume just the ability.

2.)  If a card is CBP, can I play a negate card on it? Since negate = interrupt and prevent?

3.)  If my opponent makes a RA with any character that gives my EC initiative and my opponent  also has Gam's speech in play.  If I defend, play danites attack, can I ask for dom initiative to play Christian Martyr on his hero before he can Gam's speech danities attack?

1. It only negates the special ability on the Site.

2. Yes. However, "negate" does not equal "interrupt and prevent" that's simply how it functions.

3. Yes, you can play CM first before the opponent uses Speech (dominant initiative checks first before optional triggered abilities), however the opponent could still trigger Speech even after CM is played since the battle has not reached battle resolution yet.
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

Offline SiLeNcEd_MaTrIx

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Re: Several Noob Questions
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2018, 10:49:39 AM »
1.)  If I play 3Woes, and I negate a lost soul site, does it negate the ability only or the site being a site as well?  I assume just the ability.

2.)  If a card is CBP, can I play a negate card on it? Since negate = interrupt and prevent?

3.)  If my opponent makes a RA with any character that gives my EC initiative and my opponent  also has Gam's speech in play.  If I defend, play danites attack, can I ask for dom initiative to play Christian Martyr on his hero before he can Gam's speech danities attack?

1. It only negates the special ability on the Site.

2. Yes. However, "negate" does not equal "interrupt and prevent" that's simply how it functions.

3. Yes, you can play CM first before the opponent uses Speech (dominant initiative checks first before optional triggered abilities), however the opponent could still trigger Speech even after CM is played since the battle has not reached battle resolution yet.
  Thanks for the responses buddy.

Okay buddy thanks.
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