Heavenly Temple says, "If your Rev Angel is banished, capture, converted, or underdecked by an opponent, you may discard 2 cards of matching brigade from hand or a martyr from territory instead."
If I were to have Heavenly Temple and attack with Great Multitude and my opponent blocks with Egyptian Taskmaster and has an Egypt Site in play. When the evil character has initiative, he plays, Enslaved By Egypt (If used by an Egyptian, capture a hero. Cannot be negated by a good card if Egypt site is in play. targeting Great Multitude). Because the site is in play, it is cannot be negated.
Would I be able to use Heavenly Temple in this situation? My guess is that I can, because Heavenly temple is not preventing Enslaved By Egypt, but replacing the text of "Capture" with "discard 2 card of matching brigade from hand or a martyr from territory" Right?