Author Topic: Prevent question  (Read 4060 times)

Offline pinkfloyd

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Prevent question
« on: September 13, 2020, 06:04:22 PM »
Well, today I played and only one question came up that I couldn't answer.  I must be improving.  Noah (the newest one) says if you convert him to mark you can prevent.  Prevent encompasses what?  Does it prevent characters' abilities and enhancement abilities?  Does it prevent cards already played or only those played after Noah converts?  I think I understand prevent on other cards that are more specific--I had a card (site I believe) that protected my Syrian cards from shuffle, convert, and maybe a couple of other things, which was very helpful.  But it spelled out exactly what the card prevented.  I'm having a hard time getting used to this less wordy but not as informative wording.  Kinda like going from the Revised NIV to the Living Bible---NIV is clunky but it spells things out (sometime 2 or 3 times)!   

Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: Prevent question
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2020, 06:16:26 PM »
Prevent and Protect are 2 different things.

Prevent stops a card's ability from activating when it is played.
Protect stops a card from being targeted by another card's ability (and/or the numbers on the card, depending on the wording).

"Prevent cards" means all cards played for the rest of the battle can't use their abilities, unless they are "Cannot be negated" or "Cannot be prevented."

Offline pinkfloyd

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Re: Prevent question
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2020, 06:26:26 PM »
I should have caught that first part.  But that clears up the prevent question anyway.  Thanks Aggie.  I saw where someone else asked about negate vs. prevent, wondering if prevent was more powerful than negate.  Seems like it would depend on what you need, but I can see how preventing and ability from taking place could be considered preferable to letting it happen and then squashing it.

Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: Prevent question
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2020, 06:39:07 PM »
I kind of avoided that question because it was more complex than I wanted to answer at the time, but negate and prevent are pretty much on the same level, at least in regards to stopping abilities before they happen.

Prevent only stops abilities going forward.
Interrupt only suspends abilities that have (or are) happening.
Negate does both.


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