Author Topic: ORCID Feedback/Corrections Scavenger Hunt  (Read 14457 times)

Offline Professoralstad

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Re: ORCID Feedback/Corrections Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #25 on: September 23, 2017, 03:26:57 PM »
Devourer: The reason cards like Burning Bush and Begging for Grain use the wording they do, is to explain that the ongoing part of the negate does not apply to Enhancements played afterward. Since Devourer is an instant interrupt and instant discard, it is not necessary to have that qualification
Goliath's Spear: I think you are correct, and will update these to while instead of if as I see them.
Satan Released: Agreed, updated.
Land Purchase: Agreed, updated.
Ishbibenob's Spear: See Goliath's Spear.
Political Brides: That makes sense, will be updated.
Rejected Advice: That makes sense, will be updated.
Strength Revealed: Will be updated.
Lahmi's Spear: See Goliath's Spear.
Troops Discharged: Noted
Bearing Bad News: I can see that interpretation, but I know it has been ruled in the past that a discard ability (AotL, Jael's Nail, etc) wouldn't stop the protection. May be revisited.
Dart: Agreed, and I have been fixing those as I see them.
Momentum Charge: Agreed, will be updated.
Climb the Walls: Noted.
Disuading Speech: Agreed, will be updated.
Glittering Spear: See Goliath's Spear.
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Offline Professoralstad

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Re: ORCID Feedback/Corrections Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2017, 03:29:45 PM »
I think discard is the one exception to that because it can happen by game rule as opposed to just by abilities, but not sure.

As of August last year, "Protected from discard" functions literally as "Protected from discard abilities" regardless of how it's worded, nothing protects from discard by game rule as a result of being defeated. Unless it's planned to revert to how it used to be prior to that in 5.0 (Which I would be 100% in support of), all play as for cards that say "protected from discard" should have "abilities" tacked on. It's a simple matter of me doing ctrl+f "from discard" although before I do that for the whole list it would be nice to have confirmation from Jordan which types of protection should be followed by "abilities" and which should not.

Question for Jordan: If including "abilities" is the norm, are there any kinds of protection that specifically should not have "abilities" tacked on? It seems at least capture isn't supposed to have it but I'm curious as to why this is. Since they are all functionally identical should they not all be verbally identical for the sake of consistency?

I don't believe there is any proposal to revert the protect from discard ruling; so abilities will be used in all cases. I am updating them as I see them for V1-1.
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Offline Professoralstad

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Re: ORCID Feedback/Corrections Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #27 on: September 23, 2017, 04:05:08 PM »
I Am Healing: Agreed, will be updated.
Ears to Hear: Generally, that is correct. However, since this particular card name is also a card type, I thought the clearest way was to use quotations. I may consider other options to differentiate the card from the card type, but have to think about it.
Praise the Moon: Agreed, will be updated.
Spiritual Warfare: Intentional. From the REG - "Ignore abilities only apply to cards of a different alignment."
Equipped for Mission: "the number" will be updated as "a number"
Not Alone: Agreed, will be updated.
Refined by Fire: Agreed, will be updated.
Spiritual Beings: Agreed, will be updated.
Weapon of Light: See note on Jethro's Wisdom
The Darkness: Agreed, will be updated.
The Pit: Hold identifiers do work, but if the ability further specifies how cards can be put there, then the hold ability must abide by that. So for other examples, you can't just put angels from your territory in Chamber or humans into City of Refuge.
Shadow (Both versions): See note on Solomon Dedicates Temple
Lurking: Agreed, will be updated.
Torment: Interesting point...there are a lot of other older healing cards that would be similar. Not sure how best to word it though. Will have to think about it some.
Evil Arises: Since The Pit is in territory, it is superfluous.
Retreat: It really comes down to different types of abilities. For example, Counsel of Abigail requires it to be different sentences, because there is a condition that has to come between the interrupt and the underdeck. Most ITB abilities do not, and have simple non-conditional abilities that follow (like Retreat). However, there may be some remaining inconsistencies that I will have to investigate.
Weakness: We discussed this along with Without Food and Lacking Sleep. I believe it will be updated in REG 5.0 that the blocking player may do X signifies an ability that must happen immediately following the initial block. I will ensure with the team that that is accurate.
Wounded: Agreed, will be updated.
Dejected: Agreed, will be updated.
Oblivious: Agreed, will be updated.
Seeds of Doubt: Agreed, will be updated.
Partner Abandoned: Agreed, will be updated.
Stealing: If "an" wasn't there, you could not choose a different opponent than the one you are blocking in a multi game. This would be inconsistent with similar abilities.
Subject Deserted: "it" should become "Lost Soul" and "the" in "the Lost Soul" should be removed.
Evil Advice: See Subject Deserted.
Unaware: Agreed, as I've mentioned earlier, I did have a reason at one point to use Select, but am now trying to remove them as much as possible.
Angry Travelers: See Subject Deserted.
Consumed by Doubt: Both instances of the word "that" should be removed.
Fear of Danger: The word "that" should be removed.
Possessed: The word "that" should be removed, as should the word "the" from "the Lost Soul".
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Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: ORCID Feedback/Corrections Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #28 on: October 16, 2017, 11:53:26 PM »
Table of Showbread and Muscians' Chambers: Missing the "as if played from hand" clause.  Shelemiah the Priest and Widows' Tables maintain the clause, which I think is the correct course.

Rome: It should be "evil N.T. Enhancements", to match the printed version with regards to conversion.

A Soldier's Prayer/Consider the Lilies: The shuffle is not tied to the success of the search, so you could shuffle the card if you don't find a target on the printed version, so it's not an exchange.  And if it was an exchange, it needs "and take it."

Honey from a Lion (Print 1): Should be take, not add to hand.

Faith of Isaac and The Hard-Hearted Pharaoh (both prints for both): the upgrade should come before "of deck" to be consistent with similar abilities.

Samaritan Water Jar: Does not need "cards" in the upgrade to be consistent with similar abilities.

Joseph (FF): Reference is used for book-chapter-verse, Scripture verse is used for the Scripture text.  That's probably really an errata, not Play As, though.

"Add it to hand or battle"
Answer to Prayer
Gabriel Meets Zecharias
Joiada, Son of Eliashib
Renewing the Covenant
Spirit as a Dove
We touched on these prior to release, but apparently never finished the discussion.  I do think they should be similar to Nebuchadnezzar and Divination - "take it or add it battle" (well, band for Gabriel Meets Zecharias) to avoid the stop in hand.

Edit: Proverbs 22:10 LS (RA) has an apostrophe, not a quotation mark at the end of Anti-Ignore

Covenant of Prayer:
The main print is missing "or" between opponent and search.
The alt print has an unnecessary "to hand" after take, and the left side links are messed up.

Angel at (the) Tomb (both version): "into deck" is unnecessary per the definition of shuffle.

Building of Egypt should be Building Egypt
« Last Edit: October 19, 2017, 10:47:07 PM by RedemptionAggie »

Offline Kevinthedude

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Re: ORCID Feedback/Corrections Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #29 on: October 20, 2017, 03:04:44 PM »
Back with Priests. I switched up the format a couple times during this post, current standard format is the original Play As with text to be removed struck through and text to be added in bold.

Thorns and Speed Bump Souls (Possibly others): Is "While in play" needed? It seems to only be describing default Lost Soul behavior and not actually doing anything.

Ram's Horn: "good Priests and good warriors" ::)

The Bronze Laver: To clarify that you can't exploit this card by somehow preventing yourself from underdecking the revealed cards but still drawing, it should use "to". "Reveal and underdeck any number of evil cards from hand to draw an equal number."

Agur: For consistency, "If that Hero enters battle" should be "If Hero enters battle".

Eleazar the Guard: Some abilities of this type just say "While in play", some say "While Hero is in play" and others say "While "card name" is in play". Which one is the standard?

Jahaziel, son of Zechariah: "If that Hero" should be "If Hero".

Angel at Jerusalem: I don't know if you guys officially accepted the suggestion yet, but I'm going to make a note of these in case you do. "a warrior class Assyrian" -> "an Assyrian Warrior"

Aaron: See Eleazar the Guard.

Abiathar: "from discard abilities and remove from the game abilities" -> "from discard and banish abilities".

Ahimaaz: "Protect this Hero" -> "Protect Hero". "withdraw this Hero" -> "withdraw Hero".

Ahimelech, Priest at Nob: I believe "to a brigade of your warrior class Hero" would make more sense than "to the brigade of your warrior class Hero" in the case that the Hero has multiple abilities. Also, "warrior class hero" -> "good warrior".

Elishama the Priest: "If that Hero" -> "If Hero".

Ithamar, son of Aaron: To prevent confusion, I think it should be specified that this ability can only be used on a tabernacle artifact.

Jehoram the Priest: Just a note that this one of the dudes that places an enhancement to be played later and is worded correctly in case there is any doubt about the other ones being an error.

Melchizedek: I was going to ignore this completely but it is getting very difficult. Am I allowed to start an argument about Oxford commas?

Phinehas, son of Eleazar: "Protect this Hero" -> "Protect Hero".

The Sabbath: With the current Play As, wouldn't the limit ability mess with multiple uses of the Sabbath?

Passover & Unleavened Bread: See The Sabbath.

Tithe: "If that hero" -> "If Hero".

Prayer of the Faith: Should have the Play As: "Protect Heroes from evil warriors".

Buckler: I believe the first part of this can be shortened to "If equipped Hero is about to be discarded,".

Army of the Lord: "all warrior class silver Heroes" -> "all silver warriors".

Fourth Living Creature: "from capture" -> "from capture abilities".

Burning Incense: "All Heroes" -> "Heroes".

Covering the Sacred Things: "protect that Artifact" -> "protect Artifact"  and "If that Artifact" -> "If Artifact".

Fellowship Offering: Should have Play As: "Negate and discard Household Idols. Hero may hand to any number of Heroes with the same book in the reference as this Hero".

Grain Offering: "Protect all Heroes".

Job Overcomes: "Opponent must discard the a number of evil cards from"

Jehoiada's Strength: "Protect all Heroes form brown."

Melchizedek's Blessing: "If that Hero enters battle,".

Sin Offering: "Discard the a number"

Trumpet Blast: The second "an" in "Discard an evil Fortress or an occupied Site" seems suspiciously intentional since the original ability did not have it but it seems unnecessary to me.

Offline Kevinthedude

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Re: ORCID Feedback/Corrections Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #30 on: October 20, 2017, 03:05:54 PM »
Rest of Priests. Conveniently sorted with good/neutral in the above post and evil in this one.

Doubt: Please just errata the "until end of turn" away so it can simply be bad instead of being entirely useless.

Assyrian Camp: "discard, convert abilities and capture abilities".

Headquarters at Riblah: "in territory from discard abilities."

High Priest's Palace: "in territory from discard abilities."

Pharaoh's Throne Room: "from convert abilities and discard abilities."

Temple of Dagon: "from capture abilities."

Carcasses: evil warrior

Flee from Enemies: The current play as is for a completely different card.

Go Into Captivity: evil warrior

Amaziah, the Ungodly Priest: "from special abilities"

Mocking Soldier: evil Roman warrior

Zeresh: This ability should use "to". "Zeresh May band to Haman. If she does, to look at the".

Abijah, son of Samuel: "in battle" matters and shouldn't be cut from the original ability. There may someday be a way to get a non-TC character's ability activate outside of battle.

Babylonian Forces: Nothing wrong with this one but Flee from Enemies has its Play As.

Judas Iscariot: See Eleazar the Guard.

Urijah the High Priest: The comma is not needed and while I cannot remember the specific card, I remember seeing another card in this set that had a similarly used comma in the original ability that was not included in its Play As so there is precedent for removing this comma.

False Priests: Should use "to". "You may play False Peace from discard pile. If you do, to banish it."

Prince of the Air: "underdeck a Chamber of Angels."

Prince of this World: Should have Play As: "Protected from lone Heroes."

Prince of Tyrus: "Protected character from silver".

Reckless Endangerment: "Negate that Hero."

Desolate Gateways: Isn't the value of X usually written as an identifier rather than an ability?

Boasting of Strength: Negate that Hero. If that Hero is".

Boasting of Riches: See Boasting of Strength.

Building of Egypt: "for the a number of Egyptian Sites".

Spreading Mildew: With the current Play As putting the release before the ":", if there are cards there that can't be released then the rest of the ability doesn't work. It is also important that the negate of the fortress happens before the release. Suggested fix: "Place on a Fortress: Negate Fortress. Release all cards in Fortress to owner's hands. After 4 turns, discard this card to discard Fortress."

Built on Sand: "While that Hero".

Lukewarm: "Negate that Hero and all search and draw abilities used by that Hero".

Poison of Dragons: No error, just wanted to note how happy I am to see a place-on-a-Hero card with no use of "that".

The Power of Death: "discard that demon."

Boasting of Wisdom: "Negate that Hero." "used by that Hero."

Offline Kevinthedude

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Re: ORCID Feedback/Corrections Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #31 on: October 23, 2017, 03:14:23 PM »

Egyptian Warden: Play As lets you discard an enhancement on the table while the original only works with an enhancement from hand.

Satan's Seat: "If a hero rescues a Lost Soul from that Site,"

Deceiving Spirit: "This character may use any Enhancements of that brigade."

Obadiah: "Protect all Heroes from pale green"

Dan "The Man": "you may draw 2, or opponent must discard a card from hand."  The comma is unnecessary.

Jacob: "May band to a silver Hero, or you may play a Genesis Enhancement." The comma is unnecessary.

Babylonian Banquet Hall: "May be occupied by the a number of Lost Souls equal to the number of Babylonian Sites in play."

Mephibosheth: Most Play As puts "unless" conditionals in parenthesis but this one does not. Unsure if this is intentional.

Peace Treaty: "Select an evil brigade (except orange). If Hero is O.T., Hero ignores selectedan evil brigade (except orange) or may band to a human Hero." Does this ability require a select clause to function or does the suggested change work? I would think it works since other abilities that make you select something just use "-do something- to a/an ____".

Nebushasban: Needs Play As: "You may exchange a Lost Soul in opponent's territory with a Lost Soul in your territory.

Unbowed: "Select an evil brigade. Protect all Heroes from that an evil brigade."

Undefiled: "interrupt and discard the last evil Enhancement played in battle, and discard all evil Enhancements on your Heroes." The comma is unnecessary.

Assyria's Tribute: "Cannot be negated during a battle."

Angel of God: "Protect all Heroes from capture abilities."

The Destroyer: "Negate thea protect ability ofon an evil Fortress. You may discard a silver Enhancement from hand to discard an Evil Character in a territory. If you do,to banish this Hero after battle." Unsure if this works with a "to", although I think it would even though it may look weird at first glance.

Burning Censor: "Decrease all Evil Characters 4/4."

Fire, Smoke, and Sulfur: "Discard an evil human (or 2 Evil Charactersevil humans if 6 or more humans are in play)."

Assyrian Archer: "You may discard a Hero in a territory. If you do,to discard this Evil Character after battle. May band to an Assyrian." See The Destroyer.

Joiakim, Son of Joshua: "If Zerubbabel's Temple is in play, this Hero may use O.T. Enhancements."

Wastelands: "Select an opponent. TheyAn opponent must underdeck a Site in territory. Limit twice per game."

Mary's Seven Demons: "Reveal thea number of cards from the bottom of deck equal to the number of cards in opponent's hand minus 7: Take the evil cards."

Heldai: Requires Play As: "May band to a good II Samuel or I Chronicles warrior."

Naharai: "If you do not have a good weapon in play when this Hero enters battle, discard him after battle." The stricken text is unnecessary since the the ability triggers when he enters battle anyway.

David's Mighty Men: Requires Play As: "If used by a good warrior class Hero, discard an evil warrior class Evil Character. Cannot be negated."

The Battle is the Lord's: "If used by a good warrior class Hero, select a brigade. negate evil Enhancements of selecteda brigade."

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Re: ORCID Feedback/Corrections Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #32 on: October 23, 2017, 03:14:50 PM »
More FooF, ran out of page space again.

House of Rimmon: "Protect Syrian Evil Characters in territory from shuffle abilities, capture abilities and discard abilities unless Elisha is in play."

Reuben's Torn Clothes: "Select an evil brigade. Genesis Heroes ignore thatan evil brigade."

Emperor Otho: "You may discard a N.T . evil Enhancement from hand to discard all cards in battle." "N.T ." has an extra space in it.

Expelling the Jews: "If used by a Roman emperor, interrupt the battle and withdraw all human Heroes in battle."

Hosea: "You may capture an O.T. human Evil Character with a band ability to opponent's Land of Bondage." Does Land of Bondage need to be specified?

Cherubim: "Look at opponent's hand: Topdeck all evil Dominants."

Wheel Within a Wheel: "Place this card on your angel: Protect that Heroangel from opponents' Dominants, and that Heroangel has Site access." Also, the comma is unnecessary.

Razor: "If Isaiah or an Assyrian is in play, discard opponent's character in battle, or" The second comma is unnecessary.

Siegeworks: "Place this card on a Site or Fortress: Negate that cardSite or Fortress."

Assyrian Survivor: "Protected this character from discard abilities on opponent's cards. If defeated, capture this character to opponent's Land of Bondage instead. Cannot be interrupted."

Seven Years of Famine: "During each player's upkeep, if theythat player haves 7 or more cards in hand, theythat player must discard a card from hand." The second "they" made the card interpretable to mean if the player has over 7 cards, all players discard.

Joseph: Requires Play As: "Search deck for Storehouse or Goshen. Protect sons of Jacob from discard abilities."

Joseph Before Pharaoh: "If used by a son of Jacob, negate and capture an evil human to opponent's Land of Bondage or negate and underdeck an evil or neutural card."

Egyptian Magicians: "Reveal the top or bottom card of deck.: If it is evil, take it and draw 1, or add it to battle." Should use a colon.

Pharaoh's Cupbearer: "You may capture this character to opponent's Land of Bondage to search discard pile for a Genesis character or a Genesis Artifact and add your Genesis character to battle. Cannot be negated."

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Re: ORCID Feedback/Corrections Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #33 on: October 30, 2017, 02:27:55 PM »

Warriors Spear: "Discard the top card of opponent's deck. If it is a Lost Soul, put it in play instead, and discard this card after battle." Stricken text is redundant with a game rule.

Assyria Conquers Israel: "Discard a Site or an O.T. Fortress. Opponent may discard the top X cards of deck (and put Lost Souls in play) instead." Stricken text is redundant with a game rule.

The Rabsaris Attacks: "Discard a Hero in battle or set-aside area. Opponent may discard the top 5 cards of deck (and put Lost Souls in play) instead. Cannot be negated if used by The Rabsaris." Stricken text is redundant with a game rule.

The Winged Lion: "Protectedcharacter from green."

The Imperial Guard: "If another Babylonian is in play, discard a random, face down Artifact from opponent's Artifact pile." The second comma shouldn't be included and is already not included on other cards with similar abilities.

Site Guard: "If you put this card in a Site, you may place an Evil Character face down from hand, The Darkness or Tartaros on that Site: At any time during a rescue attempt at that Site, you may add that character to battle."

Obadiah's Caves: "Protect your green prophets from capture abilities."

Two Bears: "If used by a prophet, interrupt the battle and shuffle an evil card of each evil brigade in play." Stricken text is redundant since all cards with an evil brigade are evil.

Night Raid: "If Elisha is not in play, capture a Hero to opponent's Land of Bondage."

Levi: "If a Genesis captured Hero is in opponent's territory, discard an evil male human in that territory. Levi has Site access."

Pleading for the City: "Set aside a Hero for one turn. On return, you may search deck for up to 2 silver Heroes, and you may resurrect all of opponent's Lost Souls." Stricken text and comma are redundant.

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Re: ORCID Feedback/Corrections Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #34 on: October 30, 2017, 02:28:23 PM »
RoA cont.:

The Winged Leopard: "Protected character from white."

Abomination of Desolation: "If used by a Greek, place in opponent's territory: If that opponent draws cards (except during draw phase), you may discard a card in their territory (except a Lost Soul)." Stricken text is redundant with a game rule.

Throne of David: "If your purple king is blocked and no Evil Character in battle is equipped with a weaponevil weapon is in battle, you may draw X and play an O.T. purple
Enhancement." I dislike how it is currently worded since weapons are never actually equipped in battle so by a strict interpretation of the rules the current Play As doesn't actually function properly. I believe the suggested change functions identically to the original intent and is worded is a way less vulnerable to misinterpretation.

Melchizedek: "Protect all Heroes from capture, convert abilities and poisons abilities."

Jeroboam's Idolatry: "Set aside your evil human: Each upkeep, decrease Evil Characterevil human 0/2. Protect your evil brown O.T. humans in battle from the first good Enhancement opponent plays each battle."

Jeiel: "If all your Heroes are O.T., protect your musicians from capture abilities."

The Terrifying Beast: "Protected character from blue."

Prisoner Transfer: "Transfer a captured Hero from a player to another, or exchange 2 Lost Souls." Comma is unnecessary.

Amalekites' Slave: "If blocking, you may capture this card to opponent's Land of Bondage to search deck for an evil human and add it to battle."

Capturing Canaan: "Capture an evil human (or 2 evil humans if used by a judge)" Some cards with similar abilities give the restriction in both places and some do not, I don't know which is correct but I'll mark them as if specifying in both places is correct since that is what the majority of similar cards do.

High Priest's Maid: "You may set aside a N.T. human for 3 turns. If you do, to banish this card after battle."

Doctrine Like Leaven: "Set aside a Pharisee or Sadducee: Each upkeep, decrease the Evil CharacterPharisee or Sadducee 0/1 and resurrect a generic Evil Character of the same identifier (Pharisee or Sadducee)." The current wording does not function in all cases since a good Pharisee exists (Nicodemus). The exact same wording should always be used inside and outside the colon.

No Need for Spics: "Negate protect abilities on evil cards. Select an evil brigade on a card in battle. N.T. female Heroes ignore thatan evil brigade in battle."

The Bear: "Protected character from red."

Zeresh Advises Haman: "On return, discard X Heroes in each opponent’s territory, and a random face down Artifact in each opponent's territory." Second comma is unnecessary.

Jair: "Protect O.T. Heroes from decrease abilities."

Gibeonite Delegates: "Protected this card from discard abilities. If defeated, capture this card to opponent's Land of Bondage instead. May band to Gibeonite Delegates. Cannot be prevented."

King Amaziah: "If this Hero is captured, you may add your O.T. Hero to the battle."

Jezebel: I've been "correcting" "Protect this character from" to "Protected from" but I have noticed the last couple cards I did so on had "Protected from" in the ability and "Protect this character from" in the Play As. Is "Protect this character from" actually the standard way of doing it and if so, why when "Protected from" is shorter and works? Also if you use "Protect this character from" you have to decide if "character" should be "card", "Hero/EC/etc", or "character" since all those options are used on different cards atm.

Ahimelek the Hittite: Needs Play As: "Protect your good warriors class Heroes from capture abilities.

Uriah the Hittite: "Protect Heroes in territory from discard abilities."

Shechem: "If another Canaanite is in play, you may capture a female Hero or transfer a captured character to opponent's Land of Bondage."

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Re: ORCID Feedback/Corrections Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #35 on: November 10, 2017, 01:42:50 PM »

The Gates of Hell: "At any time, you may discard the bottom card of deck:. If it is an orange demon, put orange demonsit in play instead. You may discard this card to add your demon to battle." Changed wording to be consistent with similar effects and slightly shorter.

The Centurion at Capernaum: "Negate Sites and special abilities (except band abilities) on Evil Characters (except warriors class)."

Asahel: ": May band to an good O.T. human warrior class Hero or you may choose opponent's male human to block."

A Soldier's Prayer: "If used by a good warrior class Hero, exchange this card with a red Enhancement in deck or discard pile."

Asa's Good Reign: ": Place on your good king for 3 turns: Protect your O.T. Heroes from evil warriors class Evil Characters."

Consuming Fire: "Select an evil brigade (or 2 if you have a good judge in play). Prevent characters and weapons of those an evil brigades (or 2 evil brigades if you have a good judge in play) this turn."

Large Tree: "Place on your evil king to search deck for a Site: Protect himevil King from ignore abilities. Each upkeep, increase himevil King 1/1." When a colon is used this way, the card needs to be referred to the exact same way on both sides of the colon.

Rash Oath: "Discard a captured Hero to discard the top card (or top cards 2 if used by a Herod) of each opponent's deck." Other similar effects describe the thing being changed fully inside the parenthesis.

Herod's Treachery: "Place on a Herod: Herod may use any evil Enhancement. You may discard this card to withdraw X Heroes in battle."

User of Curious Arts: I'm letting this one keep the select language since, while it would technically be better and more consistent without it, it would be easily misinterpreted.

Astrologers: "Reveal the top or bottom card of deck: If it is evil, take it and opponent must discard their card in territory (except a Lost Soul). Cannot be interrupted." Stricken text is redundant with game rule.

Damsel with Spirit of Divination: "If blocking, reveal opponent's hand: Draw thea number equal to the number of good brigades on cards in that hand. Cannot be interrupted."

Philistine Garrison: Needs Play As: "Protect this character from lone Heroes." or "Protected from lone Heroes", whichever version of a card protecting itself is the correct one. Immune is outdated and shouldn't be left as the final wording on anything.

Overwhelmed by Philistines: "If used by a Philistine warrior class Philistine, discard all Heroes in battle. Cannot be negated if a purple Hero is in battle.

Land Dispute: "If used by a Philistine, select an opponent. Ttake thatan opponent's Site. If theythat opponent does not have a Site when this card is played, discard their Fortress."

Image of Jealousy: "Place on a Hero or a good Fortress: Negate that cardHero or good Fortress."

Pretension: No change, I would just like to note that it says "Draw an equal number" rather than "Draw the number equal to" as an example of why cards should say "draw a number" rather than "draw the number" since I've been correcting all instances of "the number" to "a number" and don't know if that's going to be a disputed change or not.

Wandering Spirit: "Reveal the bottom card of deck:. If it is a demon, put itdemons in play. If your demon is discarded, underdeck it instead. May band to a generic demon. Cannot be negated."

Destructive Sin: "Place on a Hero: Negate that Hero and its owner's good Fortresses and Covenants."
« Last Edit: November 10, 2017, 03:55:07 PM by Kevinthedude »

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Re: ORCID Feedback/Corrections Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #36 on: November 10, 2017, 03:43:16 PM »
Samaritan Water Jar: "Discard this card to reveal and set aside the top 3 cards (or top 9 cards if a Samaritan Hero is in play, put Lost Souls in play instead) of an opponent's deck until that deck has no cards. On return, shuffle those cards." Stricken text is redundant with game rule.

That game rule is just for cards that are discarded from deck, not set aside, right?

Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

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Re: ORCID Feedback/Corrections Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #37 on: November 10, 2017, 03:54:39 PM »
Samaritan Water Jar: "Discard this card to reveal and set aside the top 3 cards (or top 9 cards if a Samaritan Hero is in play, put Lost Souls in play instead) of an opponent's deck until that deck has no cards. On return, shuffle those cards." Stricken text is redundant with game rule.

That game rule is just for cards that are discarded from deck, not set aside, right?

You're completely right, I think I had it in my head that the 9 were being discarded.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2017, 03:58:18 PM by Kevinthedude »

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Re: ORCID Feedback/Corrections Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #38 on: April 12, 2018, 10:24:52 PM »
A recent discussion led me to read the current Play As for Joseph's Silver Cup and I noticed a possible error.

Current: "Protects opponents' Artifacts from deactivation this round. Restrict players from activating Artifacts that are not currently active. Limit twice."

Unless I'm mistaken, this doesn't stop the opponent from simply deactivating their own artifact since protection affects only cards, not players. I believe it should say something along the lines of:

"Protects opponents' Artifacts from deactivation this round. Restrict opponents from deactivating opponents' Artifacts and players from activating Artifacts that are not currently active. Limit twice."

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Re: ORCID Feedback/Corrections Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #39 on: April 12, 2018, 10:32:48 PM »
I'm going to be meeting with Jordan tomorrow, can you send me a PM to remind me to check with him on that?
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

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Re: ORCID Feedback/Corrections Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #40 on: April 12, 2018, 10:33:48 PM »
I'm going to be meeting with Jordan tomorrow, can you send me a PM to remind me to check with him on that?

Will do!

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Re: ORCID Feedback/Corrections Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #41 on: May 08, 2018, 04:10:50 PM »
Thanks again for this great document! There's a lot of hard work which went into it!

One remark (I will also open an individual thread for this):

Shouldn't be David's Harp also to be considered as "involves music"?

According to ORDIR:
A card involves music if it does one of four things:
  • ...
  • Represents a musical instrument or singing.
  • ...

Well for me this is clearly the case for David's Harp - so it should also be considered as a card involving music!
Maybe there are other such cards too?

What's the official opinion/ruling on that?

Thank you in advance


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Re: ORCID Feedback/Corrections Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #42 on: May 08, 2018, 04:15:07 PM »
If it does involve music, it wouldn't be listed as such in ORCID - for identifiers, it only lists those actually on the card, not any others that may apply. Apostles Peter isn't listed as having any identifiers, for example.

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Re: ORCID Feedback/Corrections Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #43 on: May 08, 2018, 04:23:08 PM »
So does this mean David's Harp is considered as having "involves music" identifier?

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Re: ORCID Feedback/Corrections Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #44 on: May 08, 2018, 04:27:46 PM »
So does this mean David's Harp is considered as having "involves music" identifier?

For what purpose? I'm not aware of any cards that interact with an artifact that "involves music".
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?

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Re: ORCID Feedback/Corrections Scavenger Hunt
« Reply #45 on: May 08, 2018, 05:42:04 PM »
For what purpose? I'm not aware of any cards that interact with an artifact that "involves music".

That's true - then for the sake of completeness.  ;D


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