Author Topic: New Rulings for the 2015-2016 Redemption Season - CHANGES!  (Read 8333 times)

Offline Redoubter

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New Rulings for the 2015-2016 Redemption Season - CHANGES!
« on: August 11, 2015, 07:38:26 PM »
The start of the Redemption 2015-2016 Tournament Season is marked by the release of the REG 3.0.0 and the announcement of new rules, rulings, and clarifications.

All of the following can be found in, or match the new wording from, the current version of the REG, and are in effect immediately.  There are additional changes to the REG that were made which did not constitute rule changes, but may be viewed as part of the REG Change Log.

For more information on new REG versions, the REG Change Log, and the process for future changes, please see this thread.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2015, 08:31:29 AM by Gabe »

Offline Redoubter

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Re: New Rulings for the 2015-2016 Redemption Season
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2015, 07:38:50 PM »
Conditions inserting between abilities is no longer true
1. The previous rule that some conditions could insert between abilities is no longer in effect.  Ability types are now more clearly defined in the REG, and this is a 'triggered ability' instead of a 'condition'.  It cannot insert between other abilities.  Existing rulings based on this rule are overturned accordingly.

However, 'instead' has been clarified further.  As it replaces an effect, instead of inserting between abilities, it still occurs as the ability happens (and not afterward); anything with 'instead' is not a triggered ability.

Ignore - Part 3 targets ignored characters
2. Ignore's part 3 (characters cannot enter battle) now targets the ignored characters.
This means that characters can enter battle directly from hand, deck, or discard because they were not targeted in those locations (ignore's targeting defaults to 'in play').  They can then be ignored while in battle as normal.
Characters in a territory but protected from or immune to the card on which the ignore resides (or protected from ignore itself) may enter battle, because they were protected from being targeted by that component of ignore.  However, once they are in battle, if the protection does not cover them, then they can be ignored during battle as normal.
Also, a clarification in the Default Conditions now states that characters can only ignore other characters while in the Field of Battle.  This is to clarify how The Garden Tomb works with the updated part 3, to indicate that the listed characters only ignore other characters while in battle, not while in territory.

Cannot Be Ignored means "Protected From Ignore"
3. Cannot Be Ignored is now defined as a protect ability, specifically meaning "protected from ignore abilities," as per the normal definition of a protect.
This means that gaining "cannot be ignored" (now protection) after an ignore has already targeted does not undo the ignore, and the character is still ignored.
This also means that Golgotha cannot be used to grant protection after-the-fact if the ignore happened as part of the Hero entering battle (since that is the defined start of the Battle Phase); it can still protect from further ignores proactively, just not retroactively.

Foreign Wives is now a one-time check
4. Foreign Wives, and characters with similar wording, indicate an ability that checks once, when the character enters battle.  If the condition is not true when she enters battle, her protection does not turn on (even if more cards are drawn later in battle).

Set-Aside Enhancements do not go to Set-Aside
5. When a set-aside enhancement is played, it is treated like any other enhancement, and is discarded once used or remains in battle if there is a character there of matching brigade.  It no longer goes to set-aside.
Clarifications have also been added to the REG regarding what happens if one or more characters is removed from set-aside before the duration ends.

By default, cards from a deck are top/underdecked in the same order
6. If cards are revealed or looked at from a deck and then topdecked/underdecked, by default they go in the same order.  Neither player may change the order, unless the card specifies otherwise.

You must reveal your hand if you cannot complete a mandatory action with it
7. If a card requires you to make certain actions upon your hand, and you have insufficient cards of the type required to do so, you must reveal your hand.  For example, if a card requires you to underdeck 2 good cards from hand, and you can underdeck none or 1 only, you must reveal your hand to show that you cannot complete the action required.

You may fail searches
8. If you use a search, even if it is a required search, you may always choose to 'fail' that search and not find a target, even if one exists.  If you choose to search a deck, or the search of deck is required, the deck must still be shuffled.

Harm and Negative Effect are the same, and are defined more clearly
9. Both Harm and Negative Effect refer to being targeted by a card of opposite alignment (good by evil, evil by good) or by any neutral card an opponent controls.

If the 'new' ability to be done by Instead is prevented or cannot be completed entirely, the 'original' ability remains
10. An instead ability replaces a completed action or ability with another effect.  If this new effect is prevented, or cannot otherwise be completed in its entirety, then the original effect is still applied because the other effect did not happen 'instead'.

Offline Redoubter

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Re: New Rulings for the 2015-2016 Redemption Season
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2015, 07:39:07 PM »
Place targets both cards
11. A "place" ability now targets both the card to be placed and the underlying card.

"While in play" abilities can be negated phase-by-phase
12. As with "place" abilities, the activation of a "while in play" ability on a character that enters battle, such as Simon the Zealot, completes in that phase.  In future phases, that component cannot be interrupted.  However, the ongoing effect tied to the "while in play" can be negated on a phase-by-phase basis.

Clarification on Prevent: Instant abilities cannot activate later, Ongoing can
13. If an instant ability is prevented, it cannot later activate if the prevention is negated.  Ongoing abilities will activate if the ability preventing them is negated.

Clarification on Ongoing Activated and Triggered Abilities: Mandatory persist until end of phase, Optional cannot be activated if the card leaves the table
14. Abilities that require an activation or are optional triggers cannot activate if the card is no longer on the table to be activated (such as if it is discarded).  Mandatory triggers persist until end of phase, even if the card is removed from the table (such as by being discarded).

Introduction of Modifiers: Cannot be Prevented/Interrupted/Negated, Instead, and Regardless
15. Cannot be Prevented, Cannot be Interrupted, Cannot be Negated, Instead, and Regardless are all now "modifiers" that alter how other abilities work.  They are not themselves abilities, but are defined in relation to how they affect other abilities.  The granting of a modifier to another card can still be prevented/negated in certain cases, and is defined further in the entries for those modifiers.

More identifiers that do not convert
16. Heretic, magician, and prophet on Evil Characters do not convert  when they become a Hero.  Angel on Heroes becomes demon when they convert to an Evil Character.  Missionary on Heroes does not convert when they become an Evil Character.

Exchanging an enhancement to battle does not, by default, let you add it to hand
17. You may no longer by default add an enhancement to hand if you exchange it to battle.  If the card does not allow it, it may not go to hand.  The enhancement that is targeted must be able to be played in battle, as per the default conditions of playing enhancements (that is, it must be able to be played on a character in that side of the battle).  This rule change only affects Great Faith (Wo).

Taunt no longer has restrictions based on Lost Souls on the table
18. The existing rule that you could only taunt if your opponent has no Lost Souls on the table has been removed.  In place of your normal Battle Challenge or Rescue Attempt on your turn, you may initiate a "taunt battle challenge" with a character that has the "taunt" identifier.

"Idol" is now expanded in definition
19. "Depicting an Idol" now means that it has a statue or physical representation of a false god or a being found in a false religion.

Musicians are now "cards involving music"
20. Any card representing a character that is identified as a musician now "involves music" for the purposes of targeting by special abilities.

Offline Redoubter

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Re: New Rulings for the 2015-2016 Redemption Season
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2015, 07:39:22 PM »
Musician listing has changed
21.  The list of musicians was revisited, along with evidence that was put forth for various characters being included with the identifier.  Based on the Redemption definition and research, the following characters (and only these characters of those for whom a card has been printed) have been added to the list where they were previously excluded: Habakkuk and Isaiah.

All emperors are kings
22.  As emperors are 'kings over kings', any character identified as an emperor is identified as a king as well.  This was the rule previously (and was announced again at Nationals), but is now codified.

Some Greeks removed from the listings
23. The following characters have been removed from the list of Greeks: Demetrius, Epaphroditus, Euodia, Silas, Simon of Cyrene, Syntyche.

Some Syrians removed from the listings
24. The following characters have been removed from the list of Syrians: Asher, Dan, Joseph, Judah, Levi, Reuben, Simeon, Zebulun.


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Re: New Rulings for the 2015-2016 Redemption Season - CHANGES!
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2015, 09:15:25 PM »
Not sure if this is the correct place to post this, so feel free to split it off if you'd like it somewhere else.

#10: So this reverses the previous ruling that The god of This World can instead AUtO even while prevented/negated, correct?

Offline Redoubter

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Re: New Rulings for the 2015-2016 Redemption Season - CHANGES!
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2015, 09:28:27 PM »
Not sure if this is the correct place to post this, so feel free to split it off if you'd like it somewhere else.

#10: So this reverses the previous ruling that The god of This World can instead AUtO even while prevented/negated, correct?

Correct.  We had determined at the time of the ruling that it was correct per the rules we had.  After further discussions, and a lot of the changes you see in the new REG, this was changed to the rule we have now.

If anyone has a question on a particular question, please feel free to post it here or in a new thread, whichever you prefer :D

If it starts a more lengthy debate or needs more of a response, the mods will split it out so that it gets the attention that it needs :)

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Re: New Rulings for the 2015-2016 Redemption Season - CHANGES!
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2015, 10:32:59 PM »
Not sure #3 will help the Protection/Immune issue, but I think many of these were needed and I'm glad they could be made, thank you all!
Just one more thing...

Offline wyatt_marcum

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Re: New Rulings for the 2015-2016 Redemption Season - CHANGES!
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2015, 05:58:13 AM »
So does Isaiah's call involve music? might be a stupid question, but just checking.

Offline Redoubter

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Re: New Rulings for the 2015-2016 Redemption Season - CHANGES!
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2015, 07:01:32 AM »
So does Isaiah's call involve music? might be a stupid question, but just checking.

Not a stupid question :)  Isaiah is a musician, but not all cards with an Isaiah reference will be 'involving music' as a result.  The call of Isaiah refers to a spoken conversation Isaiah had during his vision, and is not part of any music, so Isaiah's Call is not involving music.

Offline bmc25

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Re: New Rulings for the 2015-2016 Redemption Season - CHANGES!
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2015, 08:56:36 AM »
A couple of questions because I am not up to date on Redemption Lingo.

First Question: I’m having trouble understanding the update on ignore. Could you please provide a couple of practical example with something like: TGT and Watchful servant?

For Watchful Servant:
Condition: They have 0 cards in their deck. I attack with Watchful servant…they have an Evil Character in their hand.
The way I’m reading this is that the evil character that would normally not be able to enter battle, can now enter battle and then they just get ignored anyway?

For TGT:
They have 1 grey evil character in their territory and 1 in their hand.  I have TGT and Attack with Peter. They can now block with the grey evil character in their hand because it gives them two in play?

Second Question: how does this new rule “By default, cards from a deck are top/underdecked in the same order” affect Wandering Spirit?

Scenario: I block with Wandering Spirit banded to Messenger of Satan. I lose the battle, can I still choose to put Wandering Spirit on the bottom of my deck?
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Re: New Rulings for the 2015-2016 Redemption Season - CHANGES!
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2015, 09:31:17 AM »
Great work guys, thanks for clearing up a lot of the nuances!

Offline kram1138

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Re: New Rulings for the 2015-2016 Redemption Season - CHANGES!
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2015, 10:47:25 AM »
For Watchful Servant:
Condition: They have 0 cards in their deck. I attack with Watchful servant…they have an Evil Character in their hand.
The way I’m reading this is that the evil character that would normally not be able to enter battle, can now enter battle and then they just get ignored anyway?

For TGT:
They have 1 grey evil character in their territory and 1 in their hand.  I have TGT and Attack with Peter. They can now block with the grey evil character in their hand because it gives them two in play?

Both are the same scenario. Since the EC in your hand is not in play, it is not being ignored, and you can block with it. For watchful servant, once you block, the character is then in play, and is then being ignored. For TGT, there are now two evil characters with that brigade in play and it is not being ignored.

Not sure about the other question

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Re: New Rulings for the 2015-2016 Redemption Season - CHANGES!
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2015, 11:52:04 AM »
The only cards that the new Topdeck/Underdeck rule affects are cards like Gideons Call, Fishers of Men, Fortress of Antonia, Revealed Lost Soul, etc. Essentially, unless a card specifies that you Topdeck/Underdeck the cards in any order (like with the old Kings card, Strength Revealed) then when they come from the deck, they go back to the deck in the same order.

Last season, some popular plays were to use the cards I mentioned above to "stack" yours or your opponents deck, so that you knew which cards were on the top or bottom for future purposes. We decided that this was an effect not intended by any of those cards, and it was too easily abused when so many cards were revealed. Thus to make the cards less abusive, and to make other cards that do specify you choose the order have a purpose for that wording, we decided to make the default.

In regard to your specific question, this rule only applies to cards that come from a deck. If multiple cards are topdecked/underdecked from any other location and the order is not specified, the player who used the ability chooses the order. So in your Wandering/Messenger example, you could put either demon on bottom.
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Re: New Rulings for the 2015-2016 Redemption Season - CHANGES!
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2015, 01:30:15 PM »
Yeah that was what I was most bummed about, fortress of Antonia not being able to stack cards. I had most of a deck modeled after that!

Offline wyatt_marcum

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Re: New Rulings for the 2015-2016 Redemption Season - CHANGES!
« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2015, 05:29:46 PM »
just two questions

Harm and Negative Effect are the same, and are defined more clearly
9. Both Harm and Negative Effect refer to being targeted by a card of opposite alignment (good by evil, evil by good) or by any neutral card an opponent controls.

does this mean that Samson's sacrifice does not cause harm or negative effect?

quote author=Redoubter link=topic=36320.msg547285#msg547285 date=1439336347]
Place targets both cards
11. A "place" ability now targets both the card to be placed and the underlying card.
Underlying card would mean, if you top decked a card it is targeting the card being placed, and the top card of deck. is that right?

Offline Redoubter

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Re: New Rulings for the 2015-2016 Redemption Season - CHANGES!
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2015, 05:58:34 PM »
Harm and Negative Effect are the same, and are defined more clearly
9. Both Harm and Negative Effect refer to being targeted by a card of opposite alignment (good by evil, evil by good) or by any neutral card an opponent controls.
does this mean that Samson's sacrifice does not cause harm or negative effect?

To the evil stuff targeted, it is harm or negative effect.  To the hero(es) in battle, it is not harm or negative effect.

Place targets both cards
11. A "place" ability now targets both the card to be placed and the underlying card.
Underlying card would mean, if you top decked a card it is targeting the card being placed, and the top card of deck. is that right?

Topdeck is not a Place ability, so no.

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Re: New Rulings for the 2015-2016 Redemption Season - CHANGES!
« Reply #16 on: September 12, 2015, 06:02:09 PM »
To expand on Redoubter's second point a bit, "Place/Put on/under deck/draw pile" are topdeck/underdeck abilities, per the REG, and the targeting only applies to "place" abilities.


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