Author Topic: New REG Publication Process - PLEASE READ!  (Read 3704 times)

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New REG Publication Process - PLEASE READ!
« on: August 11, 2015, 07:37:01 PM »
With the release of REG 3.0.0 (version chosen to avoid confusion with a previous REG 2.0 project), the Leadership of Redemption is also announcing a new process that will keep the REG updated.

Each year, 2 weeks after Nationals, the REG will be updated with a new publication (which will increment the first number of the version, so the post-2016 Nats version will be 4.0.0).  This will update the rules with rule changes that were made during the tournament season, update the identifier lists with the new card set, and release the rule changes that are intended for after the National tournament.

During the year, there will be at least 2 'scheduled' updates.  Currently, the schedule is for a new publication on December 1 (after additional post-Nationals discussions take place) and March 1 (before the major tournaments begin), though the final schedule is still being determined.  Additional publications will be made as necessary, though a majority of the changes will simply be codified in these scheduled updates.  At those times, the version will be updated based on what was changed; if there were any 'overhauls' or rulings that changed as a result, the second digit will increment (so it would be 3.1.0, for example).  If there are only wording changes, typo fixes, structural changes, or organizational overhauls (where no rule has been actually changed), the third digit will increment (such as 3.0.1).

With each release, there will also be a Change Log posted, so that all can see where the additions, deletions, and alterations occurred.  For the changes from REG 1.0.2 to 3.0.0, or future logs, see this thread

Between each update, a thread for community feedback will be open, which will be reviewed each time the REG is to be published to determine if any of the comments warrant a change.  You can find the current feedback thread here.

If you have any comments or suggestions on the process itself, please feel free to post here, and thank you everyone who contributed to or reviewed this project!


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