ModeratorAggie was kind enough to answer a question of mine that managed togo to him personally rather than to the board, so I hope this time I get the destination right. I understand that The Tabernacle can accomadate one Artifact, but a couple of cards seem to imply that several of those buggers will fit in there. Eleazar Son of Aaron allows "you may activate a DIFFERENT artifact in your Tabernacle". How can I get another one in the Tabernacle when the note on Tabernacle states that I can only have one in there? I'm told I can remove the active artifact from the tabernacle in the preparation Phase--can I also load one or more non-active ones into it? Another card, Ithanna, Son of Aaron lets one "search ...for The Tabernacle and put it in play." AND "you may activate AN artifact on the Tabernacle." The use of the article "an" makes me think I have a choice, which again leads me to think I can somehow get more than one artifact in my Tabernacle. I have chalked this up to the thousands of cards in the game, and maybe some of them allow the Tabernacle to house multiple artifacts, but if true, I'd like to get a list of these cards. And if NOT true, I'm just confused and am asking for help in understanding the Tabernacle fortress. Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.