Author Topic: Your Turn Games Official Price Guide  (Read 1509 times)

Offline Watchman

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Your Turn Games Official Price Guide
« on: June 22, 2017, 05:20:00 PM »
I'm excited to announce that Your Turn Games now has its own price guide for single Redemption cards!  This is a work in progress so all of the prices are currently not available but they are forthcoming; only the Revelation of John prices are available.  I will be using the thread for now to post the prices, but they will also be available on my business Facebook page until my website is ready to launch.

Any cards that receive a price change will be bolded.

Thank you for your continued support and business!

« Last Edit: July 03, 2017, 12:45:58 PM by Watchman492 »
Overcome satan by the blood of the Lamb, your testimony, and don't love your life to the death!

Offline Watchman

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Revelation of John prices pt. 1
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2017, 05:20:27 PM »
Revelation of John Price List

C=Common, R=Rare, UR=Ultra Rare

1.   Three Woes (UR) - $90.00 Updated: 07/03/17
2.   Guardian of your Souls (R) - $5.50
3.   Ark of the Covenant (R) - $4.50
4.   The Book of Life (R) - $3.75
5.   The Golden Altar (C) - $1.00
6.   Golden Censer (R) - $4.50
7.   The Great White Throne (C) - $1.00
8.   Image of the Beast (R) - $4.50
9.   The Sea of Glass (C) - $1.00
10. Seven Lamps of Fire (C) - $1.00
11. The Seven Trumpets (C) - $1.00
12. Covenant of Prayer (R) - $8.50 Updated: 07/03/17
13. Seventh Seal (C) - $1.00
14. Mark of the Beast (C) - $1.00
15. Heavenly Temple (R) - $3.75
16. Twelve Gates (C) - $1.00
17. New Jerusalem / Bride of Christ (R) - $4.75
18. The Ends of the Earth (R) - $5.00
19. Babylon / The Harlot (R) - $3.75
20. Patmos (C) - $1.00
21. Lost Soul - Darkness (Job 30:26) (C) - $3.50
22. Lost Soul - Humble (James 4:6/Proverbs 3:34) (R) - $5.75
23. Lost Soul - Imitate (III John 1:11) (R) - $9.00
24. Lost Soul - Gain (Jude 1:6) (C) - $1.50
25. Behemoth (R) - $4.75
26. First Seal / Conquer (C) - $1.00
27. Second Seal / War (C) - $1.00
28. Third Seal / Famine (C) - $1.00
29. Fourth Seal / Death (C) - $1.00
30. Fifth Seal / Justice Seekers (C) - $1.00
31. Sixth Seal / Terror (C) - $1.00
32. First Bowl of Wrath (C) - $1.00
33. Second Bowl of Wrath (C) - $1.00
34. Third Bowl of Wrath (C) - $1.00
35. Fourth Bowl of Wrath (C) - $1.00
36. Fifth Bowl of Wrath (C) - $1.00
37. Sixth Bowl of Wrath (C) - $1.00
38. Seventh Bowl of Wrath (C) - $1.00
39. War in Heaven (R) - $3.75
40. Affliction of Job (C) - $1.00
41. Testing of Job (C) - $1.00
42. The Two Witnesses (R) - $3.75
43. Justin Martyr (C) - $1.25
44. John the Apocalyptist (C) - $1.75
45. John he Revelator (C) - $1.25
46. Priests of Christ (C) - $1.00
47. The Four Living Creatures (R) - $4.50
48. Antipas (C) - $1.00
49. Children of Light (C) - $1.00
50. Faithful Witness (C) - $1.25
51. Polycarp (C) - $1.00
52. Every Tribe (R) - $3.75
53. Great Multitude (R) - $3.75
54. Not Alone (R) - $3.75
55. Sow, Reap, and Rejoice (C) - $1.00
56. Lamb's Righteousness (C) - $1.00
57. Blood of the Lamb (C) - $1.50
58. Overcome! (C) - $2.25
59. Vengeance of Eternal Fire (C) - $1.75
60. Day of Fury (R) - $3.75
61. Disciples of the Lamb (C) - $.75
62. Resurrection of Martyrs (C) - $1.00
63. The Song of Moses (C) - $1.00
64. Unthwarted (R) - $3.50
65. Greeting (C) - $1.00
66. The Nobleman (C) - $1.00
67. The Angelic Army (R) - $3.75
68. The Strong Angel (R) - $4.50
69. Michael, the Archangel (UR) - $35.00
70. The Blinding Angel (C) - $1.00
71. The Angel of Might (C) - $1.00
72. Angel from the Altar (C) - $1.00
73. Seven Trumpet Sounders (C) - $1.00
74. The Guiding Angel (R) - $3.50
75. Angels of Wrath (C) - $1.00
76. Servant Angel (C) - $1.00
77. Angel from the Sun (C) - $1.00
78. One of Seven (C) - $1.00
79. Angel of Revelation (C) - $1.00
80. Angelic Warrior (C) - $1.00
81. Michael's Sword (R) - $3.50
82. Trumpet Judgments (C) - $1.00
83. Everlasting Beings (C) - $1.00
84. The Twenty-Four Elders (R) - $3.75
85. The Woman with Child (C) - $2.50
86. Kings of the Earth (R) - $3.75
87. Diotrephres (C) - $1.00
88. The False Prophet (R) - $3.75
89. Outsiders (Black/Gold) (C) - $1.50
90. Outsiders (Brown/Crimson) (C) - $1.00
91. Outsiders (Gray/Pale Green) (C) - $1.00
« Last Edit: July 11, 2017, 07:28:26 PM by Watchman492 »
Overcome satan by the blood of the Lamb, your testimony, and don't love your life to the death!

Offline Watchman

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Revelation of John prices pt. 2
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2017, 05:21:07 PM »
Revelation of John Price List (continued):

C=Common, R=Rare, UR=Ultra Rare

92. Four Horsemen (R) - $3.50
93. Plot to Kill (C) - $1.25
94. Dragon's Wrath (R) - $4.50
95. Balaam's Teaching (C) - $1.00
96. Fire from Heaven (R) - $3.75
97. Jezebel's Teaching (C) - $1.00
98. Seize Him! (C) - $1.25
99. Fires of Abaddon (C) - $1.00
100. Nicolatian's Teaching (R) - $3.50
101. Slayer's Glee (C) - $1.00
102. High Priest Ananias (R) - $3.75
103. The Chief Priests (C) - $1.00
104. Temple Guard (C) - $1.00
105. Zophar, the Naamathite (C) - $1.00
106. Bildad, the Shuhite (C) - $1.00
107. Eliphaz, the Temanite (C) - $1.00
108. Job's Wife (R) - $4.00
109. Foolish Advice (C) - $1.00
110. Wild Dogs (C) - $1.00
111. Devouring Birds (C) - $1.00
112. Merchants of the Earth (C) - $1.00
113. Emperor Domitian (C) - $1.00
114. The Plotting Pharisees (C) - $1.00
115. Red Dragon (UR) - $35.00
116. Abaddon the Destroyer (R) - $4.75
117. Beast from the Sea (C) - $1.00
118. The Haunting Spirits (C) - $1.00
119. Locust from the Pit (C) - $1.00
120. Frog Demons (C) - $1.00
121. The Deceiver (R) - $9.75 Updated: 07/03/17
122. Beast from the Earth (C) - $1.00
123. Dragon's Minions (C) - $1.00
124. Words of the Accuser (C) - $1.00
125. Blasphemies (R) - $4.00
126. Tribulation (C) - $1.00
127. Sword of Death (C) - $1.00
128. Imitating Evil (C) - $1.00
129. Sorcerers (C) - $1.00
« Last Edit: July 11, 2017, 07:28:12 PM by Watchman492 »
Overcome satan by the blood of the Lamb, your testimony, and don't love your life to the death!

Offline Watchman

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Re: Your Turn Games Official Price Guide
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2017, 07:23:31 PM »
Cloud of Witnesses

Card Number  Card Name  Rarity   Value

3     Aaron's Staff (R) - $3.00
40   Abel (C) - $1.00
66   Abraham (R) - $3.50
105 Army of Jericho (C) - $.75
83   Barak (C) - $.75
112 Bear (C) - $1.00
11   Broken Covenant (UR) - $27.50
124 Cain (R) - $3.00
128 Cain Murders Abel (C) - $1.00
110 Casting Stones (C) - $.75
12   Cloud of Witnesses (R) - $3.50
13   Coliseum (R) - $9.00
93   Coliseum Lion (C) - $1.00
100 Confusion (R) - $6.75
129 Continuous Evil (C) - $1.00
125 Corrupt People (C) - $1.00
36   Daniel (C) - $1.25
38   David the Psalmist (C) - $1.50
33   David the Shepherd (C) - $3.50
113 Deceitful Sin (C) - $1.25
91   Doeg (C) - $1.25
85   Dutiful Priest (C) - $1.00
119 Egyptian Treasures (C) - $1.00
34  Enoch (R) - $4.50
78  Entertaining Angels (C) - $1.00
7    Eternal Covenant (C) - $2.50
77  Eternal Inheritance (UR) - $28.00
95  Every Man's Sword (R) - $6.00
118 Evicted (C) - $1.00
74  Faith Among Corruption (C) - $1.25
58  Faith of Abel (C) - $1.50
61  Faith of Abraham (C) - $1.00
50  Faith of Barak (C) - $1.75
55  Faith of Daniel (R) - $3.00
62  Faith of David (C) - $1.00
63  Faith of Enoch (C) - $1.00
56  Faith of Gideon (C) - $1.25
53  Faith of Isaac (R) - $3.50
64  Faith of Jacob (C) - $1.00
49  Faith of Jephthah (C) - $.75
65  Faith of Joseph (C) - $1.00
47  Faith of Joshua (C) - $1.00
57  Faith of Moses (C) - $1.25
54  Faith of Moses' Parents (C) - $1.50
60  Faith of Noah (R) - $3.25
52  Faith of Rahab (C) - $1.00
48  Faith of Samson (C) - $1.75
51   Faith of Samuel (C) - $1.75
59  Faith of Sarah (C) - $1.00
« Last Edit: August 23, 2017, 06:01:39 PM by Watchman492 »
Overcome satan by the blood of the Lamb, your testimony, and don't love your life to the death!

Offline Watchman

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Re: Your Turn Games Official Price Guide
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2017, 07:26:36 PM »
Cloud of Witnesses (continued)

Card Number  Card Name  Card Rarity  Value

2    Falling Away (R) - $9.50
25  Firefoxes (R) - $3.75
99  Foreign Exile (C) - $1.00
81  Gideon (C) - $1.25
86  Gifts and Offerings (C) - $1.25
109 Give us a King! (C) - $1.00
72   Ham (C) - $1.00
88   Hate Wickedness - $1.25
10   Honey from a Lion (C) - $1.00
70   Isaac (C) - $1.00
37   Jacob (Israel) (C) - $1.50
69  Japheth (C) - $1.00
80  Jephthah (C) - $.75
14  Jericho (C) - $1.25
23  Joab (C) - $1.00
43  Joseph (C) - $1.00
31  Joshua, Son of Nun (R) - $9.50
104 King Achish (C) - $1.25
24  King Saul (C) - $2.00
26  King Saul's Spear (C) - $1.00
29  Kinsmen's Agreement (R) - $4.00
4    Letter to the Hebrews (C) - $1.00
94  Lions (R) - $6.00
21   Lost Soul "Destruction" (Hebrews 10:39) (C) - $1.50
19   Lost Soul "Dull" (Hebrews 5:11) (R) - $20.00
20  Lost Soul "Forsaken" (Hebrews 10:25) (R) - $12.50
22  Lost Soul "Lawless" (Hebrews 12:8) (C) - $7.50
18  Lost Soul "Open Hand" (Hebrews 4:13) (C) - $2.00
17  Lost Soul "Slaves" (Hebrews 2:15) (C) - $1.75
96  Love of Money (C) - $1.00
89  Love Righteousness (C) - $1.00
92  Medium in Endor (C) - $1.50
41  Melchizedek (R) - $5.00
108 Michal (C) - $1.00
98  Mimicking Miracles (C) - $1.00
32  Moses (R) - $8.25
87  Moses' Parents (C) - $1.00
90  Nimrod the Mighty (R) - $6.50
117 No Straw! (C) - $1.00
35  Noah (R) - $4.50
71  Noah's Wife (C) - $1.25
101 Paying Taxes (R) - $5.00
5    Pitch and Gopher Wood (C) - $1.00
111 Provoked (C) - $1.25
39  Rahab (C) - $1.00
45  Reverence and Awe (R) - $3.25
16  Salem (C) - $.75
79  Samson, the Nazarite (C) - $1.00
42  Samuel (C) - $1.25
68  Sarah (C) - $1.00
67  Shem (C) - $1.00
107 Shimei (R) - $3.00
82  Sins Forgotten (C) - $1.00
103 Sisera's Army (C) - $1.00
106 Sisera's Oppression (C) - $.75
122 Soldiers of Zobah (C) - $1.00
44  Sword of the Spirit (R) - $5.50
120 Syrian Mercenaries (C) - $1.00
84  The Angel of the Winds (R) - $12.00
116 The Deceived Pharaoh (C) - $1.00
73  The Dove Returns (C) - $1.00
75  The Faithful Leaders (C) - $1.00
30  The Flood (R) - $3.00
115 The Hard-Hearted Pharaoh (R) - $3.00
114 The Murdering Pharaoh (C) - $1.00
1     The Second Coming (UR) - $120.00
121 The Syrian Reinforcements (R) - $3.00
15  The Throne of Grace (C) - $1.00
76  The Watchful Leaders (C) - $1.50
9    Thorns and Thistles (R) - $4.25
97  Thrown to the Beasts (C) - $1.00
27  "Today" (C) - $1.00
102 Treasures of War (R) - $5.00
123 Violent Men (C) - $1.00
28  Warning Against Rebellion (C) - $1.00
126 Wicked People (C) - $1.00
127 Wickedness Abounds (R) - $3.00
6    Wool Fleece (R) - $3.00
46  Word of their Testimony (R) - $6.50
8    You Will Remain (R) - $9.25
« Last Edit: August 28, 2017, 01:32:55 PM by Watchman492 »
Overcome satan by the blood of the Lamb, your testimony, and don't love your life to the death!


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