Author Topic: WoW, Xbox, And Redemption = D  (Read 943 times)

Offline cooldudejsw

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WoW, Xbox, And Redemption = D
« on: September 09, 2012, 03:55:29 AM »
Ok soooo i play World of Watcraft....i would like to propose a trade to anyone else that plays...i will trade some of y redemption cards, for either A) WoW trading card game in game cards (like the ones with the codes to type in game to unlock stuff) or B) if u happen to be on my server: Lightbringer, then gold. Sooo i dont know if there is anyone that fits under these categories but just throwing that out there. Also, if anyone has an xbox 360 modded controller, xbox live points, xbox live month cards, wow prepaid cards, or wow promo codes that work, i would possibly trade for those also. (also possibly if anyone has MW3, or Black Opsfor xbox 360 i might trade for those as well) and as always, money!!! So if you have any of those up for trade, let me know! I have Falling away, i think a NJ dominant, warriors harvest time, angel wars michael, warriors captain of the host, warriors moses, etc that i would be willing to trade...also, send me a pm with what you would have for trade and what you would want in return...
Thanks and have a nice day :)
Corona, California. Message me if you are nearby and want to play Redemption!


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