Author Topic: Utah Salt Lake City Playgroup  (Read 964 times)

Offline PapaSmurf

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Utah Salt Lake City Playgroup
« on: July 02, 2017, 07:48:12 AM »
Its finally time! Im sorry its been a while sense I have been in the loop of the game after leaving the Oakdale group in Jackson Kentucky. Wyatt Marcum just moved here and we are looking into starting the very first Utah playgroup, atleast that is what I have been told lol.
If there is anybody who is looking to get rid of any cards, packs, or anything to help a new play group. Please get ahold of me at the email I will put down below. Also willing to put up a trade for some good stuff if that is also something to talk about.
God bless, and its good to be back   8) 8) 8)


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