I have many good cards to trade. I will be updating periodically.
Lost Souls card (2 or 3 liner is fine) Pending
Hopper Pending
Anti-Burial Pending
Grapes of Wrath
Captured Ark
King David
Authority of Christ
I need more but also need to complete my inventory and will update as I do.
Haves (I need to look and see my other haves that I can trade away)
Ultra Rares
Battering Ram x3
Leviathan x1
Siegeworks x4
Moses and Elders x4
Angry Mob x3
Satan's Folly x3
Crucify Him x1
Saul/Paul x2
Pierced Heart x1
Doubt x2
Image of Jealousy x1
Wandering Spirit x1
Mayhem Pending